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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 9 3 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 2 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 9, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 15 results in 9 document sections:

Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Agreement of the people, (search)
oroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, 6. Oxfordshire, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, except such as are hereunder named, 4; Oxford City, 2; Oxford University, 2. Gloucestershire, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, except Gloucester, 7; Gloucester, 2. Herefordshire, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, except Hereford, 4; Hereford, 1. Worcestershire, with the Boroughs. Towns, and Parishes therein, except Worcester, 4; Woreester, 2. Warwickshire, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, except Coventry, 5; Corentry, 2. Northamptonshire, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, except Northampton. 5 ; Northampton, 1. Bedfordshire, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, 4. Cambridgeshire, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, except such as are hereunder particularly named. 4; Cambridge University, 2; Cambridge Town, 2. Essex, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, except Colche
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Clarke, Samuel 1599-1682 (search)
Clarke, Samuel 1599-1682 Clergyman; born in Warwickshire, England, in 1599. He was the author of A true and faithful account of the four chiefest plantations of the English in America; and New description of the world, etc. He died in 1682.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fine Arts, the. (search)
ting; and further, my will and mind is that two grinders, the one for oilcolors and the other for water-colors, and also oil and gum-waters, shall be furnished, from time to time, at the cost and charges of the said college. Mr. Palmer purchased a picturesque island in the Susquehanna, opposite Havre de Grace, Md., which was originally called Palmer's Island. There he expected the university and school of fine arts to be established. The family of Edward Palmer had been identified with Warwickshire from the time of William the Conqueror. During the later years of his life Palmer resided in London, and his collection of rarities and ancient Greek and Roman coins was well known among literary men. This school of fine arts in America was projected years before Dean Berkeley projected his college in the Bermudas (see Berkeley, George) and brought John Smybert (q. v.) with him to cultivate art therein. In 1791 Archibald Robertson, a Scotchman and a portrait-painter, established a sem
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Government, instrument of. (search)
sbury, 2; Bridgnorth, 1; Ludlow, 1; Staffordshire, 3; Lichfield, 1; Stafford, 1; Newcastle-under-Lyne, 1; Somersetshire, 11; Bristol, 2; Taunton, 2; Bath, 1; Wells, 1; Bridgewater, 1; Southamptonshire, 8; Winchester, 1; Southampton, 1; Portsmouth, 1; Isle of Wight, 2: Andover, 1; Suffolk, 10; Ipswich, 2; Bury St. Edmunds, 2; Dunwich, 1; Sudbury, 1; Surrey, 6; Southwark, 2; Guildford, 1; Reigate, 1; Sussex, 9; Chichester, 1; Lewes, 1; East Grinstead, 1; Arundel, 1; Rye, 1; Westmoreland, 2; Warwickshire, 4; Coventry, 2; Warwick, 1; Wiltshire, 10; New Sarum, 2; Marlborough, 1; Devizes, 1; Worcestershire, 5; Worcester, 2. Yorkshire.—West Riding, 6; East Riding, 4; North Riding, 4; City of York, 2; Kingston-upon-Hull, 1; Beverley, 1; Scarborough, 1; Richmond, 1; Leeds, 1; Halifax, 1. Wales.—Anglesey, 2; Brecknockshire, 2; Cardiganshire, 2; Carmarthenshire, 2; Carnarvonshire, 2; Denbighshire, 2; Flintshire, 2; Glamorganshire, 2; Cardiff, 1; Merionethshire, 1; Montgomeryshire, 2; Pembro
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Underhill, John 1630-1672 (search)
Underhill, John 1630-1672 Colonist; born in Warwickshire, England; was a soldier on the Continent; came to New England with Winthrop in 1630; represented Boston in the General Court; favored Mrs. Hutchinson (see Hutchinsonian controversy), and was associated with Captain Mason, in command of forces in the Pequot War, in 1637. Banished from Boston as a heretic, he went to England, and there published a history of the Pequot War, entitled News from America. Dover, N. H., regarded as a place of refuge for the persecuted, received Underhill, and he was chosen governor. It was discovered that it lay within the chartered limits of Massachusetts, and the latter claimed political jurisdiction over it. Underhill treated the claim with contempt at first, but, being accused of gross immorality, he became alarmed, and not only yielded his power, but urged the people to submit to Massachusetts. He went before the General Court and made the most abject confession of the truth of the charges
