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ms be, Launch our ‘Mayflower,’ and steer boldly through the desperate winter sea. But a battle was impending. Encouraged by the timid servility of the Northern Congressmen, the advocates of slavery brought forward, in the famous Nebraska and Kansas Bill, the iniquitous scheme of abrogating the Missouri Compromise of 1820, prohibiting slavery, that State alone excepted, from all the territory ceded by France to the United States, lying north of 36° 30′ north latitude. After various modificassional prohibition. Everywhere within the sphere of Congress, the great northern hammer will descend to smite the wrong; and the irresistible cry will break forth, No more slave States! Thus, sir, now standing at the very grave of freedom in Kansas and Nebraska, I lift myself to the vision of that happy resurrection by which freedom will be secured hereafter, not only in these Territories, but everywhere under the national government. More clearly than ever before, I now see the beginning
and Collamer. his speech on the Admission of Kansas. the Exordium. reference to Mr. Douglas. th of Mr. Douglas and Mr. Collamer on affairs in Kansas, presented in the Senate March 13, 1856, Mr. S. Seward presented A Bill for the Admission of Kansas into the Union, on which an acrimonious debates celebrated speech entitled The crime against Kansas. His positions were, first, the crime against Kansas in its origin and extent; secondly, the apologies for the crime; and, thirdly, the true remeealth that gives me the privilege to plead for Kansas on this floor, knows her rights, and will main can give, said he, let it all go to suffering Kansas. That letter, and Mr. Wilson's answer to the from his friends in Boston, in approval of his Kansas speech, for which subscriptions to the amount nd, to the recovery and security of freedom in Kansas. The testimonial was to have been an elabor his public duties, and also for the wrongs of Kansas, and the success of the Republican party. But[6 more...]
s health Precarious. his Letters evincing his interest in Kansas. re-election to the United-States Senate. his remarks th to the interests of the Republican party and of suffering Kansas. On the 17th of November, for instance, he wrote a lettertures should contribute to sustain the cause of liberty in Kansas, which, with a letter from Mr. Wilson to the governor of V Esq., who was heroically laboring on behalf of freedom in Kansas, he said, I cannot believe that Massachusetts will hesitate. Her people have already opened their hearts to Kansas; and the public treasury should be opened as wide as their hearts., he said, Do any sigh for a Thermopylae? They have it in Kansas; for there is to be fought the great battle between freedohealth long deferred, I give my best thoughts to suffering Kansas, with devout prayers that the usurpation which now treads n being asked by the latter if he ever intended to live in Kansas, he replied, No, unless I happened to find my last home th
Chapter 14: Mr. Sumner represents the spirit of the North. the crime against Kansas. Exordium. Analysis of the speech. slave Masters. freedom of speech. William Lloyd Garrison. nd, and showed the country that Richard was on his feet again. On the Bill for the Admission of Kansas as a Free State, then before the Senate, he made one of the most masterly speeches of his life, intments. When last I entered into this debate, it became my duty to expose the crime against Kansas, and to insist upon the immediate admission of that Territory as a State of this Union, with a chat easy victory which is found in charity. Mr. Sumner entitled his Speech The crime against Kansas; and he thus indicated the manner in which it was to be discussed:-- Motive is to crime as somner used these hopeful words:-- Let the answer become a legislative act, by the admission of Kansas as a free State. Then will the barbarism of slavery be repelled, and the pretension of property