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as proud of an Irving and a Cooper as were the people of the United States; and he knew America must reverence a country from whom they derived their notions of civil and religious liberty. The good feeling and the attention shown the Prince of Wales on his journey through America would long be remembered and appreciated by the English. His speech elicited much applause. The English Consul was also at the dinner, as well as Consul Stote, of Manheim, and Mr. Strauss, Consul for the Argentine Republic. The Rev. Dr. McClintock, of Paris, spoke to the toast of The clergy. About one hundred persons sat down to dinner, and there was generally a very pleasant time. To the toast of The President, the band, by mistake, played God save the Queen, which made considerable fun at the table. Not understanding English very well was probably the cause of this little mistake. Unfortunately for the London Times and its celebrated prophecy of what would be the manner of the celebration, it happe
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Asboth, Alexander Sandor, 1811- (search)
Asboth, Alexander Sandor, 1811- Military officer; born in Hungary, Dec. 18, 1811. He had served in the Austrian army, and at the outbreak of the revolution of 1848 he entered the insurgent army of Hungary, struggling for Hungarian independence. He accompanied Kossuth in exile in Turkey. In the autumn of 1851 he came to the United States in the frigate Mississippi, and became a citizen. When the Civil War broke out in 1861 he offered his services to the government, and in July he went as chief of Fremont's staff to Missouri, where he was soon promoted to brigadier-general. He performed faithful services until wounded in the face and one arm, in Florida. in a battle on Sept. 27, 1864. For his services there he was brevetted a major-general in the spring of 1865. and in August following he resigned, and was appointed minister to the Argentine Republic. The wound in his face caused his death in Buenos Ayres, Jan. 21, 1868.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cabot 1476-1557 (search)
abot with a vessel, in 1517, to seek for a northwest passage to India; but he unsuccessfully fought the ice-pack at Hudson Bay and was foiled. The successor of Ferdinand invited Cabot to Spain and made him chief pilot of the realm. He was employed by Spanish merchants to command an expedition to the Spice Islands by way of the then newly discovered Strait of Magellan; but circumstances prevented his going farther than the southeast coast of South America, where he discovered the rivers De la Plata and Paraguay. His employers were disappointed, and, resigning his office into the hands of the Spanish monarch, he returned to England in his old age, and was pensioned by the King. After the death of Henry VIII. the boy King, Edward VI., made Cabot grand pilot of England; but Queen Mary neglected him, and allowed that eminent navigator and discoverer of the North American continent to die in London in comparative poverty and obscurity at the age of eighty years. His cheerful temperament
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cabral, Pedro Alvarez (search)
st Indies, for the purpose of following up Gama's discoveries. He left Lisbon on March 9, 1500. In order to avoid the calms on the Guinea shore, he went so far westward as to discover land on the coast of Brazil at lat. 10° S. He erected a cross, and named the country The land of the Holy cross. It was afterwards called Brazil, from brasil, a dyewood that abounded there. Cabral took possession of the country in the name of the King. After it was ascertained that it was a part of the American continent, a controversy arose between the crowns of Spain and Portugal concerning the right of possession, but it was settled amicably—Portugal to possess the portion of the continent discovered by Cabral, that is, from the River Amazon to the Plate (De la Plata). This discovery led Emanuel to send out another expedition (three ships) under Americus Vespucius (q. v.), in May, 1501. They touched Brazil at lat. 5° S., and returned home after a voyage of sixteen months. Cabral died about 1
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Centennial Exhibition, (search)
$4,444,000. The space occupied by them was about 49 acres of ground, and their annexes covered 26 acres more, making a total of 75 acres. The main building alone covered over 21 acres. The national government issued invitations to all foreign nations having diplomatic relations with the United States to participate in the exhibition by sending the products of their industries. There was a generous response, and thirty-three nations, besides the United States, were represented—namely, Argentine Republic, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chili, China, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Great Britain and Ireland, India and British colonies, Hawaiian Islands, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Liberia. Luxemburg Grand Duchy, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Orange Free State, Peru, Portugal, Russia, Santo Domingo, Spain and Spanish colonies, Siam, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunis, Turkey, and Venezuela. A Woman's executive committee was formed, composed of Philadelphians, who raised money sufficient among th
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Diplomatic service. (search)
Diplomatic service. The following is a table of the chiefs of the United States embassies and legations in foreign countries on Jan. 1, 1901 Argentine republic. William P. Lord, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Buenos Ayres. Austria-Hungary. Addison C. Harris, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Vienna. Belgium. Lawrence Townsend, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Brussels. Bolivia. George H. Bridgman, Envoy Extraordinariary, Constantinople. Venezuela. Francis B. Loomis, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Caracas. The following is a table of the chiefs of the foreign embassies and legations in the United States on Jan. 1, 1901: Argentine republic. Dr. Eduardo Wilde, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. Austria-Hungary. Mr. Ladislaus Hengelmuller von Hengervar, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. Belgium. Count G. de Lichtervelde, Envoy Extra
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Gould, Benjamin Apthorp 1824-1896 (search)
of transatlantic longitude, and they resulted in founding a regular series of longitudinal measurements from Louisiana to the Ural Mountains. In 1856-59 Dr. Gould was director of the Dudley Observatory in Albany, N. Y. In this building the normal clock was first employed to give time throughout the observatory by telegraph. He later greatly improved this clock, which is now used in all parts of the world. In 1868 he organized and directed the national observatory at Cordoba, in the Argentine Republic. He there mapped out a large part of the Benjamin A. Gould. southern heavens. He also organized a national meteorological office, which was connected with branch stations extending from the tropics to Terra del Fuego, and from the Andes Mountains to the Atlantic. He returned from South America in 1885, and died in Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 26, 1896. His publications include Investigations in the military and Anthropological statistics of American soldiers; Investigations of the or
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Head, Sir Francis bond -1875 (search)
Head, Sir Francis bond -1875 Author; born near Rochester, England, Jan. 1, 1793; entered the engineer corps of the army and served in the campaigns under Wellington. In 1825 he explored the gold and silver mines in the Argentine Republic. Late in 1835 he was appointed governor of Upper Canada, where his injudicious measures caused an insurrection, in which American sympathizers with the people became involved. He kept the outbreak in check until his resignation in March, 1838. The same year he was created a baronet. He displayed much versatility as an author, and many of his works were republished in the United States. He died in Croydon, England, July 20, 1875.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Jews and Judaism. (search)
rgely an agricultural one; the legislation of the Bible and the later Law Books was clearly intended for an agricultural people; and Jews have never shown an unwillingness to return again to the soil. In Southern Russia there are to-day 225 Jewish colonies with a population of 100,000. In Palestine there are now more than twenty colonies with a population of more than 5,000, and similar agricultural colonies have been established at various times in the United States, Canada, and the Argentine Republic. In many cases, it is true, these colonies have not yet become self-supporting, but this has been due in a large measure to maladministration and to the popular conditions under which the colonies were founded. It cannot be denied that a goodly part of the Jewish proletariat belongs to the Socialist party. The whole Biblical system is in itself not without a Socialist tinge; and the two great founders of the modern system, Lasalle and Marx, were Jews. But the Jew is by nature pea
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Martinez-Campos, Arsenio 1834-1877 (search)
requesting to serve in the Liberal army he was set free, and given the command of a division under Concha. He took part in the battles of Los Munecas and Galdames, and raised the siege of Bilbao. Returning to Madrid he espoused the cause of Alfonso XII., and with Jovellar succeeded in placing the royal heir on the throne. He was next sent into the disturbed territory of Catalonia, which he pacified in less than a month. In 1876 he ended the civil war by defeating Don Carlos at Peña de la Plata, for which he Arsenio Martinez-Campos. was appointed a captain-general. In the following year he was ordered to Cuba, to combat the insurrection, and brought about a cessation of hostilities by pledging the Cubans a more liberal government. This pledge he made a strenuous effort to have kept when he became prime minister and minister of war, but the Cortes would not support him, and, feeling his honor violated thereby, he resigned his office (1879). In April, 1895, he was again sent to
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