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of the sword, answered the late envoy from Massachusetts. You are called, said he, as he preached twere caricatures. So perished a freeman of Massachusetts; the first who lost his life for oppositiey resided unmolested within the limits of Massachusetts, holding meetings in every house, where thhy, Sir Henry Vane, the former governor of Massachusetts, the benefactor of Rhode Island, the ever-rovisions. An issue was thus made between Massachusetts and England, for that colony had, as we harably punished by death on the gallows. Massachusetts, strong in its charter, made no haste 166cticut would serve to balance the power of Massachusetts. The charter, disregarding the hesitanc the people. Now their republic was safe; Massachusetts had denied its separate existence; she muswarranted misapprehension. His enemies in Massachusetts disliked his principles and his success the public good. He had powerful enemies in Massachusetts, and left a name without a spot. It req[5 more...]
Records, and from the Ms. State Papers of Massachusetts, have been most liberally furnished me by n of chartered rights. The inhabitants of Massachusetts had already adopted views which are now a English ministry dared not interfere with Massachusetts; it was right that the stern virtues of thamong the Nipmucks, the interior tribes of Massachusetts. The little army of the colonists then ents intention to reassume the government of Massachusetts into its own hands; Burk's Virginia, II most dangerous frontier to defend. But Massachusetts did not, at this time, come into possessiouncil were appointed by the magistrates of Massachusetts; at the same time, a popular legislative b 557, &c. Hutch. Coll. Mass. Records, IV. Massachusetts was compelled to employ force to assert itessed their content with the government of Massachusetts. But the popular wish availed little in4 lished; New Hampshire was separated from Massachusetts, and organized as a royal province. It wa[71 more...]
ing to submit to the culture of civilization. Massachusetts and Carolina were both colonized under proprietaulation in lands. The government established in Massachusetts was essentially popular, and was the growth of tnstitution of Carolina was invented in England. Massachusetts was originally colonized by a feeble band of sufobsequious judiciary, annulled the government of Massachusetts; the colonists repudiated the constitutions of C deserted; and if its sufferings became extreme, Massachusetts, the young mother of colonies, not indifferent tcontri- 1667. ution through her settlements. Massachusetts Records for May, 1667, vol. IV. part II. p. 337the roving restlessness of the Independents from Massachusetts produced the distractions which ensued; nature hssible; yet at any rate to get settlers. Like Massachusetts, Virginia was the mother of a Chap XIII.} clusty, having barely escaped with life?—the towns of Massachusetts contributed liberally to their support, and prov
obtaining for it the sanction of colonial legislation. Unlike Massachusetts, Virginia was a continuation of English society. The first colinfluence; yet no collisions ensued. If one assembly had, what Massachusetts never did, submitted to Richard Cromwell—if another had elected where the magistrates were elected by the people! Winthrop of Massachusetts expended all his state for the commonwealth; Berkeley was dissaJournal sheds a clear light on the controversy with Penn. As in Massachusetts, money was coined Chap. XIV.} 1686. at a provincial mint, Brthampton, on Connecticut River; and the General 1667 Court of Massachusetts addressed them a letter:— We never yet did any wrong to you, or684, the governor of Virginia and of New York, and the agent of Massachusetts, met the sachems of the Five Nations at Albany, to strengthen a of New England and Virginia. Colden's Five Nations, 44, &c. Massachusetts Records, 1667 The north and the south were united by the conque
John Smith was making maps of the bays and coasts of Maine and Massachusetts, Adriaen Block traced the shore as far at least as Nahant. The651 to 1654 not extend to America; we have seen the prudence of Massachusetts restrain the colonies; in England, Roger Williams Williams, vesant was unwilling to sanction, and could not prevent. As in Massachusetts, this first convention The original is Lantdag Dutch Records, 258—262. In the north, affairs were still more lowering. Massachusetts did not relinquish its right to an indefinite extension of its Sept. complaints to the convention of the United Colonies. But Massachusetts maintained a neutrality; the voyage was, on the part of the Dutor New England to Boston, having demanded recruits in July 23. Massachusetts, and received on board the governor of Connecticut, approached cured by a compromise for Long Island and a timely message from Massachusetts. The year in which Champlain and the French entered New York o
on political cause with the people A body of the yeomanry, becoming Independents, planted Plymouth colony. The inferior gentry espoused Calvinism, and fled to Massachusetts. The popular movement of intellectual liberty is measured by advances towards the liberty of prophesying, and the Chap XVI.} liberty of conscience. The m80. duct, discretion, and courage, in the signal battle against the Dutch in 1665, had bequeathed to him a claim on the government for sixteen thousand pounds. Massachusetts had bought Maine for a little more than one thousand pounds; then, and long afterwards, colonial property was lightly esteemed; and to the prodigal Charles II.ns and prisons where many of them had languished hopelessly for years. Penn delighted in doing good. His house was thronged by swarms of clients, envoys from Massachusetts Lambeth Mss., communicated by Francis L. Hawks. among the number; and sometimes there were two hundred at once, claiming his disinterested good offices with
harter of liberties, take its place by the side of Virginia and Massachusetts, surpassing them both in religious toleration. The proprietarygland in defence of the whole English frontier. The alarm of Massachusetts at the loss of its charter 1685 had been increased by the news You take possession, it was answered, for the king.—The men of Massachusetts did much quote Lord Coke; but, defeated in argument by An- Lamd a writ of quo warranto had been issued. The judgment against Massachusetts left no hope of protection from the courts, submissive to the rhts, yet desired, in any event, rather to share the fortunes of Massachusetts than to be annexed to New York. Andros found the assembly in sme the old charter. Representatives were chosen; and once more Massachusetts assembled May 22 in general court. It is but a short ride fits seal is renewed; the symbol, an anchor; the motto, hope. Massachusetts rose in arms, and perfected its revolution without concert; the
beyond two hundred thousand inhabitants, of whom Massachusetts, with Plymouth and Maine, may have had forty-fou fleet of Winthrop, and was wafted to the Bay of Massachusetts. Is it denied that events follow principles, that mind rules the world? The institutions of Massachusetts were the exact counterpart of its religious system. Calvinism claimed heaven for the elect: Massachusetts gave franchises to the members of the visible church. Calvinism rejected the herd of reprobates: Massachusetts inexorably disfranchised Churchmen, royalists, and alld's people. Calvinism overthrew priestcraft: in Massachusetts, none but the magistrate could marry; the brethr, hereditary monarchy, aristocracy, and bondage: Massachusetts owned no king but the King of heaven; no aristocof the human race; and the farmers and seamen of Massachusetts nourished its college with corn and strings of we, reverenced the Bible even to idolatry; and in Massachusetts, the songs of Deborah and David were sung withou