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ipped to-day, killing and wounding many, and taking many prisoners, after a severe and well-contested fight. General Grant will not be troubled with any further reinforcements to Lee from Beauregard's force. Benj. F. Butler, Major-General. [no. 39. see page 647.] By Telegram from Fortress Monroe, May 9, 1864. Major R. S. Davis, A. A. G., Bermuda hundred: Attack on New Berne. After two days fighting the enemy retired. Captain Smith, U. S. N., attacked the ram, and drove her up Roanoke River. Was unable to sink her or roll her over. Henry T. Schroeder, Lieut. and A. A. A. G. [no. 40. see page 647.] Swift Creek, 7 P. M., May 9, 1864. Maj.-Gen. B. F. Butler, Commanding Department of Virginia and North Carolina: General:--We have conferred together upon the problem before us, and respectfully suggest for your consideration, whether it would not be better, and secure to us greater advantages, to withdraw to our lines to-night, destroying all that part of the road this si
n Emigrant Aid Society, suit against, 992-995. Ames, Brig.-General, reference to, 651, 690, 816; despatch to, 652; in Roanoke expedition, 781; reference to, 862. Ames, Adelbert, son-in-law, 81; stationed at Perryville, 211. Ames, Butler, gruff, 669 Colston, Brigadier-General, 679. Comstock, Colonel, conference with,--683; ordered to accompany Butler on Roanoke expedition, 783; leaves City Point, 785; reference to, 785, 791,817; reconnoitres Fort Fisher, 787; carries Butler's mes., Geo. S., faithful services at Bermuda Hundred, 899. Dodge, Colonel, telegram from, 784; prepared to ship troops on Roanoke expedition, 784. Douglas, Stephen A., as candidate for presidential nomination in 1860, 135, 138, 143, 145; views of lieves Lee must abandon, 901; his manoeuvres to drive Lee into, 901. Richmond & Petersburg R. R. cut, 645, 648. Roanoke River expedition, 779, 780, 781, 782. Robeson, Hon. George N., appointed secretary of Navy, 823; offends Porter, 823; ca
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 25 (search)
nd Upper Georgia. By the 5th of April such progress had been made, that I issued the following Special Field Orders, No. 48, prescribing the time and manner of the next march: [Special Field Orders, No. 48.] headquarters military division of the Mississippi, in the field, Goldsboroa, North Carolina, April 5, 1865. Confidential to Army Commanders, Corps Commanders, and Chiefs of Staff Departments: The next grand objective is to place this army (with its full equipment) north of Roanoke River, facing west, with a base for supplies at Norfolk, and at Winton or Murfreesboroa on the Chowan, and in full communication with the Army of the Potomac, about Petersburg; and also to do the enemy as much harm as possible en route: 1. To accomplish this result the following general plan will be followed, or modified only by written orders from these headquarters, should events require a change: (1.) On Monday, the 10th of April, all preparations are presumed to be complete, and the
g a boat, in which they descended Roanoke Sound on the eastern side of Roanoke Island. As they passed the island they were hailed by the sentinels, and, pretending to stop rowing, allowed their boat to drift past with the tide until they were at some distance from the sentries. They then struck boldly out, when several shots were fired at them, none of which struck them. They reported the island literally covered with rebels. Yesterday another arrival of two negroes from the region of Roanoke, reports the island deserted, the rebels having established themselves on the mainland across Croatan Sound, where they have erected masked batteries. A knowledge of the position of Roanoke Island, and the sands on both sides, would indicate some truth in this last report. From past experience the North-Carolinians must know the great risk attending the strengthening of an island from which, in case of defeat, they cannot retreat. It is quite reasonable to suppose that they have abando
n point of Roanoke Island, which, after to-morrow, must acknowledge allegiance to the Stars and Stripes. The marshes of Roanoke are within about seven miles of us to-night, and a sharp look-out is kept up by our gunboat flotilla. The bright moonlimmed by the vandalism that characterizes every act of the Southern rebels. About north of us, the southern extremity of Roanoke marshes looms through the rainy atmosphere, by which we are now surrounded (eleven A. M.) Our progress is entirely arrese. The approach to the enemy's position was through a swampy wood, with a dense undergrowth, Plan of the battle of Roanoke. rendering it almost impenetrable. An ordinary cart-road leading through this wood from the shore to the field-work, a ble class of men it would be difficult to find. Several of these pusillanimous creatures, who happen to be residents of Roanoke, have sneaked out of their uniforms into citizen's dress, in order to avoid being taken prisoners, but they are being de
