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March 17. Colonel William Stokes, in command of the Fifth Tennessee cavalry, surprised a party of rebel guerrillas under Champ Ferguson, at a point near Manchester, Tenn., and after a severe fight routed them, compelling them to leave behind twenty-one in killed and wounded.--this morning, at a little before three o'clock, an attempt was made on Seabrook Island by a large force of rebels, who came down the Chickhassee River in boats. They approached in two large flats, filled with men, evidently sent forward to reconnoitre, with a numerous reserve force further back, to cooperate in case any points were found to be exposed. One of the boats came down to the mouth of Skull Creek, where they attacked a picket-boat containing a corporal and four men of the Seventy-sixth Pennsylvania. They first fired three shots and then a whole volley, and succeeded in capturing the boat and those in it, after a severe hand-to-hand fight. Whether there were any casualties could not be ascerta
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 9: operations of Admiral Dupont's squadron in the sounds of South Carolina. (search)
designed to shut up the troops on Port Royal Island, by placing obstructions in the Coosaw River and Whale Branch, by erecting batteries at Port Royal Ferry, at Seabrook, and at or near Boyd's Neck, and by accumulating troops in the vicinity in such a manner as to be able to throw a force of three thousand men upon any of these pSeneca, Lieut.-Com. Ammen, and the tug-boat Ellen, Acting-Master Budd, to participate, both of which were to move up Beaufort River and approach the batteries at Seabrook and Port Royal Ferry, by Whale Branch. The armed Tug Hale, Acting-Master Foster, was also ordered to report to the commander of the expedition. The gun-boatss occasion. The services of the officers are highly spoken of by Commander Rodgers, particularly the work of Lieut.-Commander Ammen with the Seneca and Ellen at Seabrook. The work was performed in very narrow and crooked rivers, but with care and skillful handling the gunboats (though often aground) were brought out with but l
an extensive line (250 miles) to picket, that 11,000 was the very utmost that he could venture to concentrate for any offensive purpose that might not be consummated within a few days at farthest. And he had, apart from the navy, 96 heavy guns (all serviceable but 12 13-inch mortars, which proved too large, and were left unused), with an abundance of munitions, engineering tools, &c. He found our forces in quiet possession of nearly or quite all the Sea islands west of the Stono, with Seabrook and Folly islands, east of that inlet. Our pickets still — as on the day of Dupont's attack — confronted those of the enemy across Lighthouse inlet, which separates these from Morris island. Gillmore's plan of operations — carefully matured before he entered upon his command — contemplated a descent by surprise on the south end of Morris island — well known to be strongly fortified and held-which, being taken, was to be firmly held as a base for operations against Fort Wagner, a stro
thence to the close of the war. In South Carolina, while the long-range range firing at Charleston from Morris island and the surrounding forts was lazily and irregularly kept up through most of the year, eliciting fitful responses from Rebel forts and batteries, there was no movement of importance; save that, in July, four brigades (Birney's, Saxton's, Hatch's, and Schimmelfennig's) were quietly assembled from the sea islands held by us and from Florida, pushed July 2. over to Seabrook island, and thence, attended by two gunboats on the North Edisto, to John's island, and so to a place called Deckerville, July 4. two miles west of Legareville. The weather wounded, of course;) with 5 guns and 2,000 was intensely hot; the dusty roads lined by thick brush, which excluded air, yet afforded little or no shade; so that marches of barely 5 or 6 miles per day were accomplished with great fatigue and peril. Our men had no cannon. A Rebel battery, well supported, was found ill
ed by General J. M. Brannan. In January, 1863, General David Hunter relieved Brannan, and assumed command of the department; Hunter was relieved on June 3, 1863, and General Quincy A. Gillmore was assigned to the command of the corps. The total, present for duty, in June, 1863, was 16,329, including artillery and cavalry. The troops at Hilton Head were commanded by General Alfred H. Terry; those on Folly Island, by General Israel Vogdes; those at Beaufort, by General Rufus Saxton; at Seabrook Island, by General T. J. Stevenson; at St. Helena Island, by Colonel H. R. Guss. These forces were all under General Gillmore, and participated in the various operations about Charleston Harbor in the summer of 1863, the principal event being the bloody assault on Fort Wagner, July 18, 1863. This assault was made by a column of three brigades,--Strong's, Putnam's, and Stevenson's, the whole under command of General Truman H. Seymour. General Strong's brigade led the assault, with the 54th
