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William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 23: Chinese labour. (search)
ty-five thousand dollars in the stock of this company. We intend to manage this business in our own way, to submit to no dictation from workmen. We may find it expedient to employ Chinese; if we do, we will employ as many as we see fit. If you think we are in your power you make a great mistake. We will hire whatever race of men we think best, and if you do not like it-you can leave. We can better afford to lose a hundred thousand dollars than submit to your dictation. We can send to Switzerland for watchmakers. We are in no hurry. While capital reposes, labour starves. We can wait. I am the same Mr. Ralston who made this same speech to the bricklayers and plasterers on the Palace Hotel. I once discharged a clerk. I am in earnest. However, I will be generous, and I make this proposition: if you can get me American girls and boys who will do as much work and do it as well as the Chinese, I will give them the preference and the same pay. You may now apologize and retire.
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 33: illiteracy in America. (search)
ce, they are apt to think there is an American school system, as there is an English school system; in the second place, they are apt to assume that American boys and girls are all at school, like Swiss boys and girls; in the third place, they are apt to conclude that American boys and girls are well taught as German boys and girls are well taught. All these conclusions are erroneous, There is no American school system, as in England. Children are nowhere forced to be at school, as in Switzerland. Education is not universal and efficient, as in Germany. With two exceptions, the republic, as a republic, pays no attention to the training of her citizens. These two exceptions are the military and naval academies; the first at West Point in New York, the second at Annapolis in Maryland. These schools are small in size, and only touch the upper ranks of the public service. Training for the ordinary citizen is left by the republic to her several States, by each State to her seve
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 34: America at school. (search)
and the war made it everywhere worse. In some States, the school system became a wreck; in every State it suffered from the strife. This wreck is being repaired, but many years will pass away before the country can recover from the ravages of her civil war. In the States lying north of the Potomac, the wreck was less than in those lying south of that river. New York and the six New England States are doing better than the rest; doing as well as England and Belgium, if not so well as Switzerland and Germany. Pennsylvania lags behind her northern rival, though she shows a good record in comparison with her Southern neighbours, Maryland and Delaware. Maryland has never been in love with public schools, and she is taking to them now under a sense of shame. Her coloured schools are few in number and poor in quality. Delaware refuses, as a State, to recognise the duty of public instruction. She has neither State provision, nor County provision, for coloured schools. Such teaching