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Lake Providence, La. (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 43
Hill Landing. We do not remember another instance where a large army has retreated through a hostile country, and saved their transports and munitions of war. On this occasion the chances were all in the enemy's favor, as there never were such obstacles as were met with in the down-voyage of the transports: shoals at every hundred yards, snags innumerable, and sharp-shooters at all the elevations. We think it not too much to assert that the Navy owed its remarkable preservation, under Providence, to their own good management and perseverance. After assembling the fleet above the Harrison Battery, the Admiral strengthened the pass with additional gun-boats, and all the transports went safely by, not a shot having been fired at them. The gun-boats kept up such a shower of shell, grape and cannister on the woods, that no land artillery could withstand their fire. The flag-ship remained behind to bring up the rear, and at daybreak in the morning it was found that the Iberville, a
Montgomery (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 43
d with men to do the necessary work, including carrying out hawsers at nearly every bend in the river. The party had been anticipating for several days to be attacked by infantry and artillery, and we cannot to this day imagine why it was not done, unless the enemy expected to get the vessels into a position where no resistance could be made, and capture the whole squadron. The Eastport had grounded eight or nine times, and at last got so hard and fast upon the logs at a place called Montgomery, that all efforts to move her were in vain. After spending a night in useless labors, and ascertaining, by sounding. that a few yards ahead was another bed of logs with still less water, Lieutenant Commander Phelps reluctantly admitted that there was nothing to do but blow the Eastport up. The Admiral had stayed by the vessel as long as there was the slightest possibility of getting her clown, thereby risking the capture of the little squadron, and he acceded to the proposition to des
Shreveport (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 43
oposed to Admiral Porter an expedition to Shreveport, La., via Red River; but on careful inquiry it was no reason why the army should not reach Shreveport in triumph. An order had been sent to Lieet of gun-boats, they would have all been in Shreveport by the 5th of April; for there was no reasonpringfield Landing, about thirty miles below Shreveport, the third day after departure. The diffi about the bales that were to come down from Shreveport in empty army wagons and transports. The Conquired the Admiral, This is not the road to Shreveport. Why, replied the former, I found that ther; two branches diverge from the main road to Shreveport--one going to Washington, the other to Camdeabsurdity of this co-operative movement upon Shreveport than the fact, that at no time since the exp being allowed to follow the Confederates to Shreveport; Franklin and Emory were disgusted at the waration of which time Banks promised to be in Shreveport; but, when the time had elapsed, Banks prote[16 more...]
Arkansas (United States) (search for this): chapter 43
the Confederates could concentrate all their forces against him and perhaps defeat his army. Banks' army was over a hundred miles in a direct line from Steele, as the crow flies, and twice that distance by the crooked roads and rivers, all the intermediate country swarming with Confederate troops. As it was hardly possible to communicate with Steele in any other manner, the General proposed sending one of the fast naval dispatch steamers down the Red River, up the Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers, thence via Little Rock to Camden, Arkansas, a distance of over five hundred miles. A messenger was sent accordingly, but whether he got to his destination is not known. Nothing could better demonstrate the absurdity of this co-operative movement upon Shreveport than the fact, that at no time since the expedition started had the commanders of the two armies communicated with each other. A glance at the map will show that from the first these armies were to advance upon Shreveport at
Cairo, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 43
hington to trade within the military lines, appeared at the mouth of the river. The Admiral refused to recognize the owner of this permit and ordered him to depart, which he was obliged to do, leaving a message to the effect that he would make it so hot for the naval officer in Washington that the latter would have to resign his command, etc., etc. On receiving this message, the commanding officer of the gun-boat at the mouth of the Red River was directed to seize the vessel and send her to Cairo. He chased her to Memphis, where, on arriving, he found the steamer had unloaded all her contraband of war, otherwise she would have been condemned. We mention these things to give some idea of the rush for the cotton region of Louisiana, and the demoralization likely to ensue had every speculator been allowed to go where he pleased under permits, or in any other way. There were Treasury agents enough authorized by Government to seize cotton, and there was nothing to warrant the presence
