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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Inman, Henry 1801-1899 (search)
Inman, Henry 1801-1899 Painter; born in Utica, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1801; was a pupil of John Wesley Jarvis, the portrait-painter, to whom he was apprenticed for seven years. He painted landscapes and historical pictures, but portraits were his chief subjects, and he introduced lithography into the United States. In 1844 he went to England, where, becoming the guest of Wordsworth, the poet, he painted his portrait. He also painted the portraits of other distinguished men while in England. He had begun painting an historical picture for the national Capitol, representing Daniel Boone in the wilds of Kentucky, at the time of his death, in New York City, Jan. 17, 1846. Author; born in New York, July 30, 1837; educated at the Brooklyn public schools and Athenian Academy, and is the author of The old Santa Fe trail; Great Salt Lake trail, tales of the trail; The ranch on the Oxhide; