Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Missouri (Missouri, United States) or search for Missouri (Missouri, United States) in all documents.

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fabrics. Let it lay in the bed it has chosen until it awakes to a sense of its duty as well as its interest. We must discriminate in favor of our gallant ally, Missouri, and give her the benefits of our marts in preference to either open foes or insidious neutrals. It is the clear duty of our Government now to declare Kentucky , adjutant-General. Sterling Price issued a proclamation at Springfield, Mo., to the effect, that a great victory had been won; that northern oppressors of Missouri had been driven back; that every one belonging to the Home Guard organization would be regarded and treated as an enemy to the Southern Confederacy; but that hisarded and treated as an enemy to the Southern Confederacy; but that his protection would extend to such who quietly return to their homes, and allow the Southern sway to prevail, and that whoever recognized the provisional government of Missouri would be considered as an enemy to the State, and dealt with accordingly.--(Doc. 204.)
also approved an act for the aid of the State of Missouri in repelling the invasion and to authorigard to union with the Confederates, and that Missouri is now engaged in repelling the lawless invas and duty to aid the Government and people of Missouri in resisting this invasion, and securing the power of his Government, with authorities of Missouri in defending that State against the invasion n maintaining the liberty and independence of Missouri, with power to accept the services of troops rpose. The act provides for the admission of Missouri to the Confederacy, on an equal footing with ied by the legally constituted authorities of Missouri, and an authenticated copy shall be communicaonfederacy. She recognizes the Government in Missouri, of which Claiborne F. Jackson is Chief Magisrs in five of the seven military districts in Missouri, for the purpose of mustering men into servicu will honestly and faithfully serve the State of Missouri against all her enemies, and that you wi[2 more...]
clothing, blankets, and other articles which will contribute to the relief, comfort, and health of the soldier in the field. --(Doc. 3.) There was a great mass meeting in Camden, Me., in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war. Dr. J. H. Esterbrook presided. Speeches were made by Major Nickerson, of the Fourth regiment, Hon. E. K. Smart, A. P. Gould and D. A. Boody, democrats; and by N. A. Farewell, General Davis Tillson, T. R. Simonton and C. A. Miller, republicans. About three thousand people were in attendance. Great enthusiasm prevailed.--N. Y. Evening Post, August 24. The First regiment of Iowa Militia returned to Dubuque from the seat of war in Missouri. The troops were received by thousands, who turned out to greet them and shout hozannas on their return. This regiment was one of those who did the hardest fighting in the battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo.; they were the troops whom General Lyon rallied to the charge with his latest breath.--Dubuque Times, August 24.
and provisions from all the rebels in the vicinity. They returned with twenty horses and a considerable quantity of provisions and nine prisoners. One of the prisoners, put on a confession, divulged the names of all the men, eighteen in number, who fired the other day with such fatal effect upon the railroad trains. Jones was the President of the Knights of the Golden Circle. The property of the Union men was left untouched.--Dubuque Times, August 27. Hamilton R. Gamble, Governor of Missouri, at Jefferson City, issued a proclamation calling for forty-two thousand troops to aid the Federal Government in expelling the forces of Ben McCulloch from the State.--(Doc. 7.) The Memphis Argus of this day publishes the following proclamation from the Mayor of that city: To the Citizens of Memphis: Applications have repeatedly been made to me, as executive officer of the city, for protection against indiscreet parties who are sent out to impress citizens into service against
August 30. General Fremont, at St. Louis, issued a proclamation declaring martial law throughout the State of Missouri; the disorganized condition of the State Government rendering it both proper and necessary that he should assume the administrative powers of the State. The lines of the army of occupation were declared to rnment, should be shot. General Fremont, in accordance with the law passed by Congress, declared that the property, real and personal, of all persons in the State of Missouri, who should take up arms against the United States, or be directly proven to have taken active part with their enemies in the field, should be confiscated to ordinary tribunals of the country, where the law could be administered by the civil officers in the usual manner. Following the declaration of martial law in Missouri by General Fremont, Provost-marshal McKinstry issued an order forbidding any person passing beyond the limits of St. Louis without a special permit from his offi
clamation of Gen. Fremont, and urges the State Legislature by its action to avoid the contingency of any such action here. It says the Legislature must now decide whether it will organize a body of local soldiery for State purposes, strong enough to enforce the obligations of loyal neutrality, or whether it will suffer things to go on as they have been doing, with a prospect of lapsing at no distant day into the condition which, in so brief a time, has brought on the sway of martial law in Missouri. The Massachusetts Thirteenth regiment surrounded the Charleston Home Guards Cavalry about two o'clock this afternoon at Beher's Mill, two and a half miles above Harper's Ferry, Va., and took twenty prisoners, having first killed three and wounded five of the secessionists. The Massachusetts boys brought them in, singing Gay and happy. --National Intelligencer, September 3. Senator Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, at Newport, Ky., delivered an able and patriotic speech, at a full an
C. Ellis, died at his father's residence, in Second Avenue, New York City, of a wound received when leading his company at the battle of Stone Bridge. It is a significant fact that five of Dr. Ellis's sons fought under the Stars and Stripes at Stone Bridge. At New York, Joseph Holt, of Kentucky, addressed an immense and enthusiastic audience on the crisis in the affairs of the republic. He was followed by William Curtis Noyes and the Rev. Dr. Roswell C. Hitchcock, in eloquent and inspiring addresses. The Third regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers, under the command of Colonel----Fellows, left Concord for the seat of war. To-day the secessionists of Missouri committed a most horrible outrage on the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad. They had burned several of the bridges of the road, and on a train, with nearly one hundred passengers, coming. up to the Little Platt River, the bridge gave way and precipitated the whole train down an embankment, with terrible slaughter.
their evil courses; and they also requested that a copy of the presentment be forwarded to Mr. E. D. Smith, the United States District Attorney in New York, that he might commence proceedings against the two German papers presented published there, and further requested that a stop might be put to the circulation of those papers in Westchester County.--N. Y. Commercial, September 9. Generals Pillow and Polk occupied Columbus, Kentucky, with seven thousand rebels. Jeff. Thompson was in Missouri, directly opposite, with the balance of Pillow's forces. A reinforcement of Federal troops were sent today to Paducah, and another regiment follows immediately.--Baltimore American, Sept. 9. The Knoxville (Tenn.) Whig of to-day contains the following from Parson Brownlow, designed to correct some erroneous notions that prevail in regard to his position on the war question. He says he entertains the same opinions he always has of the heresy of secession and the leading men who broug
ners or over age. Full authority to enforce discipline by court martial was given; the men to bring such arms as they had.--Cincinnati Commercial, Oct. 7. The Ninth regiment of Iowa Volunteers, Col. Vandeveer, arrived at St. Louis, Mo., from Dubuque, on two steamers — the Denmark and the Canada. Soon after arriving they marched from the boats, at the foot of Washington avenue, to the levee. They are a splendid body of men, hardy and muscular, and are fine material for the campaign in Missouri. Their exact concert of motion, their steady, solid tread, betoken superior drill. They are only partially uniformed, and had no arms on their arrival. This regiment — officers and men — are a quiet-looking, steady, determined set of men. Captain Hayden's company of artillery, with six pieces, accompany the Iowa Ninth.--St. Louis Democrat, September 30. This morning, about one o'clock, as some of the Federal regiments were advancing in the neighborhood of Munson's Hill, Va., Colonel<
boat Itaska was launched at Philadelphia, Pa.--Colonel Taylor, in command of the rebels at Springfield, Mo., issued a proclamation ordering all Union men who have borne arms in the Home Guard, to leave the country, or go into the Southern army for the same length of time as they had served against it. The proclamation also prohibits the carrying any more slaves South, as such a course is calculated to lessen the confidence of the people in the ability of the rebels to maintain themselves in Missouri.--(Doc. 62 1/2.) This afternoon, a mile and a half beyond Edsall's Hill, in Virginia, a slight skirmish occurred, in which a private of the New Jersey Third was killed and three were wounded. Surgeon Cox and eleven men had been out scouting, and encountered a rebel advance picket of one hundred men. Cox instantly cried, Battalion, halt! The rebels, thinking they were met by a superior force, broke and ran. Our small force, in returning, were suddenly confronted by another rebel guard
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