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Waldron, Richard 1615- (search)
Waldron, Richard 1615- Military officer; born in Warwickshire, England, Sept. 2, 1615; came to Boston in 1635, and settled at Dover, N. H., in 1645. He represented that district from 1654 to 1676, and was seven years speaker. He was councillor and chief-justice, and in 1681 was president. Being chief military leader in that region, he took an active part in King Philip's War. Inviting Indians to Dover to treat with them, he seized several hundred of them, and hanged or sold into slavery 200. They fearfully retaliated thirteen years afterwards. Two apparently friendly Indians obtained a night's lodging at Waldron's house at Dover. At midnight they arose, opened the door, and admitted a party of Indians lying in wait. They seized Waldron, who, though seventy-four years of age, made stout resistance. They bound him in an arm-chair at the head of a table in the hall, when they taunted him, recalled his treachery, and tortured him to death, June 28, 1689.
-pump. A form of pump, — the turbine reversed. It is driven by power, and the floats, catching the water, force it up the chute. a (Fig. 6791) is a turbine-case; b an air-cock for escape of water when the starting-pump is filling the case. Tu-reen′. (Fr. terrine.) (Domestic.) A large deep table-dish for soup, etc. Turf-cut′ter. A paring-plow. Horses excavated in the turf, exposing the colored soil or subsoil, are found on steep hills in England, — as the red horse of Warwickshire, a memorial of Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, whose castle of Fullbrook, 8 miles off, faced the hill. On this hill the earl killed his horse just before the battle of Towton. The white horse of Marlborough Downs, near Calne, shows the chalky subsoil, and is visible 12 miles distant. The dark mark forming the pupil of the eye is a mound of turf 5 feet across, measured by the author's umbrella. It is believed to be a memorial of the victory of Alfred over the Danes, A. D. 871. The h
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 9: (search)
sting; for, though he does not talk fluently or gracefully, he is full of facts, from an experience and familiarity with whatever has been most distinguished in affairs or society for the last thirty-five years, and his fairness and honesty are so sure that you can trust implicitly to his statements. We sat, therefore, late with him, and went to bed reluctantly. May 20.—We walked to church, about a mile through the park. . . . . Lord Spencer told me that his family was originally from Warwickshire, where they still possess estates, and that they removed to Althorp in the time of Henry VII . . . . It is the fashion, he added, to hold only by annual leases in this part of the country, but there are several families on the estate who have been there by annual renewals of their rent-holds from the time when the Spencers first came here; a fact very remarkable in itself, and very creditable to both parties . . . . . . When we had lunched, Mr. Appleyard and Lord Spencer began in earne
The death of Lord Canning, --The late foreign arrival brings us intelligence of the death, in London, of Charles John Canning, the third son of the celebrated George Canning, and long known as a prominent official of the British Government.--He was born in 1812, in London. In 1836 he first appeared in public life as member of Parliament for Warwickshire, and in the following year, by the death of his mother, who retained the title during her life, succeeded to a peerage and entered the House of Lords. Under Sir Robert Peel he was in 1841, appointed Under-Secretary of Foreign Affairs, holding the post for five years. After a brief retirement from political life he was, in 1853, appointed Postmaster-General by Lord Aberdeen, (then Prime Minister,) retaining the position under Lord Pahnerston, and creating several reforms in the postal department. In 1855 Lord Dolhousic, Governor-General of India, died, and Canning was, through the influence of Palmerston, appointed to the vacant