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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Records of Longstreet's corps, A. N. V. (search)
er road, entering the latter a half mile above where the Willis Church road comes in, after crossing Malvern Hill, was always known as the Quaker road before this period. A confusion of names arose, however, at this time, which has resulted in the general application of the latter name to the road by Willis Church. No accurate maps of this section of country and its roads existed at the time, and to that fact it is probably due that no force was directed to the right and sent to east of Turkey creek to cut the River road below the Turkey Creek bridge. Sending a regiment of cavalry in front as an advanced guard, General Jackson pushed the head of the column close behind them, through the woods, and advanced rapidly upon Malvern Hill, fearing lest the enemy should escape. No sooner, however, did the cavalry show itself where the Quaker road debouches from the woods, on the open slopes of Crew's farm, than the position of the enemy was made apparent by a furious cannonade from heav
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 14: the Richmond campaign. (search)
ll. His line fronted north, covering the river road behind it, and presenting a convex curve toward the Confederates. His right was covered by a tributary of Turkey creek, and his left by the fire of his gunboats, which threw their monstrous projectiles beyond his whole front. The ground occupied by him dominated by its height ed to the house of Poindexter to meet the Commander-in-Chief. General Stuart, whom the latter had recalled from the north side of the Chickahominy, had reached Turkey Creek on the left of the lines of Jackson, just as the battle closed. He was now witness of the precipitate retreat of the enemy, and following him down the river rthe ammunition of the batteries, and in refreshing the men. Orders were given that on Thursday morning, the 3rd, all the army should pursue the enemy by way of Turkey Creek and the river road, with Longstreet in front. But after that General had put his troops in motion, General Lee determined to march toward Harrison's landing,
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 182 (search)
ight. 5.30, ordered Stanley in position, same formation as Newton, in Newton's rear, on right of road, and to be prepared to front either way; and at same time ordered Wood into position, same formation as Newton, on the left of the road near Turkey Creek. General Stanley was also ordered to keep closed up to General Newton, and to move forward when he moved. 5.30, General Hooker advanced. 6.20, General Hooker sent word to General Howard to close up his brigades in mass on his (Hooker's) right of the enemy in front and on our left. 2 p. m., Colonel Harker directed to place two of his regiments on the front line of his left, relieving two of Colonel Gibson's. 5 p. m., all of the artillery of the corps, which is on the other side of Turkey Creek, sent for, and ordered to join the divisions to which they are attached. 5.20, received instructions from, Major-General Sherman to put all of our artillery in position this evening, to be opened to-morrow. 8 p. m., division commanders were
on of the ration. Some mornings Frankman and I would bring in as many as seven deer, and our hunting expeditions made me so familiar with the region between our camp and Fort Duncan, the headquarters of the regiment, that I was soon enabled to suggest a more direct route of communication than the circuitous one then traversed, and in a short time it was established. Up to this time I had been on detached duty, but soon my own company was ordered into the field to occupy a position on Turkey Creek, about ten or twelve miles west of the Nueces River, on the road from San Antonio to Fort Duncan, and I was required to join the company. Here constant work and scouting were necessary, as our camp was specially located with reference to protecting from Indian raids the road running from San Antonio to Fort Duncan, and on to the interior of Mexico. In those days this road was the great line of travel, and Mexican caravans were frequently passing over it, to and from, in such a disorgan
rward a portion of his command beyond the creek, and secured the crossing. My loss in this skirmish was four men wounded. The loss of the enemy is unknown, but must have been greater. On the same day General Sherman seized the crossing of Turkey Creek, a few miles to the right, and General McPherson, after a sharp skirmish, seized Raymond, still further to the right. The flight of the enemy from Raymond left the way open to Jackson, the capital of Mississippi, and General Grant determineek, in pursuance of Major-General Grant's order, to Old Auburn, to guard and bring forward to Raymond the army's trains. That night the same division rested at Old Auburn; while the three remaining divisions rested on the Raymond road between Turkey Creek and Raymond. The morning of the fourteenth found General Osterhaus's division in Raymond, which, in pursuance of Major-General Grant's direction, I ordered to garrison that place. On the same day, in pursuance of like direction, General Ca
