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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 44: Secession.—schemes of compromise.—Civil War.—Chairman of foreign relations Committee.—Dr. Lieber.—November, 1860April, 1861. (search)
mission, on account of his familiarity with languages and his rank among savans. He pleaded in vain with Mr. Lincoln for Theodore S. Fay's retention at Berne, Ante, vol. II. p. 120, note. and also failed in securing for Motley the mission to the Hague. He approved the appointment of Carl Schurz to Madrid, and also procured that of secretary of legation at the same court for Mr. H. J. Perry, without the latter's request or knowledge,—deeming Mr. Perry's previous experience in the same officen, in view of his personal fitness, his unselfish patriotism, and his devotion to the antislavery cause; but unfortunately his name and that of Motley were both presented for the Austrian mission after Motley had failed to secure the mission to the Hague, and Burlingame had been transferred from Vienna to Pekin. Sumner was embarrassed by the rivalry of the two friends (brothers to him, to use his own expression); but while meaning to keep the balance between the two, he nevertheless said enou
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 46: qualities and habits as a senator.—1862. (search)
presentatives. Sumner, as the files of letters received by him show, bore his full share of this burden. He and his colleague were the medium of communication between Governor Andrew and the government. The files of the governor's office at the State House contain many letters from Sumner on public business. Literary men as well as antislavery men, irrespective of the States they lived in, felt they had a special claim on Sumner. Motley was urgent with him for a mission, first at the Hague and then at Vienna. Fay hoped, though vainly, to be saved by him from the competition of place-seekers. Bayard Taylor, wishing to succeed Cameron at St. Petersburg, wrote from that capital, Aug. 18, 1862: Take my importunity in good part; there are so few senators who are scholars! It was a time when relatives were always at Washington on their way to look for wounded or sick soldiers, or to recover their bodies from fields and hospitals. Sumner, however much it might invade his time
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 57: attempts to reconcile the President and the senator.—ineligibility of the President for a second term.—the Civil-rights Bill.—sale of arms to France.—the liberal Republican party: Horace Greeley its candidate adopted by the Democrats.—Sumner's reserve.—his relations with Republican friends and his colleague.—speech against the President.—support of Greeley.—last journey to Europe.—a meeting with Motley.—a night with John Bright.—the President's re-election.—1871-1872. (search)
I have had much occasion latterly to meditate on the justice and friendship of this world, especially when crossed by the mandate of political power. I know the integrity of my conduct and the motives of my life. Never were they more clear or absolutely blameless than now. But never in the worst days of slavery have I been more vindictively pursued or more falsely misrepresented. Leaving Paris October 19, Sumner stopped at Brussels and Antwerp, and passed two days with Motley at the Hague,— missing the queen of Holland, then in England, who had wished much to make his acquaintance. Correspondence of J. L. Motley, vol. II. pp. 354, 355. Henry Reeve, meeting him at the station there, was much struck by the change which time and illness had wrought upon his manly form and lofty stature. On the 26th he was again in London, lodging this time at Fenton's, in St. James's Street. His friends were generally absent, not having returned from the country or the continent; but thos