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 43
llery. This affair was well managed on the part of the Army,whose loss was small; General Smith was an able commander, and his soldiers were veterans — each man, as it proved afterwards, was a host in himself. It was pleasant to see the United States flag floating over a work which had been built with so much trouble and expense to the Confederates, and the Navy regretted that it could not take a more important part in the affair. Their operations at Fort De Russy showed the fortitude ary; and as for tents or barracks, they did very well without them. In less than twenty-four hours after their arrival in Alexandria, they had rummaged the country for ten miles up and down the river, one of the most fertile districts in the United States, where all their wants could be supplied without expense to the Government. Here Colonel Shaw luxuriated with his brigade on the plantation of ex-Governor Moore, the prime mover in the secession of Louisiana, who now had ample opportunity
Pleasant Hill (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 43
Shreveport. Banks meets a reverse near Pleasant Hill. battle at Sabine cross Roads. Confederalace until Franklin's division had reached Pleasant Hill. Then, going to the front, and being ill- the Army when General Banks joined him at Pleasant Hill, but the latter went to the front without r this repulse, General Banks fell back to Pleasant Hill with his whole force, and was there joined the Federal Army, which, having halted at Pleasant Hill, was in a measure prepared to receive themon until night set in. What happened at Pleasant Hill would have happened at Sabine Cross Roads d the army one inch. The little village of Pleasant Hill was situated upon an eminence, the ground entioned. Notwithstanding the action at Pleasant Hill was a victory for the Union Army, it came llery in connection with the engagement at Pleasant Hill — only where the 25th New York battery, oft Banks should, at least, have remained at Pleasant Hill until the dead were buried, the wounded br[14 more...]
Rapides Parish (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 43
at deal for vessels having so little to spare. The general tried to lay the blame for his detention on the gun-boats, but this would hardly answer, since the light-draft vessels, mounting over fifty guns, had passed the Falls and were ready to ascend the river before Banks reached the rendezvous. The six days General Banks passed in Alexandria prior to his onward movement were frittered away. He moved into comfortable quarters and spent his time in ordering an election in the parish of Rapides, establishing people in power who professed to be Union men — a proceeding to which there could have been no objection if the objects of the expedition had not thereby been neglected. General Banks came from New Orleans to Alexandria in a large steamer called the Black Hawk. This vessel, known as General Banks' flag-ship, was of the same name as Admiral Porter's flag-ship, an unpleasant circumstance, since it happened that the Navy incurred some of the odium which attached to the transp
Pleasant Hill Landing (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 43
ot prepared to cope with artillery. Pleasant Hill Landing is but ten miles below Conchatta Chuteter much greater. Ten miles back from Pleasant Hill Landing is Pleasant Hill, then occupied by the plant his batteries three miles below Pleasant Hill Landing, which proved to be the case. To thed in regard to the battle I fought at Pleasant Hill Landing, because the data had not come in at t sent General A. J. Smith's command to Pleasant Hill Landing, distant but twelve miles by a good role, that all were taken safely down to Pleasant Hill Landing. We do not remember another instancen abandoned and left in the mud below Pleasant Hill Landing. All her stores had been removed, anddanger was to be apprehended. Below Pleasant Hill Landing the transports grounded so frequently ere the only gun-boats in the fight at Pleasant Hill Landing, against 2,500 men and a park of artilanted by marching only twelve miles to Pleasant Hill Landing; but General Banks seemed well satisfi[1 more...]
Newport (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 43
erently on this occasion. Unsolicited, the Admiral wrote in Kilby Smith's favor as handsome a letter as he could, and does not wish now to detract anything from the credit justly due that officer. He must leave it to him and to Captain Selfridge to settle between them the facts of the case The Admiral having conferred with the latter officer recently, and shown him the report of General Smith, of which he has never before seen or heard, the annexed letter will speak for itself: Newport, R. I., June 2d, 1880. Admiral D. D. Porter, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: Fifteen years have elapsed since the fatal repulse of a portion of the rebel trans-Mississippi forces under their General Green, by the gun-boats Osage and Lexington of your fleet, and for the first time I have learned of the report of General Kilby Smith, before the Committee upon the conduct of the war, in which he claims for the transports under his command the principal merit of the victory. The fight took place
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