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icinity, was held to counsel together in the present alarming condition of the country, and take some steps to protect it from the assaults of traitors. --Philadelphia Inquirer. A. H. Stephens, Vice-President of the Southern Confederacy, arrived at Richmond, Va. In the evening he was serenaded, and made a speech, in which he said, that if the Federal Administration made war upon Maryland, the whole South would rally to her aid.--(Doc. 87.) A meeting of the Bench and Bar of the city of New York, in view of the present crisis in the history of the country, was held at the Superior Court room, in that city. The judges and ex-judges of the different benches were present, and nearly every law firm in the city had its representative. Judge Daniel P. Ingraham presided; speeches were made, and patriotic resolutions were adopted.--(Doc. 88.) In the evening a large meeting of the citizens of Westchester, N. Y., was held in Morrisania.--N. Y. Tribune, April 23. Father Rafina
ved in this city last night, that the report of the battle is incorrect. The Twenty-fifth Regiment of N. Y. State Militia, from Albany, with a party of regulars and one hundred and seventy-five men of the Seventh New York Regiment left New York for the sent of war.--N. Y. Tribune, April 25. A volunteer company was organized at Sag Harbor, and $3,000 subscribed by the citizens for the benefit of the families of the volunteers.--Idem, April 26. Daniel Fish, gunmaker, of the city of New York, was arrested and handed over to the custody of the United States Marshal on a charge of treason, and misprision of treason, in having sent off large quantities of arms for the use of the Southern traitors. The correspondence and bills of lading found in his possession abundantly sustain the charge. A man calling himself Dr. Sabo, was also arrested, and is now in the hands of the United States authorities for recruiting men for the Southern navy. The papers which he used for the purp
ersation which passed between Com. Stewart and John C. Calhoun, in the year 1812, after the declaration of war against Great Britain by the Congress of the United States.--(Doc. 132.) The artists of New York met at the rooms of Messrs. Kensett and Lang in that city. Mr. D. Huntingdon was called to the chair. Messrs. Kensett, Gray, and Lang embodied resolutions which were adopted by those present, expressing their desire to contribute to the relief of families of volunteers of the city of New York who are now serving in defence of government and law, and resolving that a committee be appointed to solicit contributions of pictures or other works of art, to be disposed of at public auction; said committee to have power, also, to receive moneys presented in aid of the fund. Messrs. Gray, Lang, Hubbard, Huntington, Stone, and Baker were named the committee, with full power to forward the plan proposed.--N. Y. Evening Post, May 7. The Ithaca (N. Y.) volunteers arrived in New Yor
stating that he wanted to fight for the graves of his ancestors, and he could not understand why his master should object to his going, when the Massachusetts people had placed a negro in command of one of their divisions. The story of General Butler's African descent had been communicated to him. The Sixth Indiana Regiment, Colonel Crittenden, fully armed and equipped, passed through Cincinnati, O., on their way to the scene of action. The Dunkirk Battalion left Dunkirk for the city of New York. At Bethlehem, Pa., a very interesting ceremony took place at the Young Ladies' Seminary. Three national flags were raised on the principal buildings. Mr. Van Kirk, one of the Professors, made a patriotic speech, and the pupils, who were gathered upon the roof of the Seminary, amid loud cheers, raised the Star-Spangled Banner. Nearly two hundred young ladies joined in singing national airs. After the ceremonies, the pupils, with flags and banners, paraded the town.--N. Y. Tribune, M
etters from the South to the London Times, create much comment. According to one dated April 30, the South Carolinians long for one of the royal race of England to rule over them.--(Doc. 217.) The Seventh Regiment, N. Y. S. M., left Washington for New York. It made a fine appearance and received on their departure the same warm eulogium that greeted their arrival.--(Doc. 218.) The National Intelligencer of to-day contains the correspondence between the bank presidents of the city of New York and the Governor of the State, relative to the proclamation of Governor Brown of Georgia, of the 26th of April last. The First Regiment of Maine Volunteers left Portland at 8 80 this morning, in a train of eleven cars. They were escorted through the city by the Fifth Regiment, and nearly the whole population. The train left amid the wildest cheering, and a salute from the artillery.--(Doc. 219.) Ex-Governor Pratt, of Maryland, was arrested this evening at Annapolis, by order
