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ait the crossing. Received from the General Commanding orders for my movements and position after crossing the river, namely: To move up the valley of Running Water Creek and Whiteside, where I was to post one regiment and send one division along the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad to the Trenton road, and to push forward General Van Cleve rear, taking with them their ammunition trains. Regimental and supply trains to move up at five P. M. to-morrow. September 6.--Road up Running Water Creek rough but passable. At thirty minutes past nine A. M. arrived at junction of Murphy Valley and Nicajack road, and encamped there as ordered. Generals Palmer and Van Cleve and their divisions following us, and General Wood and his division pursuing road up Running Water Creek, and encamping seven miles from Chattanooga, reporting that the enemy was close before him in force. September 7.--Colonel Harker, with his brigade, made a very satisfactory reconnoissance to spur of Lookout
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—the siege of Chattanooga. (search)
rges of Raccoon Mountain and come on a stated day into Will's Valley to meet the troops which were charged with the duty of opening the passage from an opposite direction. Grant by the precision of his instructions tried to diminish the risks attendant upon this double enterprise. Hooker received orders to take with him the Eleventh corps, commanded by Howard, and Geary's division of the Twelfth, to cross the Tennessee on the 26th, reach Shell Mound, Rankin's Ferry (at the mouth of Running Water Creek), Whitesides, and to come down through the gorge of Murphy's Hollow into Will's Valley. Once there, he should turn to the left and proceed to Brown's Ferry via Wauhatchie, having, like a curtain to cover his march on the east, the secondary ridge of which mention was made in the preceding pages. Slocum, with one division, was entrusted with guarding the railway from Nashville to Bridgeport. It was necessary to cover the rear of Hooker, secure the navigation of the Tennessee, and re
f Lookout Valley terminates towards the river at Brown's Ferry. It is a continuation of Will's Valley, which is formed by the slope of Lookout and the continuation of Raccoon Mountain, called Sand Mountain, running southwest. The Will's Valley Railroad runs from Chattanooga to Trenton, a distance of 21 miles. As the enemy now controls the occupation of Raccoon Mountain they will be able, unless driven out, also to hold Will's Valley. The bridge over the Tennessee, which crosses Long Island at Bridgeport, is nearly completed by the enemy, and it is reported will be finished in ten days. They have then only to rebuild the bridge over Running Water Creek, 15 miles below Chattanooga, to obtain the full occupation of the road up to Brown's Ferry. This will soon enable them to take the offensive, and if they make another flank movement by Will's Valley will necessarily compel us to fall back. Our plans however, which of course are not known, may change the whole complexion of things.
d men, which, added to Sherman's column of 20,000, makes the total reinforcements sent to Thomas 32,000 fighting men. Estimating Thomas's army at 50,000, Gen. Grant, the Commander in Chief of all these forces, will have an army for the invasion of Georgia of 82,000 men, exclusive of cavalry. Burnside will not be permitted to join this formidable force, at least for the present. The enemy has not yet rebuilt the railway bridge over the Tennessee at Bridgeport, nor the bridge over Running Water Creek, between Spellbound and Brown's ferry. This latter bridge is 120 feet high, and is represented to be a more difficult work than the former. As soon as these repairs shall have been made, and Sherman shall have come up, the Federal army will be concentrated, and Grant will show his hand. Whether he will attack us here, or seek to dislodge us from Lookout Mountain, or will repeat the movement of Rosecrans upon our left flank, or go into winter quarters, will probably be known in the
Lawson Dugger and son, and a number of others of the Puritan stock, who were long suspected and informed on, but who were permitted to remain in Chattanooga as spies on our actions, it being considered good "conciliation policy!" By this very policy, in fact, pursued by the Government, we have gradually lost the whole of Tennessee. It is stated that the Yanks are building a permanent bridge across the Tennessee at Chattanooga, but have abandoned the bridges at Bridgeport and over Running Water creek. Some persons have entertained the idea that the two corps of the enemy that lately took up its march from Bridgeport towards Nashville were going to Stevenson, and from thence they would cross the Tennessee and come down to Lebanon, Alabama, which is only fifty miles E. N. E. from Rome, and thus flank us and turn our rear. But this is not at all probable at this season, and the present condition of the roads, which, over this route, would be next to impossible, as they would ha