Doc. 54.-destruction of Winton, N. C. A correspondent gives the following account of this affair: United States steamer Delaware, off Winton, N. C., Feb. 21, 1862. On the morning of the nineteenth inst., the flotilla, under the command of Com. S. C. Rowan, set out from Edenton for a reconnaissance of the Chowan River as far as Winton, and the Roanoke River as far as Plymouth. The first detachment, under Com. Rowan, consisted of the Delaware, his flag-ship, and the Perry, having on board a company of the Hawkins Zouaves; the second detachment, under command of Lieut. A. Murray, comprised the remainder of the flotilla. The greater portion of the day was spent in admiring the picturesque scenery which is to be found on the banks of the Chowan. Here and there were deserted houses, and small boats drawn up upon the shore by their timid owners, who had left them upon our approach. Solitary contrabands at intervals might have been seen waving their hats with perfect deligh
n involved us in the horrors of civil war. We have restored the Stars and Stripes to Northwestern Arkansas, where I am glad to find many who rejoice to see the emblem of their former glory, and hope for a restoration of the peace and happiness they have enjoyed under its folds. A surrender to such a flag is only a return to your natural allegiance, and is more honorable than to persist in a rebellion that surrendered to the National power at Forts Henry and Donelson, at Nashville and at Roanoke, and throughout the most powerful Southern States. Why then shall the West be devastated to prolong a struggle which the States of Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, North-Carolina and Tennessee cannot successfully maintain? Disband your companies; surrender your arms; for in all instances where men in arms have voluntarily surrendered and taken the oath of allegiance to our common country, they have been discharged. No prisoners have, to my knowledge, been shot or hung, or cruelly treated
provisions, and stores of all kinds in our hands. The battle has been more severe than that at Roanoke, the victory more important. The field of operations was so extensive that, with every desirhts like no sluggard, and now that he has tried the mettle of his troops in two such battles as Roanoke and Newbern, his blows are likely to be struck as quickly as prudence dictates and circumstanceng beneath a thick canopy of this moss with the gallant young Hammond, who fought so bravely at Roanoke, to watch the men as they labored to get his gun through a bit of mire, and thinking which of tprotection from his fire, exposed them on elevations and in valleys. The regiment had shown at Roanoke, however, the behavior of veterans, and nothing else could have been expected at this time but R. Johnson, of the same regiment, a most intrepid officer, and one who distinguished himself at Roanoke, was shot in the swamp at about the same time as Major Le Gendre, the ball entering his stomach
officer at South-Mills. I have the honor to be, Your obedient servant, A. E. Burnside, Major-General Commanding Department of North-Carolina. Report of General Reno. headquarters Second division, Newbern, N. C., April 22, 1862. Capt. Lewis Richmond, Assistant Adjutant-General : Captain: I have the honor to report that, in obedience to the order of Major-Gen. Burnside, I proceeded from Newbern, with the Twenty-first Massachusetts and Fifty-first Pennsylvania regiments, to Roanoke, and was there joined by part of the Ninth and Eighty-ninth New-York and Sixth New-Hampshire. We proceeded directly to Elizabeth City, and commenced disembarking on the nineteenth inst., at midnight, at a point about three miles below, on the east side. By three P. M., Col. Hawkins's brigade, consisting of the Ninth and Eighty-ninth New-York and Sixth New-Hampshire, were landed, and ready to move. I ordered Col. Hawkins to proceed at once with his brigade toward South-Mills, for the pu
White's guns. the bombardment. It has already been remarked in this correspondence that Gen. Burnside never willingly undertakes an important enterprise on Sunday or Friday; the first because he regards the day as one of rest, and the other because so many men, and especially sailors, hold a superstition in regard to its influence on results. And yet it has curiously happened that each of these brilliant victories which his army has won, was commenced or accomplished on Friday. At Roanoke the naval engagement occurred on Friday, and the army was landed; the battle of Newbern was fought on the same day of the week; and this other great success was achieved on the same day. It is intimated also that the General was married on Friday; so that the day, however fraught with misfortunes to others, may clearly be regarded as his wheat ear time. An order was sent to him by Gen. Parke on Thursday to open fire, but owing to some delay or misunderstanding, not a gun was fired until ye
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