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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 14: Sherman's campaign in Georgia. (search)
ses lost Mountain; and on the extreme right, the higher elevation, seen beyond the two large stones in the foreground, is Pine Mountain or Knob, on which General Polk was killed. A little to the left of lost Mountain was New hope Church. Lost Mountain, and the long line of works connecting it with Kenesaw. Sherman continued to press them heavily at all points, skirmishing in dense forests that were furrowed by ravines and tangled with vines, and compelling Operations in Tennessee, Geor more and more manifest and manifold in features. After passing Ackworth and approaching Big Shanty, in the vicinity of Kenesaw, the country seemed t# be overspread with a net-work of intrenchments. These stretched, away from the railway to Lost Mountain (which, with Pine Knob, on which Polk was killed, arose on our right), around to New Hope and Dallas, and became lodes of lead, placed there by the muskets of the belligerents in the terrible fights in which they were engaged. in that region
The next morning, I telegraphed to General Bragg as follows: (no. 33.] October 2d. To-night my right will be at Powder Springs, with my left on Lost Mountain. This will, I think, force Sherman to move on us or to move south. Should he move towards Augusta, all available troops should be sent there with an able off. See Official Report, Appendix, page 326. The main body of the Army in the meantime moved forward, and bivouacked near Carley's house, within four miles of Lost Mountain. On the 4th, General Stewart captured, after a slight resistance, about one hundred and seventy prisoners, at Big Shanty, and, at 9.30 a. m., the garrison aan afterthought. On the 6th, the Army reached Dallas; our right rested at New Hope Church, where intelligence was received that the enemy was advancing from Lost Mountain. From Dallas we marched to Coosaville, ten miles southwest of Rome, via Van Wert, Cedartown, and Cave Spring. At the latter place Major General Wheeler, wit
ad. These operations caused the enemy to move his Army, except one corps, from Atlanta to Marietta, threatening an advance in the direction of our position at Lost Mountain; but not deeming our Army in condition for a general engagement I withdrew it, on the 6th of October, to the westward, continuing to march daily, and crossed tons were freely expressed to the Commanding General. My corps crossed the Chattahoochee river on September 29th, and on October 3d, 1864, took position near Lost Mountain to cover the movements of Stewart's Corps on the railroad at Big Shanty and Allatoona. On October 6th I left my position near Lost Mountain, marching via DallLost Mountain, marching via Dallas and Cedar Town, crossing the Coosa river at Coosaville, October 10th, and moved on Resaca, partially investing the place by 4 p. m., on October 12th. The surrender of the place was demanded in a written communication, which was in my possession, signed by General Hood. The commanding officer refused to surrender, as he could h
them — it was said by Thomas's order — the first of which scattered the party to places of safety; but Polk soon tired of his, and, coming out to watch the firing, was struck in the side by a three-inch shot, which tore him to pieces. He neither spoke nor breathed thereafter. Pushing forward wherever the rugged nature of the ground would permit, with frequent assaults and constant battering and picket-firing, Sherman compelled the enemy to abandon Pine mountain, June 15. and then Lost mountain, June 17. with the long line of strong breastworks connecting the latter with Kenesaw. Meantime, rain fell almost incessantly; the narrow mountain roads were rocky gullies; and the Rebel batteries on Kenesaw belched iron constantly at our lines — the balls generally passing harmlessly over the heads of our men, whom the enemy's guns could not be depressed sufficiently to reach. It being evident that we were steadily though slowly gaining ground, especially on our right, a sally an<
also, at Missionary Ridge; Rocky Face Ridge; Cassville; Lost Mountain; Sherman's March; The Carolinas; Averasboro. notes.-. W. battles. K. & M. W. Chancellorsville, Va. 38 Lost Mountain, Ga. 3 Gettysburg, Pa. 12 Pine Knob, Ga. 7 Wauhatch6, 1862 1 Pine Mountain, Ga. 4 Winchester, Va. 12 Lost Mountain, Ga. 1 Cedar Mountain, Va. 55 Culp's Farm, Ga. 8 Ano, at Front Royal, Va.; Cassville, Ga., Dallas, Ga.; Lost Mountain, Ga.; Kenesaw, Ga. notes.--Silas Colgrove was the typialso, at Fort Henry, Tenn.; Siege of Corinth, Miss.; Lost Mountain, Ga.; Ogeechee, Ga.; Savannah, Ga.; Salkahatchie, S. C.; . K. & M. W. battles. K. & M. W. Shiloh, Tenn. 35 Lost Mountain, Ga. 2 Siege of Corinth, Miss. 2 Assault on Kenesaw, Gn 1 Present, also, at Liberty Gap; Pine Mountain; Lost Mountain; New Hope Church; Dallas; Marietta; Jonesboro; Lovejoy'allas, Ga., June 6, 1864 1 Cedar Mountain, Va. 26 Lost Mountain, Ga. 1 Antietam, Md. 41 Kenesaw, Ga. 2 Fairfax Stat
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 11 (search)
