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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 38: repeal of the Missouri Compromise.—reply to Butler and Mason.—the Republican Party.—address on Granville Sharp.—friendly correspondence.—1853-1854. (search)
d Canada. whom I have also seen in Canada; and within a few days here in Boston we have had Sir Edmund Head, the new Governor-General of Canada, a most excellent person, as is also Sir Charles Grey, from Jamaica. One of my visions is another visit to England. When there before I saw many persons and things; but I was young. 1 long to see it now with mature eye; to meet again a few old friends, and to see others who now take the places of those whom I knew. I would also see Paris and Switzerland. But I fear that all this must be postponed indefinitely. My brother George, after being at home for a year and more, has lately left again for Paris, but promises to return in the spring. My only sister is now married and in Italy, where she will pass the winter, if she does not follow your track in the East. My lot seems to be of work at home. Thus have I passed garrulously from topic to topic, touched by your letter and by the memory of your friendship. Do not be silent so long a
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 39: the debate on Toucey's bill.—vindication of the antislavery enterprise.—first visit to the West.—defence of foreign-born citizens.—1854-1855. (search)
weakness by their military experience; upon Paul Jones, the Scotchman, who lent his unsurpassed courage to the infant thunders of our navy; also upon those great European liberators, Kosciusko of Poland and Lafayette of France, each of whom paid his earliest vows to liberty in our cause. Nor should this list be confined to military characters, so long as we gratefully cherish the name of Alexander Hamilton, who was born in the West Indies, and the name of Albert Gallatin, who was born in Switzerland, and never, to the close of his octogenarian career, lost the French accent of his boyhood,—both of whom rendered civic services to be commemorated among the victories of peace The omitted passage gives instances in which other countries have been served by foreigners.. . . .A party which, beginning in secrecy, interferes with religious belief, and founds a discrimination on the accident of birth, is not the party for us. Most public men in Sumner's position, with his term nearly e
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 41: search for health.—journey to Europe.—continued disability.—1857-1858. (search)
and then by way of Weymouth and Jersey to Normandy, where he had engaged to visit Tocqueville at his chateau. Returning to Paris, he next made an excursion to Switzerland, the Italian lakes, Holland, and Belgium. He wrote to C. F. Adams, September 14, from the Hague:— I know nothing of politics at home; but I have implicitd to stay. Our American political duties are more exacting. Since I parted from you at Chichester I have seen the Channel Isles, Normandy, Paris, Baden-Baden, Switzerland—, the Alps at St. Gothard and St. Bernard, and Chamouni, the Rhine, Holland, then the Manchester Exhibition, the highlands of Scotland, a little of England, incportunity, irrevocable, pass on. I grow old, inactive, and the future is dreary. Regretfully he decided on another journey to Europe, having in mind a visit to Switzerland, Hungary, Russia, the Pyrenees,--some country not already familiar to him and remote from social attentions, but without any distinct purpose of seeking medical
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, chapter 14 (search)
soon as my wounds heal enough for locomotion, I hope to leave Paris, and after wandering about France, to run through Switzerland and Germany. Pray, pardon these details about myself. I am tempted to them by the friendship which you have shown meDr. Howe, from the steamer on the Rhine, November 10: In my rapid rambles I have enjoyed much of nature and art. Switzerland every moment, in every mountain, hill, lake, river, valley, and field, filled me with delight. The North of Italy lefal history, and meteorology. His family was of German origin. In 1859 M. Martins and his son-in-law, Gerdon, were in Switzerland with theodore Parker when he was the guest of Desor, arid both became admirers of Mr. Parker. a distinguished naturali in the history of Protestantism, compelled to flee at the revocation of the edict of Nantes, finding then a refuge in Switzerland; one of his ancestors selected as an arbiter between Newton. And Leibnitz, and honored by a most remarkable tribute f