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Browsing named entities in Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation. You can also browse the collection for Guadalupe or search for Guadalupe in all documents.

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a, thou shalt goe West and by South untill thou come to Dominica , and there on the Northwest side is a river, where thou mayest water. The marks to know it bee a certaine high land full of hilles. And seeing it when thou art farre off to the seaward, it maketh in the middest a partition; so that a man would thinke it devided the Island in two parts. And this Island standeth in 14 degrees and a halfe. I advise thee that if thou wouldest goe for Nueva Espanna, and so doest passe betweene Guadalupe and Monserate to the Westward, that being thus open off the entrance betwixt them thou shalt go Westnorthwest, and so shalt have sight of Santa Cruz, which standeth in seventeene degrees and a halfe. And the markes to know it be these. It is an Island not very high, and lyeth East and West, and at the East end it is lower then at the West end. And going forward on thy course thou shalt runne Westnorthwest, and so thou shalt goe to have sight of the Isle of San Juan de Puerto rico, whic
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, What thou must doe if a contrary wind take thee fiftie leagues off the shore. (search)
a, thou shalt goe West and by South untill thou come to Dominica , and there on the Northwest side is a river, where thou mayest water. The marks to know it bee a certaine high land full of hilles. And seeing it when thou art farre off to the seaward, it maketh in the middest a partition; so that a man would thinke it devided the Island in two parts. And this Island standeth in 14 degrees and a halfe. I advise thee that if thou wouldest goe for Nueva Espanna, and so doest passe betweene Guadalupe and Monserate to the Westward, that being thus open off the entrance betwixt them thou shalt go Westnorthwest, and so shalt have sight of Santa Cruz, which standeth in seventeene degrees and a halfe. And the markes to know it be these. It is an Island not very high, and lyeth East and West, and at the East end it is lower then at the West end. And going forward on thy course thou shalt runne Westnorthwest, and so thou shalt goe to have sight of the Isle of San Juan de Puerto rico, whic
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, A principal ruttier conteining most particular directions to saile from S. Lucar in Andaluzia by the Isles of the Canaries, the small Isles called Las Antillas, along the South parts of the Isles of S. Juan de Puerto rico, Hispaniola and Cuba : and from Cabo de Corrientes, or Cabo de S. Anton without and within the litle Isles called Los Alacranes, to the port of S. Juan de Ullua in Nueva Espanna: and the course from thence backe againe by Havana , and through the Chanell of Bahama to Spaine: together with the speciall markes of all the Capes, Islands, and other places by the way; and a briefe declaration of their latitudes and longitudes. (search)
gh steeple, and upon the Norther side you shall perceive it like many white sheetes. Markes of the Island of Guadalupe.THE Island of Guadalupe lieth on the West of Deseada, and upon the Southwest part thereof appeare many hie mountaiIsland of Guadalupe lieth on the West of Deseada, and upon the Southwest part thereof appeare many hie mountaines, but upon the East side it maketh certaine tables, which are called the high part of Guadalupe . And this Island is cut North and South; so that the Canoas of India do passe from the North to the South of it, as if it were two Islands. MaGuadalupe . And this Island is cut North and South; so that the Canoas of India do passe from the North to the South of it, as if it were two Islands. Markes of the Isle of Matalina, or Martinino.THE Isle of Matalina is high and full of mountaines, having in the midst thereof 3. homocks: the middlemost homocke being highest sheweth like the great bowle of an hat. And upon the North side it appeareth de Los Santos, or the Islands of Saintes. Los Santos are 3. Islandes lying one close by another upon the South side of Guadalupe . For to goe with S. Juan de Puerto rico you must stirre away Northwest, untill you fall with the Isle of Saba.
Markes of the Island of Guadalupe.THE Island of Guadalupe lieth on the West of Deseada, and upon the Southwest part thereof appeare many hie mountaines, but upon the East side it maketh certaine tables, which are called the high part of Guadalupe . And this Island is cut North and South; so that the Canoas of India dIsland of Guadalupe lieth on the West of Deseada, and upon the Southwest part thereof appeare many hie mountaines, but upon the East side it maketh certaine tables, which are called the high part of Guadalupe . And this Island is cut North and South; so that the Canoas of India do passe from the North to the South of it, as if it were two Islands. e lieth on the West of Deseada, and upon the Southwest part thereof appeare many hie mountaines, but upon the East side it maketh certaine tables, which are called the high part of Guadalupe . And this Island is cut North and South; so that the Canoas of India do passe from the North to the South of it, as if it were two Islands.
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, Markes of the three small Islands called Islas de Los Santos, or the Islands of Saintes. (search)
Markes of the three small Islands called Islas de Los Santos, or the Islands of Saintes. Los Santos are 3. Islandes lying one close by another upon the South side of Guadalupe . For to goe with S. Juan de Puerto rico you must stirre away Northwest, untill you fall with the Isle of Saba.
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The third voyage set forth by sir Walter Ralegh to Guiana , with a pinnesse called The Watte, in the yeere 1596. Written by M. Thomas Masham a gentleman of the companie. (search)
rrots and monkies. Besides divers other commodities, which in good time may be found out to the benefit of our countrey, and profit of the adventurers, who as yet having ventured much, have gained litle. Now leaving the river of Coritine, passing by Saint Vincent, Santa Lucia, and Matalina, we came to Dominica upon the Friday following, being the thirteenth of May, having lost the barke that came out with us the Wednesday before. Upon Sunday morning, the fifteenth of May, we came to Guadalupe , where wee watered at the Southern part of the Island, and having done by night, we set saile, and stood away to the Northward, but were becalmed all night, and untill tenne of the clocke on Munday night: at which time having a faire gale at East, and after at Southeast, wee passed along in the sight of Monserate, Antigua , and Barbuda . Upon the ninth of June, being Thursday, we made the Islands of Flores and Corvo : and the eight and twentieth of June we made the Lisart, and that night c