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he will be famous throughout Hellas. He will have four sons, from one stock, and they will gave names to the land and the tribes of people who inhabit it. Geleon will be the first; then second . . . Hopletes and Argades, and the Aegicores will have a tribal name from my aegis. Their sons in turn, at the appointed time, will settle in the island cities of the Cyclades, and the lands along the shore, which will give strength to my land; they will colonize the plains of the two mainlands, Asia and Europe, on opposite sides; they will become famous under the name of Ionians, in homage to this boy's name. You and Xuthus will have children together: Dorus, from whom the Dorian state will be celebrated throughout the land of Pelops. The second son, Achaeus, will be king of the shore land near Rhion; and a people called after him will be marked out as having his name. Apollo has done all things well: first, he had you give birth without pain, so that your family would not know about i
Cyclades (Greece) (search for this): card 1571
son and go to the land of Cecrops; set him on the royal throne. For he was born from Erechtheus and is fit to rule my land; and he will be famous throughout Hellas. He will have four sons, from one stock, and they will gave names to the land and the tribes of people who inhabit it. Geleon will be the first; then second . . . Hopletes and Argades, and the Aegicores will have a tribal name from my aegis. Their sons in turn, at the appointed time, will settle in the island cities of the Cyclades, and the lands along the shore, which will give strength to my land; they will colonize the plains of the two mainlands, Asia and Europe, on opposite sides; they will become famous under the name of Ionians, in homage to this boy's name. You and Xuthus will have children together: Dorus, from whom the Dorian state will be celebrated throughout the land of Pelops. The second son, Achaeus, will be king of the shore land near Rhion; and a people called after him will be marked out as having
Greece (Greece) (search for this): card 1571
Creusa, take your son and go to the land of Cecrops; set him on the royal throne. For he was born from Erechtheus and is fit to rule my land; and he will be famous throughout Hellas. He will have four sons, from one stock, and they will gave names to the land and the tribes of people who inhabit it. Geleon will be the first; then second . . . Hopletes and Argades, and the Aegicores will have a tribal name from my aegis. Their sons in turn, at the appointed time, will settle in the island cities of the Cyclades, and the lands along the shore, which will give strength to my land; they will colonize the plains of the two mainlands, Asia and Europe, on opposite sides; they will become famous under the name of Ionians, in homage to this boy's name. You and Xuthus will have children together: Dorus, from whom the Dorian state will be celebrated throughout the land of Pelops. The second son, Achaeus, will be king of the shore land near Rhion; and a people called after him will be ma
famous throughout Hellas. He will have four sons, from one stock, and they will gave names to the land and the tribes of people who inhabit it. Geleon will be the first; then second . . . Hopletes and Argades, and the Aegicores will have a tribal name from my aegis. Their sons in turn, at the appointed time, will settle in the island cities of the Cyclades, and the lands along the shore, which will give strength to my land; they will colonize the plains of the two mainlands, Asia and Europe, on opposite sides; they will become famous under the name of Ionians, in homage to this boy's name. You and Xuthus will have children together: Dorus, from whom the Dorian state will be celebrated throughout the land of Pelops. The second son, Achaeus, will be king of the shore land near Rhion; and a people called after him will be marked out as having his name. Apollo has done all things well: first, he had you give birth without pain, so that your family would not know about it; when yo