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Boethius, Consolatio Philosophiae, book 0, sectio 0 (search)
The text reprinted here is that of Wilhelm Weinberger, from volume 67 of the Vienna Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum. < = "from" AG = Allan and Greenough's New Latin Grammar (Boston 1916: often reprinted) Gruber = J. Gruber, Kommentar zu Boethius De Consolatione Philosophiae (Berlin 1979) LHS = Leumann-Hofmann-Szantyr, Lateinische Grammatik: Lateinische Syntax und Stilistik (Munich 1972) sc. = scilicet, 'supply' Passages in the Consolatio are indicated thus: 1M1.9 = Book One, Metrum One, Line 9. 2P6.4 = Book Two, Prosa Six, Section 4.
Francis Glass, Washingtonii Vita (ed. J.N. Reynolds), CAPUT UNDECIMUM. (search)
expugnare, aut onmno bello appetere, nus, de quo modò meminimus, sperans, navibusNavibus, &c., “ the French ships returning. ” Gallicis reducibus, hostiumque copiis maritimis aut captis, aut tempestate disjectis, sese perbrevi hostium opera omnia expugnare posse, propugnaculumPropugnaculum, &c., “ he resolved to assault, with the utmost vigor, and besiege the enemy's fortress. ” acerrime aggredi et obsidere instituit. Consilio, Consilio, &c., “ but the design of D'Estaing, of repairing to Boston, for the purpose of refitting his fleet, being known, ” (to the Americans in Rhode Island and elscwhere.) autem, D'Estaing, sese Bostoniam, reficiendæ classis causâ, recipiendi, cognito, in Sullivani fortis exercitu, querimoniæ liberæ exaudiri, et à militibus gregariis, in socios, Socios, “ their allies, ” the French. mali auctores, jactari et rejici cœptæ Hæc sententia nonnullis inimica videbatur. Mala attamen, quæ in re tam insperatâ timenda forent, providit Providit,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
sands. During the scorching summer, whose severity during the day is as great on that sand-barren as anywhere in the Union north of the Gulf, and through the hard winter, which is more severe at that point than anywhere in the country south of Boston, these poor fellows were confined here in open tents, on the naked ground, without a plank or a handful of straw between them and the heat or frost of the earth. And when, in the winter, a high tide and an easterly gale would flood the whole sat that moment, and unequivocally shows that it was not favorable to Mr. Davis on this matter. At the instance of Mr. Greeley, Mr. Wilson and, as I was given to understand, of Mr. Stevens, I went to Canada the first week in January, 1866, taking Boston on my route, there to consult with Governor Andrew and others. While at Montreal, General John C. Breckinridge came from Toronto, at my request, for the purpose of giving me information. There I had placed in my possession the official archives
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A Correction of the incident in reference to General Pickett. (search)
the money and clothes had been delayed. At the same time a demand was made for the surrender of the courier, in view of the facts of the case. To this demand an answer was received from General Butler, declining to surrender the courier, but, at the same time, refunding to General Pickett the $500 of Confederate money which he had advanced to the young officer. This is all of the story that rests upon any real foundation. General Pickett never received any letter from any gentleman in Boston, and never saw the young officer who was taken prisoner, so far as is known to any member of his staff. He did not give any mortgage on his Turkey Island property for the purpose of raising this money; and his interest in that property still belongs to his widow and his son. I am sure that you will gladly correct the mistakes into which you have been led in regard to this, seemingly, well authenticated incident, and which owe their origin, no doubt, to the affection and esteem with which
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Address before the Mecklenburg (N. C.) Historical Society. (search)
o fear the face of mortal man. Such a people would be slow to build monuments, erect statues and write histories to commemorate deeds of high emprise. Perhaps, this self-reliant, self-asserting and unsentimental people would regard everything that looked like hero-worship as unmanly and contemptible. This partial explanation of the neglect of history applies only to the two Carolinas, and in looking over the whole Southern field we must seek a more general explanation. Dr. Channing, of Boston, one of the ablest and fairest of the many gifted men of the North, said thirty-four years ago that the great passion of the South was for political power, while the great passion of the North was for money. We give his language in the contrast which he made between the North and the South: The South, said he, has abler politicians, and almost necessarily so, because its opulent class makes politics the business of life. * * * * In the South an unnatural state of things turns men's thoughts
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 3 (search)
