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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 48: battle of Cedar Creek, or Belle Grove. (search)
f our cavalry, to prevent the enemy from turning the right of the position, and it was now occupied by Colonel Payne with his cavalry, numbering about 300. In order to make the contemplated movement, it was necessary to cross the river into this bend, and then pass between the foot of the mountain and the river below Strasburg, where the passage was very narrow, and across the river again below the mouth of Cedar Creek. The enemy's camps and position were visible from a signal station on Round Hill in rear of Fisher's Hill, and had been examined by me from that point, but the distance was too great to see with distinctness. From the station on the mountain, which immediately overlooked the enemy's left, the view was very distinct, but I could not go to that point myself, as the ascent was very rugged, and it required several hours to go and come, and I could not leave my command for that time. I had, therefore, necessarily, to rely on the reports of my officers. General Gordon
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
Rockingham County, 366 Rockville, 389, 394, 417 Rodes, General R. E., 51, 52, 54, 57, 60-65, 192-195, 212-217, 236- 240, 251, 254-55, 263-64, 266- 276, 281, 284, 302-307, 316-322, 344-48, 351, 360-63, 372, 377, 383-87, 390, 392, 394, 396, 398- 399, 402, 408, 410-13, 419-23, 427, 429 Rogers, Captain J. G., 81 Rohrersville, 385 Romney, 240, 244, 247, 249 Rosecrans, General (U. S.A.), 303, 476 Ross Pole, 477 Rosser, General T. L., 334-339, 435- 436, 438, 441, 443, 446, 447, 450- 462, 466 Round Hill, 440 Round Top Mountain, 272 Rude's Hill, 432, 454 Salem, 114, 327-29, 331, 377, 379, 382, 393 Salem Church, 218, 233 Santa Anna, 471 Savage Station, 77, 87 Savannah, 190 Scales, General, 355 School House Hill, 136, 137 Scott, Captain, John, 4, 6 Scott, Colonel, 93, 180 Scott, General, 1, 38, 39, 42 Secret Service Corps, 88, 89 Sedgwick, General (U. S. A.), 148, 151, 197, 201, 203-04, 207, 214, 217-220, 228, 231, 233-34, 281, 309, 321, 360 Semina
out your order we incidentally engaged a large force of the enemy composed of the Twelfth and Fourteenth Texas cavalry, with several battalions of conscripts at Round Hill, eight miles north of Bayou de View. When within a mile of the place known as Round Hill, we met a messenger from Col. Hovey, who said that the Colonel had beRound Hill, we met a messenger from Col. Hovey, who said that the Colonel had been attacked by a large force and had three companies killed. We afterward met a squad of infantry hurrying toward our camp on Cache River, who informed us that they had been badly used up; Col. Hovey, Thirty-third Illinois volunteers, with about four hundred infantry and one gun under the command of Lieut. Denneman, First regimenbeen fighting with the rebels and had retreated before a very large force, having a great number of men killed and wounded. Increasing our speed, we arrived at Round Hill, and the first squad of infantry we saw ran from us, supposing us to be the enemy. The principal part of the infantry were standing in groups in the edge of th
position and taking it for themselves. Coming from Missouri, where you had endured great hardships during the last winter, you were honored by being placed at the head of the grand army of the Mississippi, and you have proved yourselves well worthy of that honor. You have encountered and defeated the same men against whom we have so long contended in Missouri and Arkansas, and you have added another wreath to those you won at Blackwater, Blackwell's Station, Fredericktown, Pea Ridge, Round Hill, Hartville, Haines's Bluff, and Post of Arkansas ; and I am sure you will go on with your glorious achievements till tile demon of rebellion shall be destroyed, and our land shall once more rejoice in the blessings of peace and prosperity. While we mourn our fallen comrades, we cannot forget that they have offered up their lives for the noblest of purposes — that of preserving to their country a Government at once free and stable, which shall give, in conjunction with the largest libert
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 1: The Opening Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), Engagements of the Civil War with losses on both sides December, 1860-August, 1862 (search)
1, 1862: Booneville, Miss. Union, 2d Ia., 2d Mich. Cav. Confed., Gen. Chalmers' Cav. Losses: Union 45 killed and wounded. Confed. 17 killed, 65 wounded. July 4-28, 1862: Gen. Morgan's raid in Kentucky. July 6, 1862: Grand Prairie, near Aberdeen, Ark. Union, detachment of the 24th Ind. Confed. No record found. Losses: Union 1 killed, 21 wounded. Confed. 84 killed, wounded, and missing (estimate). July 7, 1862: Bayou Cache, also called cotton Plant, Round Hill, Hill's plantation, and Bayou de view. Union, 11th Wis., 33d Ill., 8th Ind., 1st Mo. Light Artil., 1st Ind. Cav., 5th and 13th Ill. Cav. Confed., Gen. A. Rust's command. Losses: Union 7 killed, 57 wounded. Confed. 110 killed, 200 wounded. July 9, 1862: Tompkinsville, Ky. Union, 9th Pa. Cav. Confed., Morgan's Cav. Losses: Union 4 killed, 6 wounded. Confed. 10 killed and wounded. July 12, 1862: Lebanon, Ky. Union, 28th Ky., Lebanon Home Guards. Confe
