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Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 6 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. John Dryden) 4 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams) 4 0 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 4 0 Browse Search
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 4 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 4 0 Browse Search
Aristophanes, Acharnians (ed. Anonymous) 2 0 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 2 0 Browse Search
Thomas R. Martin, An Overview of Classical Greek History from Mycenae to Alexander 2 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Ion (ed. Robert Potter) 2 0 Browse Search
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Demosthenes, On Organization, section 34 (search)
I, however, would advise you—do not be angry with me—either to humble yourselves and be content to mind your own affairs, or else to get ready a more powerful force. If I felt sure that you were Siphnians or CythniansSiphnos and Cythnos are two of the Cyclades, S.E. of Athens. Perhaps the speaker remembered the retort of Themistocles to the man of Seriphos (Plut. Them. 18). or people of that sort, I should counsel you to be less proud, but since you are Athenians, I urge you to get your force ready. For it would be a disgrace, men of Athens, a disgrace to desert that post of honor which your ancestors bequeathed
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Chapter 65 (search)
th Olympiad was celebrated, that in which SymmachusOf Messene; cp. chap. 49.1. won the "stadion" for the second time. This year the Athenians chose as general Nicias, the son of Niceratus, and assigning to him sixty triremes and three thousand hoplites, they ordered him to plunder the allies of the Lacedaemonians. He sailed to Melos as the first place, where he ravaged their territory and for a number of days laid siege to the city; for it was the only island of the Cyclades which was maintaining its alliance with the Lacedaemonians, being a Spartan colony. Nicias was unable to take the city, however, since the Melians defended themselves gallantly, and he then sailed to OropusOropus was always debatable territory between Attica and Boeotia. in Boeotia. Leaving his ships there, he advanced with his hoplites into the territory of the Tanagraeans, where he fell in with another Athenian force which was commanded by Hipponicus, the
Euripides, Ion (ed. Robert Potter), line 1571 (search)
son and go to the land of Cecrops; set him on the royal throne. For he was born from Erechtheus and is fit to rule my land; and he will be famous throughout Hellas. He will have four sons, from one stock, and they will gave names to the land and the tribes of people who inhabit it. Geleon will be the first; then second . . . Hopletes and Argades, and the Aegicores will have a tribal name from my aegis. Their sons in turn, at the appointed time, will settle in the island cities of the Cyclades, and the lands along the shore, which will give strength to my land; they will colonize the plains of the two mainlands, Asia and Europe, on opposite sides; they will become famous under the name of Ionians, in homage to this boy's name. You and Xuthus will have children together: Dorus, from whom the Dorian state will be celebrated throughout the land of Pelops. The second son, Achaeus, will be king of the shore land near Rhion; and a people called after him will be marked out as having
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley), Book 5, chapter 31 (search)
nia. Furthermore it had a store of wealth and slaves. “Therefore send an army against that country,” he said, “ and bring back the men who have been banished from there. If you so do, I have a great sum of money at your disposal, over and above the costs of the force, for it is only fair that we, who bring you, should furnish that. Furthermore, you will win new dominions for the king, Naxos itself and the islands which are its dependents, Paros, Andros, and the rest of those that are called Cyclades. Making these your starting point, you will easily attack Euboea, which is a great and a wealthy island, no smaller than Cyprus and very easy to take. A hundred ships suffice for the conquest of all these.” “This plan which you set forth,” Artaphrenes answered, “is profitable for the king's house, and all your advice is good except as regards the number of the ships. Not one hundred but two hundred ships will be ready for you when the spring comes. The king too, however, must himsel
Isocrates, Panegyricus (ed. George Norlin), section 36 (search)
for to the latter they left the home country—sufficient for their needs—and for the former they provided more land than they had owned since they embraced in their conquests all the territory which we Hellenes now possess.For the traditional “Ionic migration,” led by Athens, in the course of which settlements were made in Samos and Chios and in the islands of the Cyclades, in Asia Minor, and on the shores of the Black Sea, see Isoc. 12.43-44, 166, 190; Thuc. 1.2.6; Grote, History of Greece (new edition), ii. pp. 21 ff. And so they smoothed the way for those also who in a later time resolved to send out colonists and imitate our city; for these did not have to undergo the perils of war in acquiring territory, but could go into the country marked out by us and se
Isocrates, Panegyricus (ed. George Norlin), section 132 (search)
And yet it is the duty of men who are proud because of natural gifts and not merely because of fortune to undertake such deeds much rather than to levy tributeFor tribute levied by Sparta see Xen. Hell. 6.2.16. on the islanders,The Cyclades, hilly and comparatively barren. who are deserving of their pity, seeing that because of the scarcity of land they are compelled to till mountains, while the people of the mainland,The “mainlanders”—Persian subjects in Asia Minor. because of the abundance of their territory, allow most of it to lie waste, and have, nevertheless, from that part of it which they do harvest, grown immensely
Isocrates, Panegyricus (ed. George Norlin), section 136 (search)
But these things we take no thought to prevent; instead, we wrangle about the islands of the Cyclades, when we have so recklessly given over so many cities and such great forces to the barbarians. And therefore some of our possessions are now his, some will soon be his, and others are threatened by his treacherous designs. And he has rightly conceived an utter contempt for us all;
Isocrates, Panathenaicus (ed. George Norlin), section 43 (search)
First they took the islands of the Cyclades,In the campaigns of the so-called “Ionian Migration.” See Isoc. 4.34 ff. about which there had been much contention during the overlordship of Minos of Crete and which finally were occupied by the Carians,See Hdt. 1.171. and, having driven out the latter, refrained from appropriating the lands of these islands for themselves, but instead settled upon them those of the Hellenes who were most lacking in means of subsisten
Pausanias, Description of Greece, Elis 1, chapter 21 (search)
rname of Rhantes—it is a sort of national characteristic for Alexandrians to have a surname. This man was the first Egyptian to be convicted by the Eleans of a misdemeanor. It was not for giving or taking a bribe that he was condemned, but for the following outrageous conduct in connection with the games. He did not arrive by the prescribed time, and the Eleans, if they followed their rule, had no option but to exclude him from the games. For his excuse, that he had been kept back among the Cyclades islands by contrary winds, was proved to be an untruth by Heracleides, himself an Alexandrian by birth. He showed that Apollonius was late because he had been picking up some money at the Ionian games. In these circumstances the Eleans shut out from the games Apollonius with any other boxer who came after the prescribed time, and let the crown go to Heracleides without a contest. Whereupon Apollonius put on his gloves for a fight, rushed at Heracleides, and began to pummel him, though he ha
Pausanias, Description of Greece, Elis 1, chapter 23 (search)
ird the Corinthians, fourth the Sicyonians, fifth the Aeginetans; after the Aeginetans, the Megarians and Epidaurians, of the Arcadians the people of Tegea and Orchomenus, after them the dwellers in Phlius, Troezen and Hermion, the Tirynthians from the Argolid, the Plataeans alone of the Boeotians, the Argives of Mycenae, the islanders of Ceos and Melos, Ambraciots of the Thesprotian mainland, the Tenians and the Lepreans, who were the only people from Triphylia, but from the Aegean and the Cyclades there came not only the Tenians but also the Naxians and Cythnians, Styrians too from Euboea, after them Eleans, Potidaeans, Anactorians, and lastly the Chalcidians on the Euripus. Of these cities the following are at the present day uninhabited: Mycenae and Tiryns were destroyed by the Argives after the Persian wars. The Ambraciots and Anactorians, colonists of Corinth, were taken away by the Roman emperorAugustus to help to found Nicopolis near Actium. The Potidaeans twice suffered remo
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