hment. The Confederate army then marched to a position selected beforehand, and carefully marked out by Colonel Prestman, the chief-engineer. Its left was on Lost Mountain, and its right, composed of cavalry, beyond the railroad and behind Noonday Creek. According to the report of the medical director of the army, the losses etta road. The cavalry of the Federal right was held in check by Jackson's division, aided by the line of intrenchments constructed by our infantry between Lost Mountain and Gilgal Church; but that of the left was very active and encountered ours daily, occasionally in large bodies. According to Major-General Wheeler's reportl's and French's along the crest of the short ridge --French's left reaching its southwestern base, and Hardee's from French's left almost due south across the Lost Mountain and Marietta road, to the brow of the high ground immediately north of the branch of Nose's Creek that runs from Marietta-Walker's division on the right, Bate
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Memoranda of the operations of my corps, while under the command of General J. E. Johnston, in the Dalton and Atlanta, and North Carolina campaigns. (search)
break their lines was gallantly repulsed. About ten o'clock at night, Brigadier-General Granberry, with his brigade of Texans, made a dashing charge on the enemy, driving them from the field, their killed and wounded being left in our hands. During this engagement two or three hundred prisoners were captured, all belonging to Howard's corps. After the engagement around New Hope Church nothing of very great importance transpired while occupying that line. The enemy changed position to Lost Mountain, my corps in the centre. Afterward I moved to the right near Kenesaw Mountain; subsequently changed position to the extreme left of the army. However, nothing of importance occurred on my line while in this position, save that, on the 22d of June, the divisions of Stevenson and Hindman attacked the enemy, driving him from two lines of works, and capturing some prisoners belonging to Schofield and Hooker. From here the army changed position to the vicinity of Nickagack Creek, my corps
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, Chapter 16: Atlanta campaign-battles about Kenesaw Mountain. June, 1864. (search)
e had a good view of the enemy's position, which embraced three prominent hills, known as Kenesaw, Pine Mountain, and Lost Mountain. On each of these hills the enemy had signal-stations and fresh lines of parapets. Ieavy masses of infantry could b below Kenesaw and facing Pine Hill; and Schofield, somewhat refused, was on the general right, looking south, toward Lost Mountain. On the 11th the Etowah bridge was done; the railroad was repaired up to our very skirmish-line, close to the base was found to be abandoned, and Johnston had contracted his front somewhat, on a direct line, connecting Kenesaw with Lost Mountain. Thomas and Schofield thereby gained about two miles of most difficult country, and McPherson's left lapped well aroent, the Fourteenth Alabama, three hundred and twenty strong. On the 16th the general movement was continued, when Lost Mountain was abandoned by the enemy. Our right naturally swung round, so as to threaten the railroad below Marietta, but John
amped on Cowan's Creek, and on the following day pushed on to Cave Spring. On the first of November, the command moved on parallel roads from Cave Spring to Cedar Town, and on the following day pushed forward in the same order, the Seventeenth corps reaching Van Wert, and the Fifteenth encamping a few mile south of Van Wert. The army continued its march, and on the night of the third, both corps encamped in the vicinity of Dallas. On the following day, the Seventeenth corps moved to Lost Mountain, while the Fifteenth proceeded in the direction of Powder Springs. The movement continued, and the whole command reached Smyrna camp-ground on the afternoon of the fifth, and went into position, facing westward, Seventeenth corps on the right, and Fifteenth corps on the left. I have omitted to mention the death of Brigadier-General T. E. G. Ransom, and will here introduce an order published to the troops, whilst the impression of his character was vivid and his loss peculiarly felt
ad bridge. Crossing the Chattahoochee River, bivouacked during the night half a mile from the river. October fourth, crossed the river and encamped upon the ground occupied by the enemy on the front of the Second division Fourteenth army corps, on the fourth of July last. October fifth, marched all day, and encamped near Marietta, Georgia. October sixth, marched to Jack's House, near Pine Mountain, and went into camp. October seventh, division made a reconnoissance two miles beyond Lost Mountain, in the direction of Dallas. October eighth, moved to a point near Ackworth, and remained in camp until five P. M., October tenth, when the division marched all night, passing over Allatoona Mountains, through Cartersville, at seven A. M., October eleventh, and halted for the night half a mile west of Kingston. October twelfth, marched to Rome at half-past 9 P. M. October thirteenth, started for Resaca, passing through Calhoun at three P. M. next day, and reaching Resaca the same eveni
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