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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 32 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 24 4 Browse Search
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 12 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 5 3 Browse Search
James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen 4 0 Browse Search
Historic leaves, volume 2, April, 1903 - January, 1904 4 2 Browse Search
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, The Lives of the Caesars (ed. Alexander Thomson) 4 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1 4 0 Browse Search
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, The Lives of the Caesars (ed. Alexander Thomson) 2 0 Browse Search
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe 2 0 Browse Search
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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 2, line 1 (search)
n) shall beare thee quite away? Perchaunce thou dost imagine there some townes of Gods to finde, With groves and Temples richt with giftes as is among mankinde. Thou art deceyved utterly: thou shalt not finde it so. By blinde bywayes and ugly shapes of monsters must thou go. And though thou knewe the way so well as that thou could not stray, Betweene the dreadful bulles sharp hornes yet must thou make thy way. Agaynst the cruell Bowe the which the Aemonian archer drawes: Against the ramping Lyon armde with greedie teeth and pawes: Against the Scorpion stretching farre his fell and venymd clawes: And eke the Crab that casteth forth his crooked clees awrie Not in such sort as th'other doth, and yet as dreadfully. Againe thou neyther hast the powre nor yet the skill I knowe My lustie coursers for to guide that from their nostrilles throwe And from their mouthes the fierie breath that breedeth in their brest. For scarcely will they suffer mee who knowes their nature best When that the
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 4, line 481 (search)
nde to kindle in hir hand. Thus as it were in triumph wise accomplishing hir hest, To Duskie Plutos emptie Realme shee gettes hir home to rest, And putteth off the snarled Snakes that girded in hir brest. Immediatly King Aeolus sonne starke madde comes crying out Through all the court: What meane yee Sirs? why go yee not about To pitch our toyles within this chace? I saw even nowe here ran A Lyon with hir two yong whelpes. And there withall he gan To chase his wyfe as if in deede shee had a Lyon beene And lyke a Bedlem boystouslie he snatcheth from betweene The mothers armes h's little babe Loearchus smyling on him And reaching foorth his preatie armes, and floong him fiercely from him A twice or thrice as from a slyng: and dasht his tender head Against a hard and rugged stone until he sawe him dead. The wretched mother (whither griefe did move hir thereunto Or that the poyson spred within did force hir so to doe) Howld out and frantikly with scattered haire about hir eares An
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 8, line 728 (search)
He hilld his peace, and bothe the thing and he that did it tell Did move them all, but Theseus most. Whom being mynded well To heere of woondrous things, the brooke of Calydon thus bespake: There are, O valiant knyght, sum folke that had the powre to take Straunge shape for once, and all their lyves continewed in the same. And other sum to sundrie shapes have power themselves to frame, As thou, O Protew, dwelling in the sea that cleepes the land. For now a yoonker, now a boare, anon a Lyon, and Streyght way thou didst become a Snake, and by and by a Bull That people were afrayd of thee to see thy horned skull. And oftentymes thou seemde a stone, and now and then a tree, And counterfetting water sheere thou seemedst oft to bee A River: and another whyle contrarie thereunto Thou wart a fyre. No lesser power than also thus to doo Had Erisicthons daughter whom Awtolychus tooke to wyfe. Her father was a person that despysed all his lyfe The powre of Gods, and never did v
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 9, line 98 (search)
any where fynd place of passage. As Not caring for himself but for his wyfe he there did stand, This Nessus came unto him (who was strong of body and Knew well the foordes), and sayd: Use thou thy strength, O Hercules, In swimming. I will fynd the meanes this Ladie shall with ease Bee set uppon the further bank. So Hercules betooke His wyfe to Nessus. Shee for feare of him and of the brooke Lookte pale. Her husband as he had his quiver by his syde Of arrowes full, and on his backe his heavy Lyons hyde, (For to the further bank he erst his club and bow had cast) Said: Sith I have begonne, this brooke bothe must and shalbee past. He never casteth further doubts, nor seekes the calmest place, But through the roughest of the streame he cuts his way apace. Now as he on the furthersyde was taking up his bow, His heard his wedlocke shreeking out, and did hir calling know: And cryde to Nesse (who went about to deale unfaythfully In running with his charge away): Whoa, whither doost thou
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 9, line 172 (search)
Euboyan sea appeeres a hygh short rocke In shape of man ageinst the which the shipmen shun to knocke, As though it could them feele, and they doo call it by the name Of Lychas still. But thou Joves imp of great renowme and fame, Didst fell the trees of Oeta high, and making of the same A pyle, didst give to Poeans sonne thy quiver and thy bow, And arrowes which should help agein Troy towne to overthrow. He put to fyre, and as the same was kindling in the pyle, Thy selfe didst spred thy Lyons skin upon the wood the whyle, And leaning with thy head ageinst thy Club, thou laydst thee downe As cheerfully, as if with flowres and garlonds on thy crowne Thou hadst beene set a banquetting among full cups of wyne. Anon on every syde about those carelesse limbes of thyne The fyre began to gather strength, and crackling noyse did make, Assayling him whose noble hart for daliance did it take. The Goddes for this defender of the earth were sore afrayd To whom with cheerefull countnance J