of the different size of the rolls, the top one being the largest. It was very stylish. I wish my hair was long enough to dress that way, for I am getting very tired of frizzes; they are so much trouble, and always will come out in wet weather. We were so much interested that we stayed at Cousin Bolling's too long and had to run nearly all the way back to the depot in order to catch our train. On the cars I met the very last man I would have expected to see in this part of the world --my Boston friend, Mr. Adams. He said he was on his way to take charge of a Presbyterian church in Eufaula, Ala. He had on a broadcloth coat and a stovepipe hat, which are so unlike anything worn by our Confederate men that I felt uncomfortably conspicuous while he was with me. I am almost ashamed, nowadays, to be seen with any man not in uniform, though Mr. Adams, being a Northern man and a minister, could not, of course, be expected to go into the army. I believe he is sincere in his Southern sympa
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 8 (search)
en excruciating. His son and brother were tied up, too, the latter with his hands behind him, and he was suffered to hang till they were stretched above his head, and he fainted from the pain. And all this on the lying accusation of a negro! They even hung up a negro man, Tom, because he would not swear to a pack of lies inculpating his master. And the Yankees pretend to be a civilized people! And these precious missionaries of the gospel of abolitionism have come out from philanthropic Boston to enlighten us benighted Southerners on our duty to the negroes, while they take a sterling old Wilkes county planter and treat him worse than we would do a runaway negro! Such diabolical proceedings have not been heard of since the days of King James and his thumbscrews. Father has suggested that I might make some money by writing an account of this robbery business for some sensational Northern newspaper, and I mean to try it. I don't suppose any of them would publish the real truth,
ibune, the whole North was thrown into consternation and mourning over the massacre, as they termed it, and began reviling each other for urging McClellan to advance at all against Richmond. Massachusetts was particularly affected by the direful news, for two of its pet regiments (the Fifteenth and Twenty-third) had suffered fearfully, and many young men of the first families had fallen, including the promising son of the poet, Oliver Wendell Holmes, most of the men having been enrolled in Boston and Worcester. New-York also felt very much humbled on account of the decimation of the Forty-fourth, one of its crack regiments, which boasted of more professional pugilists and blackguards than any other from that State, except the red-legged Fire Zouaves. Pennsylvania was in mourning for the rout of the First California Regiment, (fifteen companies strong,) which had been raised by Baker in Philadelphia, and which was petted and feasted, and paraded at Washington by Lincoln himself, and
John D. Billings, Hardtack and Coffee: The Unwritten Story of Army Life, I. The tocsin of war. (search)
So the troops went forth from the towns in the shore counties of Massachusetts. Most of the companies in the regiments that were called reported for duty at Boston this Adjutant Hinks Notifying Captain Knott V. Martin. very 16th--two companies from Marblehead being the first to arrive. One of these companies was commandedknew just where, and would return — perhaps never; so there were many touching scenes witnessed at the various railway stations, as the men boarded the trains for Boston. When these Marblehead companies arrived at that city the enthusiasm was something unprecedented, and as a new detachment appeared in the streets it was cheered to the echo all along its line of march. The early months of the war were stirring ones for Boston; for not only did the most of the Massachusetts regiments march through her streets en route for the seat of war, but also the troops from Maine and New Hampshire as well, so that a regiment halted for rest on the Common, or marchin
milies of Volunteers, the Commonwealth reimburses such place to the amount of $12 per month for families of three persons. Patriots desiring to serve the country will bear in mind that The General Recruiting Station is at No. 14 Pitts Street, Boston! William W. Bullock, General Recruiting Officer, Massachusetts Volunteers. [Boston Journal of Sept. 12, 1861.] Here is a call to a war meeting held out-of-doors:-- to arms! To arms!! great war meeting in Roxbury. Another meetingightful country. Office at Coolidge House, Bowdoin square. Capt. C. R. Mudge. Lieut. A. D. Sawyer. $100 bounty! Cadet regiment, Company D, nine months‘ service. O. W. Peabody. ... Recruiting Officer. Headquarters, 113 Washington Street, Boston. [Boston Journal, Sept. 17, 1862.] War meetings similar to the one called in Roxbury were designed to stir lagging enthusiasm. Musicians and orators blew themselves red in the face with their windy efforts. Choirs improvised for the occ