Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Savannah River (United States) or search for Savannah River (United States) in all documents.

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arrison, one man named Adams mortally wounded, and another, named Gallupe, slightly wounded. Colonel Moore took possession of Lancaster to-night.--St. Louis Republican, November 30. At night Capt. Moreau's Cavalry, accompanied by Gen. McCook's body guard, went to the traitor Buckner's farm, situated on Green River, a few miles above Munfordsville, Kentucky, and took possession of the stock, a large amount of grain, wheat, corn, &c.--N. Y. Times, November 30. William H. Carroll, Brig.-Gen. of Confederate forces at Camp Lookout, East Tennessee, annulled the proclamation of martial law made by his predecessor.--(Doc. 188.) United States gunboats Flag, Augusta, Pocahontas, and Seneca went from Port Royal in S. C., to Tybee Island at the mouth of the Savannah River, and threw in a few shells which drew no response from the rebel works; a body of marines was then landed, and the fortifications found to be deserted. Formal possession was then taken of the island.--(Doc. 189.)
ylight, Commander Rodgers left Tybee Roads, Ga., with three United States gunboats, and proceeded to Warsaw Island, Ga., the rebel fort upon which was found to be entirely deserted. It consisted of an enclosed octagonal work, with platforms for eight guns on the water faces. The guns had been removed and the magazine blown up. Another battery, however, still in possession of the rebels, was discovered about three miles up on the Wilmington River, (a creek,) which runs parallel with the Savannah River, leading up from the rear of Little Tybee. The highest point to which Commander Rodgers penetrated was eight miles from Warsaw Bar and ten miles from Savannah, Ga.--(Doc. 215.) The reports of the Secretaries of War and the Navy show that the Government of the United States had in service for the suppression of the rebellion, six hundred and eighty-two thousand nine hundred and seventy-one men, all of whom had volunteered. They were divided as follows: Volunteer militia, six hundre
her lands of South-Carolina, now in possession of the Government, and to place them under cultivation, and also in relation to the blacks in these localities. Reconnoissances from Port Royal, S. C., having discovered the fact that the Savannah River, Ga., could be entered some distance above its mouth, and Fort Pulaski, commanding the entrance, flanked and cut off from all communication with the city of Savannah, an expedition of United States gunboats, under command of Captain C. H. Davis, U. S.N., and Captain C. R. P. Rodgers, U. S.N., was despatched yesterday for the purpose of entering the Savannah River in the rear of the Fort. Captain Davis's detachment followed the Wilmington Narrows on the south side of the river, while Captain Rodgers sailed up Wall's Cut, and thence into Wright River, on the north side. The two expeditions appeared this morning on opposite sides of the savannah, both being detained by piles driven in to oppose their progress, or by the shallowness of
February 15. The National batteries at Venus Point, on the Savannah River, were attacked at three o'clock this afternoon, by four rebel gunboats, with a view of effecting a passage from Fort Pulaski for the rebel steamers then at that place. After an engagement of one hour the rebels were driven off; the flag-officer's boat being disabled and taken in tow and the steamer that attempted the passage of the river returning to Fort Pulaski. The guns were manned by the Third Rhode Island detachment, under Capt. Gould, and effectively worked. There was no loss on the National side.--Brig-Gen. Viele's Report. The Ninth battery of Rhode Island Artillery, under the command of Lieut. Wightman, passed through New York, en route for Port Royal, S. C.--N. Y. Times, February 16. The President, through the Secretaries of War and the Navy, returned thanks to Brig.-Gen. Burnside and Flag-Officer Goldsborough, and to Brig.-Gen. Grant and Flag-Officer Foote, and the land and naval for
nto the militia, were not intended to apply to couriers with despatches to and from the legations of friendly Powers in the United States. All authorities, civil and military, are consequently requited to allow such couriers to pass freely, without let or investigation. The national steamer Freeborn arrived at Washington, D. C., bringing twenty-five prisoners, five sail-boats, a number of canoes, and a lot of merchandise, which were captured on Friday and Saturday nights last near Blackiston Islands. The prisoners had been engaged in regular commerce between Maryland and Virginia, taking over salt, etc., and bringing back wheat.--Commander Richard Wainwright, U. S.N., died at New Orleans, La. A rebel steamer was this day captured at the mouth of the Savannah River, Ga., by a Union tug-boat, and towed under the guns of Fort Pulaski.--The town of Donaldsonville, La., was this day partially destroyed by a party of men from the United States sloop-of-war Brooklyn.--(Doc. 177.)
