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George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 6: (search)
n an uncommonly pretty and well-arranged parlor, sitting in his arm-chair, with a sort of comforter of silk thrown about the lower part of his person. His infirmities were plainly upon him, but there was nothing or very little that was painful in their character. He talked with great distinctness of opinion and phrase upon a wide variety of subjects; such as the different races of men in the early ages of the world, the impossibility of two races becoming mixed on equal terms, the state of Canada at this moment, Cooper's novels, etc. He says he is, though entirely liberal in his politics, less inclined to republican, or democratic, institutions than he used to be, because he thinks the people are, from the tendencies of their nature, less disposed to choose the most elevated minds for the most important places, or to intrust their affairs generally to the wisest and most disinterested hands. At ten o'clock I left him,—for his visitors do not stay late, on account of his health,—an
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 7: (search)
relating to the history of the country still in existence; of the new plan of a Commission relating to them, just submitted by the Minister of Public Instruction, which Thierry thinks will fail; of the politics of the times; and of the affairs of Canada. He is much skilled in etymology, and thinks our etymologies of the word Yankee are all wrong, and that, having arisen from the collision and jeerings of the Dutch and the English, in New York and New England, it is from the Dutch Jan,—pronoun vocation perfectly, and when I came away, between twelve and one o'clock, he seemed quite unwearied. February 28.—I spent the greater part of the evening at Thierry's very agreeably. He takes a great interest in the movement of the French in Canada. Ces noms Francais, he said to-night, me vont au coeur! He is unlike his countrymen in many respects, but this is genuinely and completely French. He cannot endure the disgrace and defeat of men who bear such names. The last of the evening
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 8: (search)
of projects for our convenience and pleasure. Rogers followed him, and talked in his quiet way about all sorts of things and people, showing sometimes a little sub-acid. It has always been said he will leave memoirs behind him. I hope he will, for who can write anything of the sort that would be so amusing? . . . . Before he left us Lord Lansdowne came in, and stayed above an hour . . . . He talked well. He seems to be something worried and annoyed by our bad behavior on the frontiers of Canada, and spoke a little with the air of a minister of state, when he came upon this delicate subject. Of the condition of France, politically considered, he spoke wisely, and was curious to hear what I could tell him, adding that he had known, from 1814, the relations of the two governments, and that, excepting when the Duke de Broglie was Premier, they had never felt, in England, that they could depend implicitly on the representations of the French government; an honorable testimony from one
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 9: (search)
rocks of Great Britain; an excellent, good-humored extemporaneous discussion followed, managed with much spirit by Greenough, the first President, and founder of the Society; Murchison; Lyell, the well-known author; Stokes; Buckland; and Phillips of York. . . . . May 24.—Dined at Holland House, with Lady Fitzpatrick, Mr. Akerley,—who has done such good service as chairman of the committee on the Poor-Laws,—Lord Shelburne, Sir James Kempt,— who is thankful to be no longer Governor-General of Canada,— Lord John Russell, Allen, and two others. It was a pleasure to dine in that grand old Gilt Room, with its two ancient, deep fireplaces, and to hear Lord Holland's genial talk, for I cannot help agreeing with Scott, that he is the most agreeable man I have ever known. The reason, I apprehend, is, that to the great resources of his knowledge he adds a laissez-aller, arising from his remarkable good-nature, which is quite irresistible. We passed the evening in the great library, Addison
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 10: (search)
isit has thus far certainly been successful. Mr. Lyell has found enough in the geology of the country to reward him for his trouble, and enough intelligent geologists to help him on, and show him what he wanted to see. After his long tour at the South, therefore, in the States where the presence of slavery infects everything, and renders the travelling—especially to strangers—disagreeable, he has just left us—first stopping a fortnight in my family—for a still longer tour in the West and in Canada. . . . But to Mrs. Lyell these varieties, as far as they chance to be disagreeable, are not of consequence, so long as geology goes on well. She is one of those who make a sunshine in a shady place, and I really believe she has enjoyed herself, almost everywhere she has been. Certainly everybody has been delighted with her. . . . . And this reminds me of what I said in a former letter about education in Boston, and your reply to it, that Boston is, probably, in advance of the other ci
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 14: (search)
ir E. Head, Bart. Caldwell, Lake George, August 3, 1854. My dear Sir Edmund,—I am delighted with the news Sir Edmund Head was appointed Governor-General of Canada. In the autumn of this year, when he transferred his residence from Fredericton to Quebec, he passed through Boston with his family, and Mr. and Mrs. Ticknor accich I feel not the slightest disposition to deny or evade, or, in American parlance, to repudiate. Nothing could be more agreeable to us all than to visit you in Canada. The only time we were ever there was in the reign of the late Lord Dalhousie. I do not know whether your residence is to be in the old chateau at Quebec, whichHowever, we will talk of these things in Boston next month. Meantime, give our hearty congratulations to Lady Head. She will certainly find it more agreeable in Canada, summer and winter, than in New Brunswick. Yours faithfully, Geo. Ticknor. My girls are out under the trees, reading the Paradiso, the eldest using the co
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 20: (search)
has had in China. Their manufactures will be admitted free at the South, and they will receive free the great staples they need in return;but we at the North cannot make such treaties with them; and though we may possibly, but not probably, get Canada and Nova Scotia, about which they will care little, we can, if separated, never have profitable or really satisfactory relations with these provinces, or with the mother country. The same is the case, though in an inferior degree, with France aner one of the baby, who is now the plaything of the house. It is, however, all right. But nothing else seems to be so just now. I need not tell you what a hurricane we have had in our commercial and monetary affairs. It has blown somewhat in Canada, I think, and even London and Paris have not been unconscious of it. But here it has been tremendous . . . . . A great deal has, no doubt, been owing to a mad panic. But there have been deep causes at work for years to produce it. The people of
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 21: (search)
n any similar one in the United States; I suspect a finer building than any we have for any purpose whatever, except the Capitol at Washington. It is in the Norman style of architecture.. . . . But if we are ignorant, as I think we are, about Canada, they are quite as ignorant about us. I think they hardly know more than the people in England do. . . . . We are all well, and send kindest regards. . . . . Yours sincerely, Geo. Ticknor. To Sir Edmund Head. Boston, March 26, 1860. o feel, at Baden, that there are limits to his power which he must not attempt to pass; and from what I hear, I think he was made to feel it. I shall hardly hear from you again until your flurry is over, The visit of the Prince of Wales to Canada. but Lady Head will tell us all about it. Her case is a new illustration of the beneficent result of the revolution of 1776, which made the United States a refuge for the oppressed. Please give the love of all of us to her, and to C. and A., and
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 24: (search)
d was formed after our tastes and opinions were matured, the idea of its termination never seemed to be one of its elements. Certainly, I think, it never occurred to me that I should survive him, though, perhaps, I had sometimes worse fears than that. What you tell me of his own anticipations, founded on the verses of Bland, which he so long recollected, falls in with my own impressions, and with what he intimated to me more than once in two visits of some length which we made to him in Canada. I think he feared a slow decay of his faculties, with, perhaps, a long life. Yet he was so full of physical strength, which he delighted to enjoy in the most vigorous bodily exercises, and he took such pleasure in the resources of his marvellous memory, as well as in a sort of general intellectual activity, which he spread over so many subjects of elegant culture, as well as of judicial and administrative policy, that I never much shared his own apprehensions or those of his friends. T