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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., chapter 48 (search)
t wind, then blowing fresh, was favorable to the Alabama, she overhauled the stranger before nightfall. The prize was the Louisa Hatch. of Rockland, Maine, from Cardiff, with a cargo of Welsh coal for Port de Galle, Island of Ceylon. The bill of lading required this cargo to be delivered to the Messageries Imperiales Steamship Cs not properly sworn to, so he decided that the Louisa Hatch was a good prize-of-war; and this idea was strengthened by the fact that she was loaded with the best Cardiff coal, exactly what the Alabama most needed. Was there ever such a lucky man as the Captain of the Alabama? If he wanted a cargo of provisions it fell into hiseed it, Semmes' Admiralty Court decreed that the Gilderslieve should be converted into a bonfire. The next day, the Jabez Snow, of Bucksport, Maine, laden with Cardiff coal, was captured. As the cargo was evidently British property, Semmes might perhaps have released the vessel under a ransonm-bond but for a letter found on boa
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Government, instrument of. (search)
stead, 1; Arundel, 1; Rye, 1; Westmoreland, 2; Warwickshire, 4; Coventry, 2; Warwick, 1; Wiltshire, 10; New Sarum, 2; Marlborough, 1; Devizes, 1; Worcestershire, 5; Worcester, 2. Yorkshire.—West Riding, 6; East Riding, 4; North Riding, 4; City of York, 2; Kingston-upon-Hull, 1; Beverley, 1; Scarborough, 1; Richmond, 1; Leeds, 1; Halifax, 1. Wales.—Anglesey, 2; Brecknockshire, 2; Cardiganshire, 2; Carmarthenshire, 2; Carnarvonshire, 2; Denbighshire, 2; Flintshire, 2; Glamorganshire, 2; Cardiff, 1; Merionethshire, 1; Montgomeryshire, 2; Pembrokeshire, 2; Haverfordwest, 1; Radnorshire, 2. The distribution of the persons to be chosen for Scotland and Ireland, and the several counties, cities, and places therein, shall be according to such proportions and number as shall be agreed upon and declared by the Lord Protector and the major part of the council, before the sending forth writs of summons for the next Parliament. XI. That the summons to Parliament shall be by writ under
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Manila Bay, battle of (search)
ustle of preparation, and Commodore Dewey nervously walked the deck; for every moment the longed — for order was expected. It was the 19th of April, and the white squadron lay gleaming in the sunlight; and yet by the night of the 20th the white squadron was no more; for she had exchanged the snowy garb of peace for the sombre gray of war. The ships' painters had, in this short time, given the entire fleet a significant coat of drab. The English steamer Nanshan, with over 3,000 tons of Cardiff coal, and the steamer Zafiro, of the Manila-Hong-Kong line, carrying 7,000 tons of coal and provisions, had just been bought by the commodore, in anticipation of a declaration of neutrality, which would preclude such purchases, and thus two more vessels were added to the fleet, Lieutenant Hutchins being made commander of the Nanshan, and Ensign Pierson of the Zafiro. the Zafiro was then made a magazine for the spare ammunition of the fleet. Hong-Kong, for strategic reasons, had been cho
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sikes, William Wirt 1836-1883 (search)
Sikes, William Wirt 1836-1883 Author; born in Watertown, N. Y., in 1836; learned typesetting when a boy, and later wrote for newspapers; was editorially connected with the Utica Herald, the Chicago Times and Evening journal, and the New York Sun; removed to New York in 1867; and was United States consul at Cardiff, Wales, in 1876-83. He died in London, England, Aug. 19, 1883.
