Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Albany (New York, United States) or search for Albany (New York, United States) in all documents.

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World, April 16. Jefferson Davis replies to President Lincoln's proclamation as follows: Fort Sumter is ours, and nobody is hurt. With mortar, Paixhan, and petard, we tender Old Abe our Beau-regard. --Charleston Mercury. At Albany, N. Y., popular sentiment grows stronger and stronger. Several prominent citizens, particularly among the young men, have sent in applications as volunteers, and some are already organizing companies among those who are friends at home. The capitaall day, the whole building having been filled with citizens who have apparently left their business to gather at Headquarters, and watch eagerly the progress of events. The spirit of the masses is decidedly aroused, and from present indications Albany will be behind no city in the State or Union in evincing her patriotism and her determination, as the crisis has come, to stand firmly by the Government of the country, without pausing to charge upon any the responsibility of the present terrible
ue to-day, has not been paid. We deeply regret the necessity that impels us to say, that during the existence of this war we are determined to pay no notes due our northern friends.--Evening Post. The St. Nicholas, a steamer plying between Washington and Baltimore, was seized at the former place this morning for prudential purposes.--National Intelligencer. Hiram Sibley, President of the Western Union, and T. R. Walker, President, and J. D. Reid, Superintendent of the New York, Albany and Buffalo Telegraph Companies, issued orders that no messages, ordering arms or munitions of war, will be received by their companies unless for the defence of the Government of the United States, and endorsed by the Mayor of the City from which it proceeds. Messages in cypher, excepting despatches from the Press of the U. S. officers of the Government, will be refused. The Toronto Globe of this morning has a long article on the relations between England and the United States, advocati
esolutions were adopted censuring severely the course pursued by Governor Letcher and the Eastern Virginians. Eleven delegates were appointed to meet delegates from other northwestern counties, to meet at Wheeling, May 13th, to determine what course should be pursued in the present emergency. Reports thus far received speak encouragingly of the Union sentiment in Western Virginia.--National Intelligencer, April 29. The Twenty-fifth Regiment of New York Militia arrived at New York from Albany. The regiment numbers over five hundred men, and is commanded by Colonel M. K. Bryan.--N. Y. Tribune, April 23. A meeting was held at Palace Garden, in New York, for the purpose of organizing a Home Guard of men over 45 years. The following Committee was appointed to carry out the objects of the meeting: Major A. M. Bininger, Col. Charles B. Tappen, Col. Burr Wakeman, Samuel Hotaling, Esq., and Judge Edmonds. Upwards of 300 names were enrolled.--N. Y. Tribune, April 25. The Balti
atches received last night give important and glorious news. Fort Pickens was taken by the South. The loss on our side is said to be heavy. One despatch states the.loss on the side of the South at 2,500 men; but the victory is ours. Immediately after the above, the Baltimore Sun says that it is enabled to state on the authority of a private despatch, received in this city last night, that the report of the battle is incorrect. The Twenty-fifth Regiment of N. Y. State Militia, from Albany, with a party of regulars and one hundred and seventy-five men of the Seventh New York Regiment left New York for the sent of war.--N. Y. Tribune, April 25. A volunteer company was organized at Sag Harbor, and $3,000 subscribed by the citizens for the benefit of the families of the volunteers.--Idem, April 26. Daniel Fish, gunmaker, of the city of New York, was arrested and handed over to the custody of the United States Marshal on a charge of treason, and misprision of treason, in
expense. --The World, May 3. General Harney, in a letter to Col. Fallon of St. Louis, gives an account of his arrest and subsequent release by the authorities of Virginia; declares that he will serve under no other banner than the one he has followed for forty years; denies the right of secession, and implores his fellow-citizens of Missouri not to be seduced by designing men to become the instruments of their mad ambition, and plunge the State into revolution.--(Doc. 125.) The Albany (N. Y.) Burgesses Corps arrived at New York, and proceed to Washington to-morrow to join the Twenty-fifth regiment, N. Y. S. M.--(Doc. 126.) An attempt was made to blow up the State Powder House, on Bramhall Hill, at Portland, Me., containing 1,000 kegs of powder, by building a fire at an air-hole outside. It was discovered, and extinguished.--N. Y. Tribune, May 2. Gov. Black of Nebraska, issued a proclamation, recommending a thorough volunteer organization throughout the Territory.
