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was made October 28, 1864. With a tug rigged with a torpedo spar, he ran the gantlet of the batteries and destroyed the ram, his own vessel being sunk in the encounter. The gallant commander and one seaman escaped. Lieutenant Cushing died December 24, 1874, aged 32. Ram-block. (Nautical.) A block without sheaves for the lanyards of the shrouds. See dead-eye. Ramed. (Shipbuilding.) Said of a ship on the stocks when the frames, stem, and stern-post are up and adjusted. Ram-head. (Nautical.) An old name for a halyard-block. Ram-line. (Nautical.) A line used in striking a straight middle line on a spar, being secured at one end and hauled taut at the other. Ram′mer. 1. (Fire-arms.) a. The rod by which the charge is forced home. See ramrod. b. A staff having a cylindrical or conoidal head attached, used in cannon for the same purpose. The rammer-head is made of beech, maple, or other hard wood not easily split, and is bored for about two