rket Road, Va., Oct. 7, 1864 4 Kinston, N. C. 34 Darbytown Road, Va., Oct. 13, 1864 9 St. Augustine, Fla. 1 Hatcher's Run, Va. 2 Drewry's Bluff, Va. 10 Fort Gregg, Va. 21 Deep Bottom, Va. 17     Present, also, at Whitehall; Seabrook Island; Siege of Charleston; Walthall Junction; Bermuda Hundred; Strawberry Plains; Laurel Hill Church; Johnson's Plantation; Appomattox. notes.--Recruited in various counties. It left the State November 1, 1861, and proceeded to Annapolis, whesland, S. C. 1 Darbytown Road, Va., Oct. 27, 1864 11 Fort Wagner, S. C. 2 Hatcher's Run, Va. 1 Olustee, Fla. 1 Fort Fisher, N. C. 15 Proctor's Creek, Va. 3 Faissons, N. C. 1 Drewry's Bluff, Va. 4 Picket Line 1 Present, also, at Seabrook; John's Island; Petersburg Mine; Cape Fear; Fort Anderson; Wilmington. notes.--Upon its organization, the command of the regiment was tendered to Colonel Drake, who was then a captain in the Forty-ninth New York Infantry. He was a graduate o
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 36. battle of Port Royal, S. C. Fought November 7, 1861. (search)
s, canteens, cartridge-boxes, &c., &c., were found scattered over the road, and on the wharf at Seabrook, where the hasty embarkation took place. We also found at the landing a number of rifled muskes, which Colonel Terry will account for. Had my orders admitted of it, I would have remained at Seabrook with half the escort, until boats could have been despatched from Headquarters under convoy, to bring off the commissary stores. At Seabrook, an excellent position for a battery, elevated some twelve or fifteen feet above the level of the river, to sweep and control the Skull Creek channel, haod five-fathom anchorage in the middle of the stream. A battery of five or six heavy guns at Seabrook would be quite sufficient to close this inland water passage between Charleston and Savannah; bs, with the exception of two letters, already in your possession. There is no post-office at Seabrook. I have to acknowledge the cordial and efficient cooperation of Colonel Terry in carrying out
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 2.-fight at Port Royal, S. C. January 1, 1862. (search)
bstructions in Coosaw River and Whale branch, by constructing batteries at Port Royal Ferry, at Seabrook, and at or near Boyd's Creek, and by accumulating men in this vicinity in such manner as to be ter Commanding Budd, both of which were to move up Beaufort River and approach the batteries at Seabrook and Port Royal Ferry by Whale branch. The armed tug E. B. Hale, Acting Master Foster, under thd their commanders came on board the Ottawa, having assisted in the destruction of the works at Seabrook; but their vessels were prevented by the lowness of the tide from joining me. The Ellen came uputenant Commanding Ammen will make a separate report of the service of the Seneca and Ellen, at Seabrook, before I met him, at half-past 2, on New-Year's day. It is unnecessary for me to say to you th a short cut, the Whale Branch, into the Coosaw, and shelled an incomplete work of the enemy at Seabrook, two miles beyond Port Royal Ferry. After this was accomplished, a body of two hundred troops
nd speaks of him as an excellent officer. He is disabled for some time, but has no desire to leave. The name of James Wilson, boatswain's mate, is also mentioned favorably. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, S. F. Du Pont, Flag-Officer Com'g South-Atlantic Blockading Squadron. To Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy. Lieut. Rhind's report. U. S. Steamer Crusader, North-Edisto, April 20. sir: On the eighteenth, a party of the enemy, concealed in the woods below Seabrook's plantation, fired on one of our boats, sent there to assist Mr. Reynolds, Government Agent, in securing some cotton. Acting Master W. D. Urann, who had charge of the boat, was severely wounded in the right arm and left hand. No one of the enemy was seen during the fire, which was promptly returned by our boat's crew. I planned an expedition to capture the party that night, and called on Col. Fellows, commanding the post here, for some men to assist me. He promptly afforded them, and en
our iron-clad gunboats, and in tow of a steamer, namely, the United States, Locust Point, Cahawba, and the gunboat Connemaugh. In addition to these were several colliers and store vessels. Preceding this fleet in Edisto Inlet were the gunboats South-Carolina and Flambeau and three schooner mortar-boats. The consolidation of these two fleets made quite an imposing appearance, doubtless stimulating the nerves of the rebels in that vicinity, and particularly the rebel pickets on Botany Bay, Seabrook, and Edisto Islands, many of whom were in sight when the fleet entered the harbor. From the anchorage of the Expounder in Edisto Inlet, half-a-mile distant, on Bohicksett Creek, I could distinctly see the deserted but beautiful town, Rockville. Its inhabitants, being of the secession persuasion, had gone Dixieward. The town has a neat church, with an immense spire; a large cotton-ginning establishment, stores, postoffice, dwelling-houses, and the usual concomitants of a first-class tow