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hysical force, but by the power of established interests, usages, and religion, and in some measure on sufferance, at the will of the maritime powers which aspired to the dominion of the seas. Great Britain, moreover, remained in possession of Gibraltar, her strongest fortress, the key to the Mediterranean. By insisting on the cession of the Spanish Netherlands to Austria, England lost its only hold on Spain; and by taking Gibraltar, it made Spain its implacable enemy. Again: by the peace Gibraltar, it made Spain its implacable enemy. Again: by the peace of Utrecht, Belgium was compelled to forego the advantages with which she had been endowed by the God of nature; to gratify commercial jealousy, Antwerp was denied the use of the deep waters that flowed by her walls; and afterwards the Austrian efforts at trade with the East Indies were suffocated in their infancy. This policy was an open violation of international justice,—a fraud upon humanity,—a restriction, by covenant, of national industry and prosperity. It was a pledge that Belgium wou