fortifications, leaving on the Nashville trains, common roads and through the woods. A large amount of ammunition and stores was captured. The confederate command met with the most cordial reception from the citizens, the ladies urging them not to stop till they had killed or captured the entire Yankee force. The joy of the citizens was unbounded at once more beholding the stars and bars. The confederates had engaged the Thirty-second Alabama, Forty-first Alabama, Twenty-fifth Tennessee, Major Gunter's dismounted partisans, Capt. Rice's cavalry, and Freeman and Durr's battery, the whole numbering nine hundred men. The loss was two wounded, none killed. The Yankee loss unknown.--Richmond Dispatch, Sept. 2. The steamer Emma, while going down the Savannah River, grounded, and was discovered by the Yankees. She was fired to prevent her from falling into their hands. She had on board seven hundred and forty bales of cotton and some turpentine.--Savannah Republican, September 1.
nd the troops went into camp. In their retreat, the rebels left behind a large quantity of small ammunition.--Louisville Journal. The rebel Legislature of Virginia, in session at Richmond, passed an act prohibiting the sale and removal of salt out of the State, and regulating its sale and distribution in the State. Colonel Barton, with a detachment of the Forty-eighth New York regiment, under Captain Lent, and of the Third Rhode Island artillery, under Capt. Gould, went up the Savannah River, and shelled a battery at Cranston's Bluff, and a picket at the Needles. The rebels replied, but their guns were of so short a range that they were easily silenced.-The rebels evacuated Shelbyville, Ky. William E. Hamlin, having been appointed a special provost-marshal for the State of Rhode Island, this day issued a series of regulations, among which is the following: It is expected that the citizens of the State will cheerfully and from a sense of duty, cooperate with this depart
. To secure and preserve discipline, provide against disaster from the elements or attack by the enemy, an older was issued from the War Department, compelling the organization of troops on board government transports, and regulating their transportation.--Governor Horatio Seymour, of New York, replied to the letter of President Lincoln, relative to the draft. This morning, the rebel steamer Robert Habersham, which had been occupied in watching the Union advance movement up the Savannah River, was entirely destroyed by an explosion of her boiler, while lying off Scrieven's Ferry. The entire crew were either killed or mortally injured. A special order was issued by Brigadier-General Mercer, in command at Savannah, Ga., impressing into the rebel service, one fifth of the able-bodied male slaves in Eastern, Southern, and South-western Georgia. for the purpose of erecting additional fortifications for the defence of Savannah. Transportation will be furnished them and wage
fication, demanded its surrender, together with the rebel forts on Morris Island, threatening to shell Charleston, should his demand not be complied with.--(See Supplement.) The United States ship Bainbridge foundered in a storm off Cape Hatteras, and seventy-nine of the crew were lost. Chattanooga was shelled by the National forces under Colonel Wilder. The cannonade commenced at ten o'clock in the morning, and continued at intervals until five o'clock in the afternoon. Every piece from which the rebels opened was eventually silenced, although they fired with not less than nineteen guns. The only casualty on the Union side was the wounding of one man, Corporal Abram McCook, belonging to Lilly's battery.--General Meade issued an order regulating the circulation of newspapers in the army of the Potomac.--the rebel steamer Everglade, while endeavoring to run out of Savannah River, was overhauled and sunk near Tybee Island. Twenty-two of her passengers and crew were captured.
laim an honorable share, and win new titles to the admiration and love of your country; and in the midst of them, whether I am near you or far from you, my heart will be always there; and when this struggle is over, I shall look upon no spectacle with so much pleasure as upon my old comrades, who have deserved so well of their country, crowned with its blessings and encompassed by its love. A small force of National troops left Hilton Head, S. C., in transports, and proceeded up the Savannah River to Williams's Island, arriving at that place about dark yesterday. A company of the Fourth New Hampshire regiment landed in small boats and made a reconnoissance, in the course of which they met a small body of the enemy. The Nationals lost four men of the Eighty-fifth Pennsylvania This morning the Union forces withdrew, bringing twenty prisoners. The reconnaissance was highly successful. This morning, about eleven o'clock, as a detachment of the Second Massachusetts cavalry, unde
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