etcher, who was connected with Percifield.--Memphis Avalanche (Tenn.), June 5. Elias Howe, Jr., of New York, the sewing machine millionaire, presented each field and staff officer of the Massachusetts Fifth Regiment, at the seat of war, with a stallion fully equipped for service.--N. Y. Express. The Tenth Regiment N. Y. Volunteers, National Zouaves, Colonel McChesney, left their encampment at Sandy Hook for Fortress Monroe. Previous to their departure they paraded through the city of New York, where they received a flag.--N. Y. Sun, June 5. The Savannah Republican of to-day has the following: Notice to the Press.--We are requested by the military authorities of the Confederate States to urge upon our brethren of the press throughout the South the importance of abstaining from all specific allusions to the movement of troops. The very wisest plans of the Government may be thwarted by an untimely or otherwise injudicious exposure. A directly opposite policy appears to
now there is a willingness to accept on terms previously rejected. Our reliance, at present, is solely in the superior morale and desperate valor of our soldiers, and in the ability and judgment of our generals. Our cause has been greatly impeded and imperilled by this idea of a five years war, which nothing but the effect of this backwardness can produce. Petitions for compromise, addressed to the President of the United States, which had been secretly circulated throughout the city of New York, were seized at the office of Frederick A. Guion. Mr. Guion issued an earnest remonstrance against the seizure.--(Doc. 51.) Colonels Magruder and Hardee were appointed Brigadier-Generals in the Confederate army.--The Nashville (Tenn.) City Council appropriated 8750,000 for a residence for the President of the Southern Confederacy, as an inducement to remove the capital there.--The State Treasurer of Georgia gave notice that on account of the war with the Anti-Slavery States, the in
e or two below Aquia Creek, Va., opened fire on the steamer Pocahontas, but inflicted no damage. This is the fourth battery which has been erected at that point. Officers report that, unless the Government takes immediate action to expel the rebels from these positions on the bank of the river, navigation will be completely closed. The enemy's batteries already command a large part of the Potomac.--Louisville Journal, August 19. In the United States Circuit Court, sitting in the city of New York, the Grand Jury brought in a presentment against the Journal of Commerce, Daily News, Day Book, Freeman's Journal, and Brooklyn Eagle, as aiders and abettors of treason, and recommended that the Court, in its judicial capacity, take cognizance of them. The Judge said he would turn over the presentment to Judge Wilson, at the October term.--(Doc. 189.) A serious affray occurred at Saybrook, Conn., this afternoon. A number of prominent secessionists of the State had called a peace
ge Cooke was appointed Brigadier-General in the regular army of the United States.--Captain John M. Schofield, of the First Artillery, and Major Thomas J. McKean, of Iowa, were appointed Brigadier-Generals of volunteers.--The Eighty-fifth regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, under the command of Colonel Joshua B. Howell, left Harrisburg for the seat of war. Since the negotiation of the new loan on the 15th Nov., Secretary Chase has placed to the credit of disbursing officers in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, over five and a half millions of dollars, to be paid to contractors and other Government creditors. Fourteen hundred cavalry, four regiments of infantry, and two batteries of artillery, were reviewed by Gen. Love and Gov. Morton and staff this afternoon, on the large common west of Camp Vajen, at Indianapolis, Ind. The column was nearly a mile in length, and altogether it was one of the grandest sights ever witnessed in the West. Several thousand people were in atte
him, and two balls passing through his clothes.--(Doc. 193.) Commodore Tatnall, with three small steamers and one gunboat, attacked the Federal fleet in Cockspur Roads, Ga. From forty to fifty shots were exchanged. No person was injured. Failing to draw the National fleet under the guns of Fort Pulaski, Commodore Tatnall withdrew.--Richmond Dispatch, Nov. 28. A letter from the Upper Potomac, received in Washington, stated that G. W. Smith, formerly Street Commissioner in the City of New York, was in command of the rebel forces at Leesburg, Va., and in that vicinity. Jefferson Davis sent in to the Confederate Congress a Message concerning the secession of Missouri. It was accompanied by a letter from Governor Jackson, and also by an act dissolving the Union with the United States, and an act ratifying the Constitution of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States; also, the convention between the Commissioners of Missouri and the Commissioners of the Confeder
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