's carrying trade, and enjoying a rich harvest. These were not the sort of junks that we were in quest of, but they compensated us, somewhat, for the time and labor lost in chasing and boarding them, by supplying us with late newspapers of the enemy, and giving us valuable information concerning the progress of the war. On the afternoon of the 7th of October, the weather being fine, and the breeze light, we chased and captured the American bark, Wave Crest, from New York, bound for Cardiff, in Wales, with flour and grain. In the language of the enemy, we plundered her, that is, we received on board from her, such articles as we needed, and after having made use of her for a while, as a target, at which to practise the men at the battery, we burned her. Filing away, we again made sail to the north-west. We were now, in about latitude 41°, and longitude 54°, and were working our way, under easy sail, toward the coasts of the United States. Just before nightfall, on the same af
cies, as night would set in, in another hour, I sent a whaleboat to board, and halt her, although she was still two miles distant. The boarding was successfully accomplished, and just before dark, we could see the stranger's head turned in our direction. We knew from this circumstance that she was a prize, and hoisting a light, as night set in, to guide the boarding-officer, in an hour or two more she was alongside of us. The prize proved to be the Louisa Hatch, of Rockland, Maine, from Cardiff, with a cargo of the best Welsh coal, for Point-deGalle, in the island of Ceylon. The bill of lading required the cargo to be delivered to the Messageries Imperiales, steamship company, and there was a certificate on the back of the bill of lading to the effect that the coal belonged to that company, but the certificate was not sworn to by the subscriber. This was tantamount to no evidence at all, and I condemned both ship and cargo as prize of war. Here was quite a windfall—a thousand to
at the chase proved to be a Dutchman! I must have looked a little sour at the breakfast-table, that morning, as Bartelli was evidently a little nervous and fidgety. Forty-eight hours after this night-chase, we had another, though with better success, as a prize rewarded me for my loss of rest. The chase commenced about two A. M., and it was half-past 7 A. M., before we were near enough to heave the fugitive to, with a gun. She proved to be the Jabez Snow, of Buckport, Maine, last from Cardiff, with a cargo of coal, for Montevideo. On the back of the bill of lading was the following certificate: We certify that the cargo of coals per Jabez Snow, for which this is the bill of lading, is the bonafide property of Messrs. Wilson, Helt, Lane & Co., and that the same are British subjects, and merchants, and also that the coals are for their own use. This certificate was signed by John Powell & Sons, but unfortunately for the owners of the coals was not sworn to, and was therefore of
ll away, and make sail, on his cruise. Our first meeting was to be at the Cape of Good Hope. My bantling was thus born upon the high seas, in the South Atlantic Ocean, and no power could gainsay the legitimacy of its birth. As the reader will see, England was afterward compelled to acknowledge it, though an ill-informed cabinet minister—the Duke of Newcastle—at first objected to it. On the same evening that we parted with the Tuscaloosa, we boarded the English bark, Mary Kendall, from Cardiff for Point de Galle, but which having met with heavy weather, and sprung a leak, was putting back to Rio Janeiro for repairs. At the request of her master I sent my surgeon on board to visit a seaman who had been badly injured by a fall. As we were within a few days' sail of Rio, I prevailed upon the master of this ship to receive my prisoners on board, to be landed. There were thirty-one of them, and among the rest, a woman from the Conrad, who claimed to be a passenger. The time had
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 44: Secession.—schemes of compromise.—Civil War.—Chairman of foreign relations Committee.—Dr. Lieber.—November, 1860April, 1861. (search)
adversaries. It may be safely said that Sumner never assisted in an appointment with the slightest thought of its bearing on his own political fortunes. While catholic in his estimates of men, and desirous to introduce those of different types into the public service, he was readily enlisted in behalf of those who had served the antislavery cause; and among the appointments he promoted were those of John Pierpont, clerk in the treasury department; Professor C. I). Cleveland, consul at Cardiff; H. R. Helper, consul at Buenos Ayres; Seth Webb, consul at Port-au-Prince, William S. Thayer, consul in Egypt; and Anson Burlingame, minister to China. His influence secured a place on the Sanitary Commission for Dr. Samuel G. Howe; but though exerted from the beginning, it failed to make him minister to Greece,—a country with which Dr. Howe was identified in his youth. Sumner, as was his habit, lingered at Washington after the close of the session; and he was still there April 13 (the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The cruise of the Shenandoah. (search)
les, was burned. November 8, captured the American bark D. G. Godfrey, Captain Hallett, from Boston for Valparaiso, which was burned. Six of her crew shipped on the Shenandoah. November 9, overhauled the Danish vessel Anna Jane and sent the prisoners from the Alina and Godfrey on her, giving a full supply of provisions for them and a chronometer (captured) as a present to the Danish captain. November Io, captured the American Brig Susan, Captain Hansen, of New York, with coal from Cardiff for Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This cargo was wanting in the notarial seal to the signature of the owner. She was sunk. Three men shipped from her on the Shenandoah (two seamen and one boy). November 12, overhauled the splendid American ship Kate Prince, of Portsmouth, N. H., Captain Libby, from Liverpool for Bahia, Brazil, with coal. She had notarial seal to establish a neutral cargo, and we bonded the vessel for $40,000 and put on her all prisoners remaining with us. Captain and Mr