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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 584 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 298 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 112 0 Browse Search
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler 76 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 72 0 Browse Search
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 1 62 0 Browse Search
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1 62 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 2, 17th edition. 52 0 Browse Search
Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Debates of Lincoln and Douglas: Carefully Prepared by the Reporters of Each Party at the times of their Delivery. 50 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 46 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 1. You can also browse the collection for Maine (Maine, United States) or search for Maine (Maine, United States) in all documents.

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small State, in territory and in population. With the exception of Maine, it lies the farthest eastward of all the States in the Union. Itsssengers were sent to Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Maine, for this purpose. One of these messengers was the gentleman who awith Governor Goodwin, of New Hampshire, and Governor Washburn, of Maine. Besides the mere duty of organizing public demonstrations, he was intrusted, as to the Governor of Maine with a mission of a far more important character. Maine and Massachusetts, being subject to a commonMaine and Massachusetts, being subject to a common State government until 1820, sustained peculiar relations to each other, by similarity of legislation, institutions, and, in later years, ofctivity; and to urge Governor Washburn to adopt the same policy for Maine. Leaving Boston on the evening of Saturday, Jan. 5, Colonel Brownen, and the answer was returned, that, wherever Massachusetts leads, Maine will follow close, if she can't keep abreast. Thus Governor Andr
n the tented field, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this noble response to the call of your State and your country. You cannot wait for words. I bid you Godspeed and an affectionate farewell. Colonel Packard made a brief and fitting response; and the regiment filed down Park Street, and marched to the depot of the Old Colony Railroad, where a train was ready to receive it. In a few minutes, the regiment was on the way to Fall River, where it was put on board the steamer State of Maine, and arrived at New York the next afternoon. Its departure was delayed until four o'clock on the morning of the 19th, in adjusting ballast and taking in coal, when it started for Fortress Monroe, and arrived there at break of day on the morning of the 20th. In its march through Boston and along the route to Fall River, the regiment was received with cheers of approval from the men, and by the waving of handkerchiefs by the women, who turned out to greet it. The Sixth Regiment muster
aphs to Secretary Cameron that the steamer State of Maine, with the Fourth Regiment on board, is det Washington. Telegraphs Governor Washburn, of Maine, One advance regiment [the Sixth] has reached .—The Governor writes to Governor Washburn, of Maine, that the understanding is, that Mr. Crowninshled muskets, of the most approved pattern, for Maine, and Maine is to bear her proportion of the exMaine is to bear her proportion of the expenses of the agent. Also to Governor Goodwin, of New Hampshire, that Mr. Crowninshield is to purces at once. Governor to Governor Washburn, of Maine (telegram): New York urges that Maine would huMaine would hurry forward her men. We have parted with certain equipments to Mr. Blaine, the agent of your adjutamory, introducing Mr. Blaine, agent of the State of Maine, who wished to get three thousand muskets k at the charters of the Spaulding and the State of Maine, you will find a clause allowing the Goverll be let at a thousand dollars a day; the State of Maine, for eight hundred. George B. Upton, of B[1 more...]
re, for a considerable time, and had not been distributed,—thinks something wrong. He also incloses another letter from a gentleman in Washington, giving an entirely different account of the condition of the regiment. Colonel Dalton is asked to look into the matter, and report. May 28, 1861.—Governor writes to Jacob F. Kent, Esq., Providence, R. I., that Massachusetts is allowed six regiments, and would be glad to send twenty, if they would let her. He writes to Governor Washburn, of Maine,— If I have a chance to make an appointment of a good man as officer, I make no question as to his age, unless he comes somewhere near Methuselah. I hold that I am not bound to take judicial notice of a man's age, or to enter into any particular investigation on the subject, provided I feel that I have got the right man. Both of us know some people at fifty who are younger than some at twenty-five; yet, on the whole, I like the suggestion of the War Department; and, if they err in fav<
, when every candidate is seeking personal favor of the men? Aug. 14.—The Governor telegraphs to Governor Washburn, of Maine, General Sherman left here, this afternoon, for Concord, N. H., intending to proceed thence to Augusta. His business is by the Government to the coast of North Carolina. Massachusetts was to furnish three regiments for it; New Hampshire and Maine were also to furnish regiments. General Sherman had commanded a brigade at the first battle of Bull Run, and had disting the attention of the Secretary of War to it; that five regiments are yet waited for,—three from Massachusetts, one from Maine, one from New Hampshire; and it is hoped that they will all be pressed forward at the earliest day. While this corresponing raised, you would like to be assigned to me; to that I assented, and left for the purpose of organizing recruiting in Maine, and from thence to Washington. On my return, I find that recruiting officers have been making publications injurious to
the Southern ports. Governor Andrew had frequently spoken of the injustice of Congress in refusing to allow these credits, and had exerted himself to the utmost to effect a change. On the 27th of August, he telegraphed to Governor Washburn, of Maine,— Has Maine succeeded in obtaining an allowance on her men in the navy towards the army draft? If not, does she propose to be content without such an allowance? How can some towns possibly fill their quotas without it? On the same dayMaine succeeded in obtaining an allowance on her men in the navy towards the army draft? If not, does she propose to be content without such an allowance? How can some towns possibly fill their quotas without it? On the same day in which the above was written, Governor Andrew drew up a form of a letter, addressed to President Lincoln, which was sent to the Governors of the New-England States, which, if approved, they were requested to sign. The letter received their sanction and their signatures, and was forwarded to the President of the United States. It read as follows:— We unite in respectfully but most urgently presenting to your attention the inequality of the militia draft among the States, caused by wi
ts friends expected. On the 28th of July, the Governor received a telegram from Major-General John J. Peck, commanding the Department of the East, headquarters New-York City, stating that there was danger of a hostile descent upon the coast of Maine from the British Provinces. To which the Governor answered on the same day,— If, officially or personally, I can render any service toward averting or suppressing any such danger, I beg you to command me. I have directed my senior aide-dey Yard at Charlestown, and co-operate with him in any measures he may deem expedient in this connection; at the same time warning all the officers commanding the forts on the Massachusetts coast. The expectation of an attack upon the coast of Maine was based upon information contained in a letter to President Lincoln, dated Montreal, July 15, 1864, the writer of which was a confidential agent of the Government. It was referred by the President to Major-General Peck, and was in these words:
ports was more cheaply effected from Boston than from New York. The statistics which are contained in this sketch refer, therefore, almost entirely to the work of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts; they being so blended in all the reports of the association, that it would be impossible to separate the share of Massae. In the year 1864, a statement was printed, giving the names of towns from which contributions had been received during that year, and summing up as follows: In Maine, 155 towns; New Hampshire, 65; Vermont, 206; Massachusetts, 301; towns in other States, 8. Probably this represented fairly the proportions of other years, thoughier; the little boy picked blackberries for his mother to convert into jam or wine, or spent his pocket-money in some article of use. An associate manager in Maine, says a report of the Association, writes, Some of the towns in this neighborhood do not even rejoice in a name: their only distinction is a number. We have had a