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The battle of Malvern Hill. (search)
k Swamp; the battle of Glendale (or Charles City cross-roads); the action of Turkey Creek, and the battle of Malvern Hill. Each was a success to our army, the engaget road to the elevated and cleared lands (Malvern Hill) on the north bank of Turkey Creek, there to select and hold a position behind which the army and all its trainhad passed over the route and professed to know it, my command did not reach Turkey Creek, which was only five miles distant, until 9 A. M. on the 30th. In fact, we g our steps. Our new field of battle embraced Malvern Hill, just north of Turkey Creek and Crew's Hill, about one mile farther north. Both hills have given name t supply trains of the army and of the reserve artillery passed safely beyond Turkey Creek through the commands thus posted, the movement only ceasing about 4 o'clock ddle-ground. The bridge is to the left on this road. The winding stream is Turkey Creek. In the middle distance is the position of the three gun-boats which shelle
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 16: the Army of the Potomac before Richmond. (search)
s were planted, overlooking the fields where the Confederates advanced to the charges on Porter and Couch. In the distance is seen the line of the dark pine-woods near Glendale, from which the assailing columns emerged. This was the appearance of the spot when the writer made the sketch, at the close of May, 1866. Lee ordered another assault on the tier after tier of batteries grimly visible on the plateau, rising in the form of an amphitheater, one flank of the Yankees protected by Turkey Creek, and the other by gun-boats. D. H. Hill's Report. His shattered columns were re-formed in the dark pine-forest, not more than half a mile in front of the National line, and at about six o'clock in the evening he opened a general artillery fire upon Couch and Porter, and his infantry rushed from their covering at the double-quick, over the open undulating fields, to storm the batteries and carry the hill. They were met by a most withering fire of musketry and great guns; but as one bri
plateau, and extends about a mile and a half in width and three-quarters of a mile in depth. On the highest ground there is an old-fashioned Virginia house, of brick, in one story. Trees standing thickly supply it with grateful shade. Behind the house, the ground falls away as abruptly as at the Highlands of the Hudson, and the delighted eye ranges over miles and miles of level country, profusely clothed with an almost tropical vegetation, and watered by the James, the Appomattox, and Turkey Creek. It is a scene of rare loveliness and peace; and gunboats, seemingly sleeping at their moorings on the gleaming river, half seen through the screen of foliage, added on that day to the air of repose which brooded over the whole landscape. But no stronger contrast could be presented than by the scene in front. On those broad slopes, in triple concentric lines, with the guns in the intervals and on the higher ground in the rear, the weary Army of the Potomac was rapidly ranging itself.
  K   12 12 1 9 10 126 Totals 12 177 189 1 107 108 1,325 189 killed == 14.2 per cent. Total of killed and wounded, 632; died in Confederate prisons (previously included), 35. battles. K. & M. W. battles. K. & M. W. Hall's Hill, Va. 1 Gettysburg, Pa. 40 Yorktown, Va. 2 Wilderness, Va. 12 Newbridge, Va. 3 Spotsylvania, Va. 10 Mechanicsville, Va. 4 North Anna, Va. 2 Gaines's Mill, Va. 23 Totopotomoy, Va. 2 Malvern Hill, Va. 54 Bethesda Church, Va. 6 Turkey Creek, Va. 1 Petersburg, Va. 4 Shepherdstown Ford, Va. 1 Picket, Va., Aug. 30, 1862 1 Fredericksburg, Va. 14 In Belle Isle Prison, Va. (killed) 1 Chancellorsville, Va. 8     Present, also, at Hanover C. H.; Manassas; Antietam; Mine Run; Rappahannock Station. notes.--Organized at Adrian, Mich., May 16, 1861, taking its departure from the State on the 25th of June. Proceeding to Virginia it joined in the advance to First Bull Run, but was not engaged there. The following winter
posted in the centre, so that, to use the language of Col. Sweitzer: We'll clothe this hill in sheets of flame before they take it. It was a magnificent spectacle. You see, friends, how desperate was the hour. The roar of combat grew tremendous as the afternoon wore away. There was no time then nor afterwards to ascertain dispositions of particular organizations. They were thrown together wherever emergency demanded. White Oak bridge, the Quaker road, Charles City road, the banks of Turkey Creek, were enveloped in smoke and flame; iron and lead crashed through forests and men like a destroying pestilence. A masked battery which had opened from the swamp under Malvern Hill, begun to prove inconvenient to Porter. It ploughed and crashed through some of our wagons, and disturbed groups of officers in the splendid groves of Malvern mansion. The gunboat Galena, anchored on the opposite side of Turkey Island, and the Aroostook, cruising at the head of the island, opened their ports