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May 18. A skirmish took place near Searcy, on the Little Red River, Arkansas, between one hundred and fifty men of Gen. Osterhaus's division, and some six hundred rebels, under Colonels Coleman and Hicks, in which the latter were routed, with a loss of one hundred and fifty left on the field and quite a number wounded. A fight took place at Princeton, Va., between the Nationals under the command of General Cox and a body of rebels under Humphrey Marshall, in which the Nationals lost thirty killed and seventy wounded. S. Phillips Lee, United States Navy, commanding the advance naval division on the Mississippi River, demanded the surrender of Vicksburgh to the authority of the United States.--(Doc. 111.)
irst for the past four weeks that had been fine. The party broke up about six P. M.--London News, July 12. General McClellan issued an address to the Soldiers of the army of the Potomac, recapitulating the events through which they had passed during the preceding ten days, and declaring that they should yet enter the capital of the so-called Confederacy. --(Doc. 79.) A small body of Union troops under command of Lieut.--Col. Wood, while reconnoitring in the vicinity of the Little Red River, Ark., shelled a rebel camp, putting the rebels to flight, and captured a large quantity of provisions and stores. General McClellan, commanding the army of the Potomac, issued an order directing that the day should be celebrated in the army by firing a National salute at noon at the headquarters of each army corps; and that immediately thereafter the bands were to play appropriate National airs.--In the afternoon Gen. McClellan paraded the troops, and made them a few hopeful and enco
August 13. A gunboat reconnoissance from Clarendon, up the White River, Ark., was made by the steamers Lexington, Cricket, and Mariner, under the command of Captain Bodie. They returned in the evening, bringing as prizes the steamers Tom Suggs and Kaskaskia. They also destroyed two mills used by the rebel army for grinding corn, and a pontoon-bridge across the Little Red River. The casualties on the Union side were five men wounded, two of whom died. An expedition under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Phillips, of the Ninth Illinois infantry, left La Grange, Tennessee, for Central Mississippi.--Major-General Burnside issued an order regulating the employment and subsistence of negro laborers. This night a party of rebel cavalry made a descent upon a signal station, located on Water Mountain, near Warrenton, Va., capturing every thing except the officers and one glass. Sixteen horses, several wagons, the camp equipage, together with a number of telescopes, fell in
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 30: (search)
On the arrival of the expedition at Des Arc, it burned a large warehouse filled with Confederate stores, which the thoughtless enemy had supposed was safe from the attack of gun-boats. On the second morning, on arriving off the mouth of Little Red River, a narrow and tortuous tributary of the White, the Cricket was sent up that stream in pursuit of two Confederate steamers, while the Lexington went twenty-five miles further up the White to Augusta. At that place Lieutenant-Commander Bache was informed that the indefatigable General Price was assembling an army at Brownsville, and that two kindred spirits, Generals Kirby Smith and Marmaduke, were with him. Lieutenant Bache immediately proceeded up the Little Red River and met the Cricket returning with her two prizes, after having destroyed a pontoon bridge constructed by General Marmaduke. As the two captured steamers were the only ones relied on for transportation in this river, the schemes of the Confederates were thwarted
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 41: the Red River expedition, under Major-General N. P. Banks, assisted by the Navy under Rear-Admiral David D. Porter. (search)
rning his army southward, was attacked in the rear by General Shelby near the crossing of the river. The enemy, although attacking with great bravery, were repulsed with heavy loss. On the 3d of April, Steele's entire command crossed the Little Red River at Elkins' Ferry — a movement so skillfully planned and so promptly executed that the enemy only by accident learned of it after it was accomplished. General Thayer had not yet joined Steele, having been delayed by bad roads, for the heavy rains made terrible work for the army, causing the route to be almost impassable, so that it was necessary to corduroy it. Thayer at length arrived, and crossed the Little Red River on a bridge constructed by the soldiers. On the 10th of April the army moved to Prairie, where Price, the Confederate General, had determined to make a final stand at the point he had chosen; two branches diverge from the main road to Shreveport--one going to Washington, the other to Camden. Here some artillery f
