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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 8: early professional life.—September, 1834, to December, 1837.—Age, 23-26. (search)
. Ticknor while they were abroad, and to those received by Mr. Daveis from his English friends. He corresponded with George Gibbs, who in 1835 passed some time in Paris, where through Sumner's introduction he was well received by Foelix. In the early part of 1837, a strong friendship was formed between Cornelius C. Felton, Henrdoctor,—The day has gone by for a degree for Mittermaier this season. He will probably receive it next year. . . . In the Revue Étrangere, edited by M. Foelix, of Paris (a correspondent of mine), is a long article on the translations of Beaumont and Tocqueville, Their Report upon the Penitentiary System of the United States.—yots different countries, and promise myself the pleasure of making your personal acquaintance at Heidelberg, where I hope to pass some time. I shall probably be in Paris during the months of January, February, and March, and shall then pass over to England; after which I shall visit Germany. My associate, L. S. Cushing, will have
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 9: going to Europe.—December, 1837.—Age, 26. (search)
Plan your journey. 2. Spend money carefully. 3. Preserve newspapers, hand-bills, &c. 4. Concentrate your attention for lasting impressions. 5. Take views—as of Paris from Montmartre—from elevated places, steeples, hills, &c. 6. Keep steadily a journal; let it be the carte of the day. Never think that an impression is too vividbut the right winds and auspices and influences with my most fervent wishes will certainly follow you in all your wanderings. Write to me soon after you arrive at Paris; and especially and fully from England, where our admiration and affections fully meet. I have commended you very cordially to Ticknor, and I authorize you to drars are four in number,—one a young man about twenty, a brother of the captain who makes his first trip; another, Mr. Munroe, John Munroe, afterwards a banker in Paris. a commission merchant of Boston; and two others who I am told are French, though I have not yet been able to distinguish them among the number of strangers who a<
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 10: the voyage and Arrival.—December, 1837, to January, 1838— age, 26-27. (search)
ge had been taken, and my bill on the Rothschilds in Paris obtained, on the 7th December. On that day dined winroe, a young merchant going to establish himself in Paris; Mr. Darlington, a midshipman on leave of absence for, to-morrow night is the last on which the hells of Paris are to be open, they being abolished after that timed I wish, if possible, to see them, besides being in Paris on New Year's Day. To-morrow, therefore, I shall start for Paris. Dec. 31, 1837. At a quarter before seven o'clock I found myself in the coupe;, with a fellowrier shoeing his horse. Upwards of forty miles from Paris we saw one mark of an approach to a great city: we tch we rattled for the remainder of the way; entering Paris between seven and eight o'clock in the evening by tht about ten o'clock to Frascati's,—the great hell of Paris. By law all public gaming-houses are forbidden aftento the crowd, and speedily dispersed them. Such was the last night of Frascati, and my first night in Paris
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 11: Paris.—its schools.—January and February, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
in America? During his first two months in Paris, Sumner employed his time almost solely in acqre; and I went to-night, for the first time at Paris, in company with my young acquaintance at the n the serious and the comic opera. He came to Paris in 1830, and performed there and in London. HOn Sumner's next visit to Europe, he sought at Paris, March 23, 1857, first of all, his former teacthe book in my hand. To George S. Hillard. Paris, Jan. 30, 1838. my dear Hillard,—. . . Sincor forty-two years old, who I believe lives at Paris for the sake of economy. He is a constant wri of Laws; and that, of the thousand lawyers at Paris, there were nine hundred and ninety-nine who dale. Then the most celebrated restaurant of Paris, and situated in the Passage du Saumon. There To Professor Henry W. Longfellow, Cambridge. Paris, Tuesday, Feb. 27, 1838. my dear Longfellowleasant study. There is no news stirring at Paris. You know that the Warrens and Cabots are in [49 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 12: Paris.—Society and the courts.—March to May, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
nce; but his attendance on the courts, both in Paris and at Versailles, is also an interesting featnear the boulevards. For my last few weeks in Paris I wish to be where I may see more of the world Jurist and all other things. I shall stay in Paris till the middle of April. I find ten times assed; he seemed proud of the thorough police of Paris, and of the almost dictatorial power of the Prr. From 1821 to 1847 she performed chiefly in Paris at the Odeon and Porte St. Martin theatres. Sce knew him to be Lord Brougham, who is now in Paris, from the resemblance to the caricatures, thouate friend, Chas. Sumner. To Judge Story. Paris, April 21, 1838. my dear Judge. . . . Your ely unacquainted. He added that, as he was in Paris for only a short time, he should not read the . To Rev. Dr. William E. Channing, Boston. Paris, May 21, 1838. my dear Sir,—One of the lastitings and addresses, referred to his visit to Paris, as also to his subsequent visit to Germany. [47 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 13: England.—June, 1838, to March, 1839.—Age, 27-28. (search)
nths. He came by the way of the Thames, and was a guest temporarily at the Tavistock Inn, Recommended by his Scotch friend, Brown, and by John Wilks. The latter, an active writer in his day, seems to have been much attracted to Sumner; and at Paris they were often together. Wilks bade Sumner good-by, as he left for London, in a note closing thus: So now a pleasant voyage to you; for you are a right good sample of a thoroughly good-hearted, hard-headed, able, well-informed American. Wilks ng of home and kindred. The few American tourists sojourning in London in those days were generally brought into personal relations with each other. Sumner welcomed heartily, as a fellow-lodger at 2 Vigo Street, Dr. Shattuck, his companion in Paris, who had in the mean time visited Italy and Germany. He met, in a friendly way, Rev. Ezra S. Gannett and Rev. George E. Ellis, Unitarian divines, Joseph Coolidge, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cabot, and their daughter, afterwards Mrs. John E. Lodge,—all f
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 14: first weeks in London.—June and July, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
I found myself here, I seemed at home again. Paris is great, vast, magnificent; but London is powouses compared with what Paris affords. Go to Paris, you will see art in its most various forms; yasteless did it seem. The last night I was in Paris I attended the French Opera, and the wonders ointerest always. I was much absorbed while in Paris with observing the administration of justice, laws of my country. If you conclude to visit Paris, do not fail to let me know beforehand; for I that one is in a foreign land: these belong to Paris. Here I seem again at home; I start as I catcere I see brick. I do not remember a house in Paris of that material. If I enter a house, I find r, seems to be perpetually about me. I left Paris, May 29, in the diligence, early in the mornin<*> I can assure you, my dear Hillard,—From Paris to London is but commons was on the globe, and from Emerson, forwarded by you (I think) from Paris. Hoping to know you better soon, Faithfull[4 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 15: the Circuits.—Visits in England and Scotland.—August to October, 1838.—age, 27. (search)
r his escapade in 1840, he came to the United States, and delivered lectures until 1845, when he took up his residence in Paris. My present arrangements are to pass from here to Harperley Park, the seat of a retired barrister of fortune; then toEngland or France. I amused him not a little by telling him that a Frenchman recommended himself to me, on my arrival in Paris, as a teacher of French, by saying that he had taught the great English poet, Wordsworth. The latter assured me that he rite the Chancellor the agreeable inquiries which have been made with regard to him by Mr. Bell, and also by Pardessus at Paris. You are perhaps aware that Clark, the bookseller, has published a neat volume, containing the commercial parts of Kent' the evening's diversions. I cannot content myself, however, without saying that nothing which I have previously seen in Paris, or other parts of England, in Scotland or Ireland, had prepared me for the vast and magnificent scale of this establishm