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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The career of General A. P. Hill. (search)
sault, and were the first to enter the town. After the surrender Hill was left to dispose of the prisoners and captured stores, while Jackson hastened back to Sharpsburg, where Lee, with Longstreet and D. 11. Hill, was beset by McClellan's entire army. He arrived, not a moment too soon, to find his chief in perilous straits. It was the morning of the 16th of September. General Lee had drawn up Longstreet's and D. H. Hill's Divisions, both much reduced by the recent desperate contests at South mountain, on a range of eminences overhanging Antietam creek. In his front six full corps of Federal troops. Jackson, with seven thousand men, formed the left of Hill, and Walker-coming down from Harper's Ferry-prolonged the right of Longstreet. During this evening the Federals crossed the Antietam creek, and made a heavy onslaught upon the Confederate left centre, under General Hood, but were repulsed. The real work was not to be until the morrow. At dawn, on the 27th, McClellan opened
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Stonewall Jackson's Valley campaign. (search)
was made by a dash of Shields' cavalry, under Colonel Carroll, into Port Republic. They had been sent on a day's march in advance, and meeting but a small force of Confederate cavalry, had driven them pell-mell into Port Republic, dashed across South river after them, seized and, for a few minutes, held the bridge over the larger stream. Jackson had just passed through the village as they entered it. Riding rapidly to the nearest infantry regiment north of the bridge, he put himself at the hdrive him from the battery he had taken. It was then that Jackson renewed the attack with the combined forces of three brigades, and speedily forced the enemy from the field. The Confederate trains had been moved in the course of the day across South river toward Brown's gap, and during the afternoon and night the Confederates returned from the battle-field and pursuit, to camp at the foot of this mountain pass. It was midnight before some of them lay down in the rain to rest. This double v
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 13: Port Republic. (search)
the angle between the main stream and a tributary called South River. The only road to Brown's Gap, descending from the bold, the advance of the enemy dashed across the ford of the South River almost as soon as they, and occupied the streets. The Gtillery behind them also, and dashed across the fords of South River by the way they came. As they retired toward Lewistoeneral Taliaferro, in the village, to watch the fords of South River and the roads toward Lewiston, on the one hand, while on eye, to construct a foot-bridge across the fords of the South River, by which he designed to pass his infantry down toward L the dawn of day; and by five o'clock it had crossed the South River, and was ready to advance against Shields. The Louisian who had now passed the whole of his division across the South River, was also hurrying to the front. He had just placed theeral Jackson's column at the imperfect footbridge across South River, which caused his first attack to fail through deficient
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 36: campaign in Maryland and Virginia. (search)
, respectively, the North Fork and the South Fork, which unite near Front Royal in Warren County. The North Fork rises in the Great North Mountain, and runs eastwardly to within a short distance of New Market in Shenandoah County, and thence northeast by Mount Jackson and Strasburg, where it turns east to Front Royal. The South Fork is formed by the union of North, Middle and South Rivers. North River and Middle River, running from the west, unite near Mount Meridian in Augusta County. South River rises in the southeastern part of Augusta, and runs by Waynesboro, along the western base of the Blue Ridge, to Port Republic in Rockingham, where it unites with the stream formed by the junction of the North and Middle Rivers, a few miles above. From Port Republic, the South Fork of the Shenandoah runs northeast, through the eastern border of Rockingham and the county of Page, to Front Royal in Warren County. The North Fork and South Fork are separated by the Massanutten Mountain, w
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 47: the March up the Valley. (search)
s store, we would have been in a critical condition. On the morning of the 25th, we moved towards Port Republic,--which is in the fork of the South Fork and South River, and where the road through Brown's Gap in the Blue Ridge crosses those rivers,--in order to unite with Kershaw's division which had been ordered to join me froy rear and two in my front, and on the left was the Blue Ridge. I had therefore to move with great circumspection. Wickham's brigade of cavalry was sent up South River, near the mountain, to get between the enemy and Rock-fish Gap, while the infantry moved in two columns, one up South River, with the trains guarded in front bySouth River, with the trains guarded in front by Pegram's and Wharton's divisions, and in rear by Ramseur's division, and the other, composed of Kershaw's and Gordon's divisions with the artillery, on the right through Mount Meridian, Piedmont and New Hope. McCausland's cavalry, under Colonel Ferguson, was left to blockade and hold Brown's Gap, while Lomax, with the rest of his
