Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 10, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Valley Mountain (West Virginia, United States) or search for Valley Mountain (West Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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they ought not to suffer. None but those who have been accustomed to the use of tobacco can form any idea of the suffering which the want of it inflicts upon a regular consumer of the weed. We hope this appeal will not be in vain. The authorities ought to see to this matter. But this is no reason why private liberality should not come to the rescue. Subscriptions either, in money or tobacco, will be received at this office. City papers are requested to notice this matter: Valley Mountain, Pocahontas co., August 29, 1861. To the Editors of the Dispatch:--I do not know who is the god of tobacco, but as Bacchus used to be the god of wine, he has, in my judgment, the best title to the honor. Experience does not enable me to declare how strong is the inebriate's thirst for liquor; but if I loved the wine cup as I do the Virginia weed, I should certainly be a drunkard. Perhaps the craving for tobacco is even more intense than that for whiskey; at any rate, it cannot b
Lee's command. --According to a letter received at this office — dated August 29th, at Valley Mountain — the camp of Gen. Lee was still at that place. The weather continued to be very bad and the roads horrible. A body of the enemy, reported 2,000 strong, was at Crouch's seventeen miles off — another at Huttonville, twenty-three miles off, a third at Beverly, (thirty-two miles,) and a fourth on Cheat Mountain. In all, they were about 10,000 strong. The weather and roads had prevented active operations up to that t