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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 114 4 Browse Search
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown 40 0 Browse Search
James Buchanan, Buchanan's administration on the eve of the rebellion 22 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 17 1 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 12 0 Browse Search
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life 11 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson 4 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 3 4 0 Browse Search
Philip Henry Sheridan, Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army . 4 0 Browse Search
James Redpath, The Roving Editor: or, Talks with Slaves in the Southern States. 4 0 Browse Search
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if she wants a free-State constitution, she has a right to it. It is none of my business which way the slavery clause is decided. I care not whether it is voted down or voted up. Do you suppose, after the pledges of my honor that I would go for that principle and leave the people to vote as they choose, that I would now degrade myself by voting one way if the slavery clause be voted down, and another way if it be voted up? I care not how that vote may stand. . . . Ignore Lecompton; ignore Topeka; treat both those party movements as irregular and void; pass a fair bill — the one that we framed ourselves when we were acting as a unit; have a fair election-and you will have peace in the Democratic party, and peace throughout the country, in ninety days. The people want a fair vote. They will never be satisfied without it . . . But if this constitution is to be forced down our throats in violation of the fundamental principle of free government, under a mode of submission that is a moc
ould be worn out by the time the hard work of the winter was demanded from them. To get ready for a winter campaign of six months gave us much to do. The thing most needed was more men, so I asked for additional cavalry, and all that could be spared-seven troops of the Fifth Cavalrywas sent to me. Believing this reinforcement insufficient, to supplement it I applied for a regiment of Kansas volunteers, which request being granted, the organization of the regiment was immediately begun at Topeka. It was necessary also to provide a large amount of transportation and accumulate quantities of stores, since the campaign probably would not end till spring. Another important matter was to secure competent guides for the different columns of troops, for, as I have said, the section of country to be operated in was comparatively unknown. In those days the railroad town of Hays City was filled with socalled Indian scouts, whose common boast was of having slain scores of red-skins, but
tence and forage for three months to be sent to Fort Gibson for final delivery at Fort Arbuckle, as I expected to feed the command from this place when we arrived in the neighborhood of old Fort Cobb, but through some mismanagement few of these stores got further than Gibson before winter came on. November I, all being ready, Colonel Crawford was furnished with competent guides, and, after sending two troops to Fort Dodge to act as my escort, with the rest of his regiment he started from Topeka November 5, under orders to march straight for the rendezvous at the junction of Beaver and Wolf creeks. He was expected to reach his destination about the 20th, and there unite with the Seventh Cavalry and the battalion of infantry, which in the mean time were on the march from Dodge. A few days later Carr and Evans began their march also, and everything being now in motion, I decided to go to Camp Supply to give the campaign my personal attention, determined to prove that operations coul
tes in common, and thus be left open to the whole country, whose property they were, to decide by actual occupation whether its system of labor should be by freemen or by slaves. While the two sections were thus hotly engaged in Congress, a Territorial government was organized in a regular manner and the Territories applied for admission, but the antislavery men established their headquarters at Lawrence, and brought in squatters by the thousands, elected another so-called Legislature at Topeka by these votes, and asked to be recognized as the legal government, alleging fraud on the part of the regularly elected Territorial body. This lawless condition of things had caused the administration of Mr. Pierce to send out an officer of the army, who was believed to be sturdily honest, to report on the true state of affairs in Kansas. Strict orders were given to the officers stationed there to insist upon impartial justice between the settlers from the two sections. Secretary D
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 83: General Ransom's reminiscences of Mr. Davis. (search)
s, in the autumn of 1856, I was again in Washington, and happened to be in company with Mr. Davis and other prominent men at a social gathering. The subject of the dispersion by Colonel E. V. Sumner, of the First Cavalry, of the Topeka Legislature, was broached, and Sumner was criticised by someone for not taking some of his officers with him into the hall where it had assembled, as that fact had been noticed by the press of the country. I was with Colonel Sumner that day, July 4, 1856, at Topeka, and was his adjutant. I was asked by one of the persons present as to the correctness of the statement regarding Sumner's going alone into the hall, and I substantiated the fact. Mr. Davis, in answer to some adverse criticism upon Sumner, promptly replied: Brave and honest men are not suspicious, and Edwin Sumner is as brave as Caesar and honest as Cato. This illustrates Mr. Davis's fidelity to truth and justice, regardless of sectional birth or habitation. All knew Sumner was from Ma
