Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) or search for Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) in all documents.

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February 3. Major-General W. T. Sherman, with the Sixteenth army corps, under the command of Major-General Hurlbut, and the Seventeenth army corps, commanded by General McPherson, left Vicksburgh upon an expedition through Mississippi.--(Doc. 122.) The guard of one company of infantry posted at Patterson Creek Bridge, eight miles east of Cumberland, Va., was attacked at half-past 1 P. M. yesterday, by five hundred rebel cavalry, under General Rosser, and after a spirited resistance, in which two were killed and ten wounded, the greater part of the company were captured. This accomplished, the rebels set fire to the bridge, and leaving it to destruction, started off with their prisoners in the direction of Romney. The employes of the railroad succeeded in staying the fire, and saved the bridge, with only slight damage. General Averill, with his command of nearly two thousand cavalry, and who had been sent out from Martinsburgh by General Kelley, this morning overtook the
s's camp, and routed the small force there; but, Captain Bowers being reenforced with a small body of cavalry, after some sharp fighting, the Yankees retired.--Raleigh Confederate. A detachment of the Seventh Indiana entered the town of Bolivar, Tenn., under the impression that the place was still occupied by the Federal troops. Much to their surprise, they found a regiment and a half of rebels in posession. They were in the town, and demanded what troops they were. The reply was, Mississippi. The Indianans, with the shout, Remember Jeff Davis! made a furious attack upon the astonished and disconcerted rebels, and drove them out of Bolivar in the utmost confusion, killing, wounding, and capturing about thirty. The Union loss was one killed and three wounded. In the rebel Congress, the following resolution was introduced this day: Whereas, The President of the United States, in a late public communication, did declare that no propositions for peace had been made t
rence for our association may be doubted, (doubts having been expressed as to the wishes of the Border States,) shall settle the question for herself, by a convention to be elected for that purpose, after the withdrawal of all military forces on both sides from her limits. They also adopted his resolution declaring that the recent act of Congress to suspend the writ of habeas corpus in cases of arrests, ordered by the President, Secretary of War, or general officer commanding the Trans-Mississippi military department, is an attempt to maintain the military in the usurpation of the constitutional judicial functions of issuing warrants, and to give validity to unconstitutional seizures of the persons of the people; and the said act, by its express terms, confines its operation to the upholding of the class of unconstitutional seizures, the whole suspension attempted to be authorized by it, and the whole act itself, are utterly void. That in the judgment of this General Assembly, t
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