May 26. A letter from Major Sprague, U. S. A., giving an account of affairs in Texas, since the arrest of the federal troops in that locality, was published in the Albany (N. Y.) Argus.--(Doc. 197.) The privateer Calhoun, Capt. Wilson, arrived at New Orleans, La., having in tow the following prizes: schooners John Adams and Mermaid, of Provincetown, Mass., and the brig Panama, of Boston, Mass.; all these are whalers, and have on board about 215 bbls. of sperm and black whale oil. They were taken about 20 miles from the passes; their crews number 63 men; and all of them told that these vessels lad been whaling for some time and cruising in the Gulf.--Natchez Courier, May 30. The Mobile Register of yesterday, after announcing the invasion of Virginia by the Federal troops, observes: Servile insurrection is a part of their programme, but they expect no great amount of practical good to result therefrom-consequently, it is contended that it would be afar better course of
o your encouragement for the opportunity of demonstrating the availability of the science of aeronautics in the military service of the country. Yours respectfully, T. S. C. Lowe. An official order from the Duke of New-castle, forbidding privateers to enter the ports of Canada, was published in the Montreal (Canada) papers.--(Doc. 262.) The Fourteenth Regiment N. Y. S. V. passed through New York City en route for the Seat of War.--The Eighteenth Regiment N. Y. Volunteers left Albany.--(Doc. 263.) Capt. Budd, commanding the United States steamer Resolute, arrived at Washington, bringing as a prize the schooner Buena Vista, seized in the St. Mary's River. He captured two other vessels — namely, the schooner Bachelor and the sloop H. Day. The former had disregarded a warning given several days ago, and had deceived Captain Rowan by false statements, and was found on the Maryland side, opposite Matthias Point, at a place where it was convenient for crossing. They be
k, and a black felt hat, according to the army regulation. Corporal Hayes and twelve men belonging to Col. Wallace's regiment of Zouaves, while scouting on Patterson's Creek, twelve miles east of Cumberland, Md., encountered a party of rebels numbering about forty. A sharp engagement ensued. Seventeen of the enemy were killed, and a number wounded. One of Hayes's party was killed, and himself badly wounded.--(Doc. 45.) The Sixteenth Regiment N. Y. S. V. passed through New York en route to the seat of war. Before leaving the city the regiment was presented with a regimental flag by the wife of G. Howland. The dress of the soldiers is of the United States army pattern, and all the officers wear the regulation uniform, with felt hats and plumes. The commander of the regiment, Col. Thomas A. Davies, is a graduate of West Point, and served in the war with Mexico. The men are volunteers from the region of country about Albany, and northward as far as Plattsburgh.--(Doc. 46.)
places and present the federal troops from passing through Kentucky to the aid of the Union men in East Tennessee. They were encountered by the Union men in the mountains.--Louisville Journal, July 2. The Thirtieth Regiment N. Y. S. V. from Albany, under the command of Colonel Edward Frisbie; the Thirty-second N. Y. S. V., under the command of Colonel Matheson, and Colonel E. D. Baker's California Regiment, left New York for the seat of war.--The latter for Fortress Monroe.--(Doc. 50.) have been subscribed for.--Nashville Union, June 28. General Banks at Fort McHenry issued a proclamation nullifying the protest and acts of the late police board of Baltimore.--(Doc. 52.) The Twenty-second Regiment N. Y. S. V., left Albany, N. Y., for the seat of war. The regiment is commanded by Colonel Walter Phelps, and is composed of men from the counties of Warren, Essex, Washington, and Saratoga. They belong to the class of hardy and industrious woodsmen, and intelligently unde
t Porterfield Farm, on the turnpike, near Haynesville, where it was necessary to destroy a barn and carriage-house, to make a charge upon the enemy. Here the conflict was fierce, the rebels standing well up to their work, and finally slowly retreating. Knapsacks and canteens were hastily thrown aside as incumbrances to a backward march. The rebels left behind them a number of blankets, and other articles of value, indicating a heavy loss. The Thirty-fourth Regiment, N. Y. S. V., left Albany for the seat of war. It is commanded by Colonel William Ledeu.--The Twenty-fifth Regiment N. Y. S. V., under the command of Colonel James E. Kerrigan, left their quarters on Staten Island, New York, for Washington.--N. Y. Tribune, July 4. The steamer Cataline was burned at Fortress Monroe, this evening.--Philadelphia Press, July 5. The Legislature of Western Virginia organized at Wheeling. Lieut.-Governor Parsley took the chair in the Senate, and Daniel Frost of Jackson was electe