rst. There was no cavalry stationed at Fort Leavenworth, though five companies of the Eleventh Ohio were outfitting for Fort Laramie, but without arms. There was one company at Leavenworth City just receiving horse equipments. Arms and horse equipments were issued at once, and at one P. M. I started from Fort Leavenworth with near three hundred men of these companies. News reached me at Leavenworth City of the burning of Lawrence, and of the avowed purpose of the rebels to go thence to Topeka. I thought it best to go to De Soto, and thence, after an unavoidable delay of five hours in crossing the Kansas River, to Lanesfield. Finding there, at daybreak, that Quantrell had passed east, I left the command to follow as rapidly as possible, and pushed on, reaching, soon after dark, the point on Grand River where Quantrell's force had scattered. Lieutenant-Colonel Lazear, with the detachments of the First Missouri, from Warrensburgh and Pleasant Hill, numbering about two hundred m
rs. At Tecumseh, during Geary's administration, he perpetrated a most cowardly outrage on the person of Mr. Kagi, the correspondent of the National Era. The store of a Free-State man had been robbed at Tecumseh. Law there was none. The boys of Topeka threatened vengeance unless the case was examined. A committee was appointed by the ruffians at Tecumseh. It consisted of the person suspected of the robbery! proslavery; Judge Elmore, pro-slavery, and a Free-State man. The evidence, full and to escape. Next morning after the letter arrived, our mutual friend----left Lawrence for Missouri. He went to the woman, told her of her husband's wish, and, after sunset, started her for Lawrence. They reached it in safety, and were beyond Topeka, when the slave-hunters overtook them, overpowered them and arrested the woman. She had two children with her. They put them in their covered wagon, and drove rapidly towards home. They gagged her; but, in passing H----'s house, she tore off th
election for a Delegate to Congress, which the bogus Legislature had appointed to be held on the 1st of October. They called a Delegate Convention to be held at Topeka on the 19th of that month, whereat an Executive Committee for Kansas Territory was appointed, and an election for Delegate to Congress appointed for the second Tun Delegate to Congress. And, on the 23d of October, a Constitutional Convention, chosen by the settlers under the Free-State organization aforesaid, assembled at Topeka, and formed a Free-State Constitution, under which they asked admission into the Union as a State. The XXXIVth Congress assembled at Washington, December 3d, 1ained just before by sacking a little Free-State settlement, known as Palmyra. The Legislature chosen under the Free-State Constitution was summoned to meet at Topeka on the 4th of July, 1856, and its members assembled accordingly, but were not allowed to organize, Col. Sumner, Since known as Maj.-Gen. Edwin V. Sumner: fough
the prairie, with a rifle-ball through his vitals. Six weeks after the Osawatomie fight, Capt. Brown was in Lawrence, stopping over Sunday on his way home from Topeka, when the startling announcement was made that 2,800 Missourians, under Atchison and Reid, were advancing upon that town. Not more than two hundred men in all cothe wood, in order of battle, when the valorous posse turned and fled. They probably were already aware, though Brown was not, that a party of mounted men from Topeka were hastening to his rescue, and were then within a short distance Not a shot was fired, as they, putting spurs to their horses, galloped headlong across the pra was so general and so hearty that they soon left, never to return. Brown was joined, soon after this Battle of the spurs, by Kagi, with forty mounted men from Topeka, of whom seventeen escorted him safely to Nebraska City. He there crossed the Mississippi into Iowa, and traveled slowly through that State, Illinois, and Michig
a, 601-2. Julian, George W., of Ind., nominated for Vice-President by the Free-Soilers, 224. K. Kagi, J. H., a liberator of slaves, 286; rejoins Brown at Topeka, 287; is Brown's Secretary of War, 288; killed at Harper's Ferry, 292. Kanawha: see West Virginia. Kane, Judge John I., letter to from Polk, 169; his decisi of N. H., nominated for President, 222; elected 224; inaugurated, 224; 226; 227; appoints Reeder Governor of Kansas, 236; disperses the Free-State Legislature at Topeka, 244; 246; 270; directs the Ostend meeting, 273; in the Convention of 1860, 317; 497; his letter to Jeff. Davis. 512. Pierce, Gen. E. W., at Big Bethel, 530-318. Tompkins. Lieut. C. H., dashes into Fairfax, 533. Toombs, Robert, of Ga., 382: his dispatch to Georgia, 384; 88; a member of Davis's Cabinet, 429. Topeka, Kansas, Free-State Convention at, 240; the Legislature at, dispersed, 244. Toucey, Isaac, in the Dem. Convention, 317. Townsend, Col. F., at Little Bethel, 529
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