The South.
As announced by telegraph, the Legislature of South Carolina has adjourned, after passing a bill authorizing the Banks of that State to suspend specie payment, and calling a State Convention on the 17th of December. In Charleston, Monday night, a large secession meeting was held, at which resolutions were adopted pledging the participators to place the State, "at the earliest practicable moment, in a position of political independence of the present Federal Government." A testimonial is being prepared by the ladies of South Carolina to be presented to Hon. Caleb Cushing, of Mass. The Charleston First Regiment of Artillery has tendered its services to the Governor. "Old Abe" was burnt in effigy at Arken, S. C., on the night of the 9th inst. A correspondent of the Charleston Courier says: ‘ Last night our citizens turned out en masse to celebrate the event by a torchlight procession; the torches being of native pine, made a handsome appearance. All the residences along the line were filled with the fair sex, who sanctioned the proceedings by the waving of handkerchiefs, &c. Midway in the procession, between the two lines, was the effigy of Abe Lincoln, with the following placard suspended in the right hand: "Abe Lincoln, First President Northern Confederacy." The effigy was ridden on a rail, and carried by two negroes. After marching through the principal streets, the effigy was taken to a scaffold and hung by the negroes in charge of the same; the fire being applied, it was speedily consumed amid the cheers of the multitude. ’ A very large meeting took place in New Orleans on Saturday night, at which nearly 3,000 " Minute Men" were enrolled. Resolutions were adopted calling on the Governor of Louisiana to convene the Legislature. The "pledge" of the "Minute Men" is as follows: ‘ Whereas, It is certain that an Abolition candidate will be elected to the Chief Magistracy of the Union, upon the avowed and undisguised declaration on his part and on the part of his supporters, that the common Government shall be administered for the destruction of the rights and equality of the Southern States in the Union; and whereas we recognize the right of any sovereign State to withdraw from the partnership of States, whenever, in her sovereign capacity, she may determine that the objects of the Confederacy have been perverted, or not carried out in good faith: Therefore. ’ Resolved, That we, the citizens of Louisiana, acknowledge our allegiance to our State to be paramount to our allegiance to the Federal Government; and that, whereas Abraham Lincoln has been elected President, we most "solemnly pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honors," to maintain, at all hazards and to the last extremity, any course she may adopt for self defence against the Federal Power. Resolved, That if any Southern State determine to secede from the Union, we will, by all means in our power, assist her in her resistance against any effort on the part of a Black Republican Administration to coerce her back into the Confederacy. Resolved, That it is the sacred duty of Southern men, in the present alarming crisis, to forget past political differences, and to unite together as brethren of one household, in determined opposition to the policy of the Black Republican party. For the accomplishment of the purposes above set forth, we hereby pledge ourselves, and cordially invite men of all parties to join us, who prefer independence out of the Union to dependence, degradation and oppression within it. Judge Cotton said he was glad to see the citizens representing all parties zealous in the cause of Southern rights. If you submit to the inauguration of Abe Lincoln, you deserve to be slaves. You must not wait for an overt act. The overt act has been committed. He would submit to no Lincoln office-holders in the city of New Orleans. We have no party differences — let us be united, and let us inquire into who are in our midst and where they came from. Undoubtedly there were enemies in our midst — we should see to them. Mr. St. Paul spoke in great earnestness, and said that his rifle company, First Chasseurs a Fled, had tendered their services to the Governor of the State. It was a company composed of young men — but they were willing to shed their blood for their country. (Cheers for several minutes.) J. M. Bonner said this occasion was one of the proudest in his life — to be called on to speak in the cause of the South. He had been a Douglas man, but when the news came from Pennsylvania and Indiana he became a Southern man, and was no longer a party man.--This was the time for all men to come forward and enroll themselves in the cause of the South. The Lieut. Walker, of the Army, whose resignation at Augusta was bruited abroad, is in business there, and has not been in active service for several years. The importance which attached to the fact, therefore, was sensational. The Charlestown (Va.) Democrat (the town where John Brown was hung,) comes to us with its columns in mourning for the result of the election. Of Virginia's position it says: ‘ If we submit, our position in future in this Confederacy is in effect that of mere provinces having no voice in the government; mere colonies, governed, too, by our bitterest enemies. If we submit, we are in no respect in a better condition than a conquered people.--But we will never submit to be so governed — never, never! We must and will assert independence. Virginia will never submit to be thus reduced to subjection without even an effort to preserve her liberties. She will enter into a new Confederacy in which her rights will be respected and her voice heard. We will, to the utmost of our ability, sustain our beloved State in assuming this independent position, and in pursuing the only honorable and safe course left her. ’
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