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M. Tullius Cicero, Orations, for Quintius, Sextus Roscius, Quintus Roscius, against Quintus Caecilius, and against Verres (ed. C. D. Yonge) 530 0 Browse Search
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 346 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 224 0 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 220 0 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 100 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 90 0 Browse Search
Plato, Letters 76 0 Browse Search
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 60 0 Browse Search
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 58 0 Browse Search
C. Julius Caesar, Commentaries on the Civil War (ed. William Duncan) 42 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in T. Maccius Plautus, Menaechmi, or The Twin Brothers (ed. Henry Thomas Riley). You can also browse the collection for Sicily (Italy) or search for Sicily (Italy) in all documents.

Your search returned 4 results in 3 document sections:

T. Maccius Plautus, Menaechmi, or The Twin Brothers (ed. Henry Thomas Riley), act 2, scene 3 (search)
making fun of me, and step this way with me. MENAECHMUS SOSICLES for, madam, you are looking for some other person, I know not whom, not me. EROTIUM Don't I know you, Menaechmus, the son of your father Moschus, who are said to have been born in Sicily, at Syracuse, where King Agathocles reigned, and after him PintiaAfter him Pintia: She is supposed, by the Commentators, to be purposely represented here as quite mistaken in her historical facts, and as making nothing but a confused jumble of td the government from Liparo, but, on the contrary, that his virtuous character was the sole ground for his election to the sovereignty. Lipara was the name of one of the Aeolian islands (now called the Isles of Lipari), not far from the coast of Sicily. Some think that she means to call Agathocles by the additional names of Plintias (and not Pintia) from plinto\s, "pottery," as he had exercised the trade of a potter, and of "Liparo," from the Greek luphro/s, "savage," by reason of the cruelty o
T. Maccius Plautus, Menaechmi, or The Twin Brothers (ed. Henry Thomas Riley), act prologue, scene 0 (search)
id to have happened. This has been my preface to the subject of this play. Now will I give the subject, meted out to you, not in a measure, nor yet in a threefold measureA threefold measure: "Trimodius." This was a measure for corn, consisting of three "modii," which last contained about a peck of English measure., but in the granary itself; so great is my heartiness in telling you the plot. There was a certain aged man, a merchant at SyracuseAt Syracuse: Syracuse was the principal city of Sicily famed for its commerce and opulence.; to him two sons were born, twins, children so like in appearance that their own foster-motherFoster-mother: "Mater." Literally, "mother.", who gave the breast, was not able to distinguish them, nor even the mother herself who had given them birth; as a person, indeed, informed me who had seen the children; I never saw them, let no one of you fancy so. After the children were now seven years old, the father freighted a large ship with much merchandize. T
T. Maccius Plautus, Menaechmi, or The Twin Brothers (ed. Henry Thomas Riley), act 5, scene 9 (search)
ve given me good advice, and I return you thanks. Troth, now, prithee, do continue to lend me your assistance. If you discover that this is my brother, be you a free man. MESSENIO I hope I shall. MENAECHMUS SOSICLES I too hope that it will be so. MESSENIO to MENAECHMUS of Epidamnus. How say you? I think you said that you are called Menaechmus? MENAECHMUS of Epidamnus. I did so indeed. MESSENIO pointing to his master. His name, too, is Menaechmus. You said that you were born at Syracuse, in Sicily; he was born there. You said that Moschus was your father; he was his as well. Now both of you can be giving help to me and to yourselves at the same time. MENAECHMUS of Epidamnus. You have deserved that you should beg nothing but what you should obtain that which you desire. Free as I am, I'll serve you as though you. had bought me for money. MESSENIO I have a hope that I shall find that you two are twin-born brothers, born of one mother and of one father on the same day. MENAECHMUS of Epid