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 10, line 519 (search)
made lowe before, Or stagges with loftye heades, or bucks. But with the sturdy Boare And ravening woolf, and Bearewhelpes armd with ugly pawes, and eeke The cruell Lyons which delyght in blood, and slaughter seeke, Shee meddled not. And of theis same shee warned also thee, Adonis, for to shoonne them, if thou wooldst have warned ee sum scath. Thy tender youth, thy beawty bryght, thy countnance fayre and brave Although they had the force to win the hart of Venus, have No powre ageinst the Lyons, nor ageinst the bristled swyne. The eyes and harts of savage beasts doo nought to theis inclyne. The cruell Boares beare thunder in theyr hooked tushes, and Exceeding force and feercenesse is in Lyons to withstand. And sure I hate them at my hart. To him demaunding why, A monstrous chaunce (quoth Venus) I will tell thee by and by, That hapned for a fault. But now unwoonted toyle hath made Mee weerye: and beholde, in tyme this Poplar with his shade Allureth, and the ground for cowch dooth
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 10, line 652 (search)
manes to growe uppon theyr necks: and hooked pawes In stead of fingars to succeede. Theyr shoulders were the same They were before: with woondrous force deepe brested they became. Theyr looke beecame feerce, cruell, grim, and sowre: a tufted tayle Stretcht out in length farre after them upon the ground dooth trayle. In stead of speech they rore: in stead of bed they haunt the wood: And dreadful unto others they for all theyr cruell moode With tamed teeth chank Cybells bitts in shape of Lyons. Shonne Theis beastes deere hart: and not from theis alonely see thou ronne, But also from eche other beast that turnes not backe to flight But offreth with his boystows brest to try the chaunce of fyght: Lest that thyne overhardinesse bee hurtfull to us both. This warning given, with yoked swannes away through aire she goth. But manhod by admonishment restreyned could not bee. By chaunce his hounds in following of the tracke, a Boare did see, And rowsed him. And as the swyne was commin
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 11, line 592 (search)
a mountaynes toppe it seemed downe to looke To vallyes and the depth of hell. Another whyle beset With swelling surges round about which neere above it met, It looked from the bottom of the whoorlepoole up aloft As if it were from hell to heaven. A hideous flusshing oft The waves did make in beating full against the Gallyes syde. The Gallye being striken gave as great a sownd that tyde As did sumtyme the Battellramb of steele, or now the Gonne In making battrye to a towre. And as feerce Lyons ronne Full brist with all theyr force ageinst the armed men that stand In order bent to keepe them off with weapons in theyr hand, Even so as often as the waves by force of wynd did rave, So oft uppon the netting of the shippe they maynely drave, And mounted farre above the same. Anon off fell the hoopes: And having washt the pitch away, the sea made open loopes To let the deadly water in. Behold the clowdes did melt, And showers large came pooring downe. The seamen that them felt Myght
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 12, line 429 (search)
There also stood before Myne eyes the grim Pheocomes both man and horse who wore A Lyons skinne uppon his backe fast knit with knotts afore. He snatching up a timber log (which scarcely two good teeme Of Oxen could have stird) did throwe the same with force extreeme At Phonolenyes sonne. The logge him all in fitters strake, And of his head the braynepan in a thousand peeces brake, That at his mouth, his eares, and eyes, and at his nosethrills too, His crusshed brayne came roping out as creame is woont to doo From sives or riddles made of wood, or as a Cullace out From streyner or from Colender. But as he went about To strippe him from his harnesse as he lay uppon the ground, (Your father knoweth this full well) my sword his gutts did wound, Teleboas and Cthonius bothe, were also slaine by mee. Sir Cthonius for his weapon had a forked bough of tree. The tother had a dart. His dart did wound mee. You may see The scarre therof remayning yit. Then was the tyme that I Should
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 13, line 494 (search)
beene stone. One whyle the ground shee staard uppon. Another whyle a gastly looke shee kest to heaven. Anon Shee looked on the face of him that lay before her killd. Sumtymes his woundes, (his woundes I say) shee specially behilld. And therwithall shee armd her selfe and furnisht her with ire: Wherethrough as soone as that her hart was fully set on fyre, As though shee still had beene a Queene, to vengeance shee her bent Enforcing all her witts to fynd some kynd of ponnishment. And as a Lyon robbed of her whelpes becommeth wood, And taking on the footing of her emnye where hee stood, Purseweth him though out of syght: even so Queene Hecubee (Now having meynt her teares with wrath) forgetting quyght that shee Was old, but not her princely hart, to Polemnestor went The cursed murtherer, and desyrde his presence to th'entent To shew to him a masse of gold (so made shee her pretence) Which for her lyttle Polydore was hid not farre from thence. The Thracian king beleeving her, as