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Index. (search)
eonhearted 250; minneboohoo, 251; Hannibal's wars, 253; reports of committees 253; Brigadier-Generals 254, 260 twelve hundred thousand rebels in the field, 255; Assessor Gilbert, 255; on canes, 256; hogshead illustration., 256; on Missouri Compromise, 257; Statute of Limitations 257; Blondin crossing Niagara, 257; reply to attacks, 255; Chicago Democratic platform, 259; death of John Morgan, 259; case of Franklin W. Smith, 259; royal blood, 261; reading the Bible, 262; thinking of a man down South, 263; presentiment of death, 263; the wards of the nation, 264; Lincoln and Stanton, 265; as a flat-boatman, 267; Louisiana negro, 268; Stonewall Jackson, 268; reply to Kentuckians, 269; letter to General Wadsworth, 270; extract from speech in Congress, 271; browsing around, 272; the negro porter, 272; Rev. Dr. Bellows and Surgeon-General Hammond, 274; the election of President the people's business, 275; appointment of chaplains, 277; appreciation of humor, 278; public opinion baths, 281;
artillery and Rosser's cavalry. Custer, when developing the position of the Confederates, discovered that their left was somewhat exposed instead of resting on South River; he therefore made his dispositions for attack, sending around that flank the dismounted regiments from Pennington's brigade, while he himself, with two brigadeConnecticut, in a charge in column, broke through the opening made by Custer, and continued on through the town of Waynesboroa, never stopping till they crossed South River. There, finding themselves immediately in the enemy's rear, they promptly formed as foragers and held the east bank of the stream till all the Confederates surd for Charlottesville the next morning early, followed by Devin with but two brigades. Gibbs having been left behind to blow up the iron railroad bridge across South River. Because of the incessant rains and spring thaws the roads were very soft, and the columns cut them up .terribly, the mud being thrown by the sets of fours acr
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 3: from New York to Richmond (search)
the Northern side of the controversy, to remain in Richmond. Therefore I returned to New Haven, where, with the entire family assembled, we conferred over the situation and decided that father and his three boys must go South as soon as possible, leaving mother and the girls to follow when the way should be clear and we ready to receive them. As there was no assurance of reaching our destination in safety without passports, father, who knew General Scott well, applied to him for passes South for himself and his three boys. The General replied, sending my father a pass, but refusing to furnish passports for his sons, and it then became necessary for us boys to devise some route, other than the railroads, for reaching our Southern friends. My next younger brother was an expert sailor, having followed the sea for years, and was recognized as perhaps the most daring and skilful manager of a small sailing craft to be found about New Haven harbor, or indeed anywhere in that part
s marched to the White House. What will be their next move it is of course impossible to know; but the general opinion of those who came up on the York River train yesterday evening was that they intended to embark for Yorktown. A report got loose yesterday morning that a fight had occurred below Chaffin's Bluff, between the confederates and Yankees, in which the latter were defeated. No such fight had occurred, and the rumor died out with the setting of the sun. When the bridge over South-Anna River, on the Central Railroad, Friday, was burned, the position was defended by Lieutenant Rice and fifty-one men of company A, Forty-fourth North-Carolina troops, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Hargrove, of that regiment. The defence was most gallant and obstinate, though against such odds as to be unsuccessful. They were attacked from all directions by one thousand cavalry, two hundred dismounted men, and two pieces of artillery. We give the list of killed and wounded. K
artars of Lee. Some think that these movements of Lee, And these raids from the army of Lee, Are only deceptions, the tricks and the show Of a Northern invasion, to cheat “Fighting Joe,” And then to push on, without pausing to rest, To a junction with Bragg to recover the West, By these bold Carthaginians of Lee. Some think that abandoning Lee, The Cotton State Legions of Lee, Care little for Richmond — that Davis & Co. Have packed up their traps and are ready to go To some safer refuge down South--that, in fine, In Georgia they next will establish their shrine, And leave old Virginia to Lee. But it is our impression that Lee, And this wonderful army of Lee, Are moving with Washington still in their eyes, Looming up as the grand and desirable prize Which will gain the alliance of England and France, And bring in John Bull to assist in the dance, Hand in hand with the army of Lee. 'Tis the last chance remaining to Lee, And the last to this army of Lee, And the last to Jeff Davis; for, <
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