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Illinois Volunteers. (search)
Division, 7th Army Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to May, 1864. Clayton's Cavalry Brigade, 7th Army Corps, to September, 1864. 1st Brigade, Cavalry Division, 7th Army Corps, to January, 1865. Post Pine Bluff, Ark., 7th Army Corps, to August, 1865. Service. Duty in District of Southeast Missouri February to June, 1862. Joined Gen. Curtis at Jacksonport, Ark., June 1. March to Helena, Ark., June 1-July 14. Grand Haze, White River, July 4. Hill's Plantation, Cache River, Round Hill, Bayou De View July 7. Gaines' Landing, Pittman's Ferry July 20. Cotton Plant July 25. Scout in Wayne, Stoddard and Dunklin Counties, Mo., August 20-27 (Detachment). Union Mills August 22. Four Miles August 23. Bloomfield August 24. Camp Pillow August 29. Little River Bridge August 31 (Detachment). Bloomfield September 11. Davidson's Campaign in Southwest Missouri and Northwest Arkansas October, 1862, to May, 1863. Van Buren December 21, 1862. Operations
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Missouri Volunteers. (search)
). March to Keitsville, thence to Forsyth March 19-April 10. Forsyth April 11. March to White Plains and Batesville April 15-May 3. Batesville May 3. Little Red River May 17 (Detachment). Scout to Grand Glaze May 14. Searcy Landing, Little Red River, May 19. Expedition from Searcy Landing to West Point, Searcy and Des Arc May 27. Searcy May 27. Expedition to Grand Glaze May 31 (Detachment). Scouts from Batesville June 16-17. March to Helena July 5-14. Round Hill July 7. Occupation of Helena till October. Expedition from Clarendon to Lawrenceville and St. Charles September 11-13. Battle of Iuka, Miss., September 19 (Co. C ). Expedition to LaGrange September 26 (Detachment). Moved with Davidson to Southeast Missouri and operations against Marmaduke October, 1862, to May, 1863. (Battle of Corinth, Miss., October 3-4, 1862 (Co. C ). Grant's Central Mississippi Campaign October 31, 1862, to January 10, 1863 (Co. C ).) Batesville
h the right wing of the regiment, reconnoitred for two miles toward Statesburg, but found no enemy, and returned. Everything was ready for an early advance on the 15th, but it was not made until 3 P. M., when the Thirty-second United States Colored Troops having returned from Wright's Bluff, the division moved from Singleton's. It rained in the afternoon and evening. That morning the Twenty-fifth Ohio, ordered to Statesburg to await the division, encountered the enemy and drove them to Round Hill, where they made a stand, causing the Twenty-fifth some loss in repulsing them from there. Potter coming up with the main force, the One Hundred and Seventh Ohio was sent with six companies of the Twenty-fifth to engage the enemy as a demonstration, while the rest of the division, taking a road five miles from Singleton's, leading to the right, moved to flank the enemy collected on the main road. Potter marched until midnight, making twelve miles, and bivouacked near Jenning's Swamp and
ee, Feb. 20, 1864,160. Cedar Run, March 1, 1864, 178. Cedar Run, April 2, 1864, 183. James Island, July 2, 1864, 200. Fort Johnson, July 3, 1864, 206. King's Creek, July 3, 1864, 208. James Island, July 4, 1864, 210. John's Island, July 7, 1864, 212. Bloody Bridge, July 9, 1884, 214. Honey Hill, Nov. 30, 1864, 241. Devaux's Neck, Dec. 6, 1864, 256. Devaux's Neck, Dec. 7, 1864, 257. Devaux's Neck, Dec. 9, 1864, 259. Eppes' Bridge, April 7, 1865, 292. Dingle's Mill, April 9, 1865, 294. Round Hill, April 15, 1865, 299. Boykin's Mills, April 18, 1865, 301. Big Rafting Creek, April 19, 1865, 305. Statesburg, April 19, 1865, 306. Eppes' Bridge, S. C., 292. Escort, steamer, 109. Eutaw Springs, S. C., 295. Evacuation of Morris Island, 123. Evans, John W., 173. Examining Board for officers, 311. Exchange of prisoners, 107, 218, 221, 233. Executive document, 96. Explosion in Sumter, 141. F. F Company, 20, 38, 40, 54, 75, 90, 91, 135, 145, 148, 150, 155, 164, 176
ngled sound of cheers and musketry is distinctly heard, darkness is fast approaching, and, descending the slope as rapidly as the nature of the ground would permit, we <*>e soon in an open field. This field contains about ten acres, is rectangular in shape, and in the centre, on a knoll, Major Simonson has planted the Fifth Indiana battery, better known as the Old Simonson battery. In front, after passing over the open ground, runs a succession of very high hills. One of these is called Round Hill. Stanley pushed his division up this and occupied it all the afternoon. The enemy, finding our left weak, determined to mass against it, and, if possible, crush it before nightfall. Their onslaught had been boldly met and once or twice repulsed. Numbers, however, will at times prevail over tenacity and courage, and so it was with Stanley. The forces that were broken were defeated by force of numbers, and once disordered, that portion of it was impossible to rally to effective resist
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