onville, a distance of twelve or fourteen miles. On the second, it moved from Spoonville in the direction of Washington, and at nine miles from the former place, encountered Marmaduke and Cabell, in considerable force. The next obstacle was Little Red River, a rapid stream and difficult to cross. General Steele had the choice of three crossings: that at Tate's Ferry, at the crossing of the military road, and at Elkins's Ferry. The enemy very truly supposed that the object of General Steele wa attacked the rear of the army, under command of Brigadier-General Rice, near the crossing of the Terre Noir. The enemy attacked with great bravery, and were repulsed with heavy loss. On the third of April, the entire command crossed the Little Red River at Elkins's Ferry, and so well planned had been the movement, and so promptly executed, that it was not until the evening of that day, and by accident, that the enemy learned that the army had crossed. On this day, Colonel Engleman's brigad
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 1.4, chapter 1.11 (search)
It was at this camp I acquired the art of diving. At swimming I was a proficient a long time before, but the acquisition of this last accomplishment soon enabled me to astonish my comrades by the distance I could traverse under water. The brigade of General Hindman was at last complete in its organisation, and consisted of four regiments, some cavalry, and a battery of artillery. About the middle of September we moved across the State towards Hickman on the Mississippi, crossing the Little Red, White, Big Black, and St. Francis Rivers, by the way. Once across the Mississippi, we marched up the river, and, in the beginning of November, halted at what was then called the Gibraltar of the Mississippi. On the 7th of November, we witnessed our first battle,--that of Belmont,--in which, however, we were not participants. We were held in readiness on the high bluffs of Columbus, from whence we had a commanding view of the elbow of land nearly opposite, whereon the battle took place
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Missouri campaign of 1864-report of General Stirling Price. (search)
s command, marching along the Springfield road, and Major-General Marmaduke and headquarters train the Clinton road; taking separate roads on account of the scarcity of forage, and to rid that section of country of deserters and Federal jayhawkers, as they are termed (i. e., robbers and murderers), with which that country is infested. These bands, however, dispersed and took refuge in the mountains at the approach of the army; several were killed and a few taken prisoners. Arriving at Little Red river on the 10th, and still without information of the position or movements of General Shelby, I dispatched an officer of known skill and daring to communicate with him, directing that he should unite himself with the rest of the command at once. On the 18th I arrived at a point on White river, eighteen miles above Batesville, and received information that Brigadier-General Shelby was at Powhatan, about sixty-four miles northeast of Batesville, and on the selected route to Missouri. I ad
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Illinois Volunteers. (search)
bruary 16. Sugar Creek February 17. Bentonville February 17. Battles of Pea Ridge March 6-8. Expedition to Fayetteville March 15. March to Batesville, Ark., April 5-May 3. Talbot's Ferry, White River, April 19. Fairview, Little Red River, June 7 (Co. L ). Scouts from Batesville June 16-17. March to Helena, Ark., June 26-July 14. Helena July 14. Duty near Helena, Ark., till December. Expedition from Helena to Arkansas Post November 16-21. Expedition to Gren Near Huntersville July 8 (Detachment). Near Little Rock July 10 (Detachment). Bayou des Arc July 14. Duty at Little Rock, Pine Bluff and Brownsville and in the Dept. of Arkansas to November, 1865. Expedition from Little Rock to Little Red River August 6-16, 1864. Expedition from Little Rock to Searcy, Fairview and Augusta in pursuit of Shelby August 27-September 6, 1864. Expedition from Pine Bluff September 9-12. Near Monticello September 10 (Detachment). Brewer's House
ered to join Curtis at Batesville, Ark., April 14. Skirmish at Nitre Cavalrye, White River, April 18 (Detachment Cos. G and K ). Talbot's Farm, White River, April 19 (Detachment Cos. E, F, G and K ). Skirmish, White River, May 6. Little Red River June 5. (Co. F detached for duty with Chief Commissary and as Provost Guard at Helena, Ark., May, 1862, to April, 1863.) Mount Olive June 7, 1862 (Co. F ). Gist's Plantation July 14, 1862 (Co. F ). March to Helena, Ark., June 1 Mo., and return to Jefferson Barracks April 14-19, 1864. Duty there till May 15. Moved to Duvall's Bluff,Ark., May 15-23, and duty there till September. West Point June 16. Clarendon June 25-26. Expedition from Little Rock to Little Red River August 6-16. Jones' Hay Station August 24. Long Prairie August 24. Brownsville August 25. Bull Bayou August 26. Expedition in pursuit of Shelby August 27-September 6. Searcy September 6. At Austin and Brownsville till No
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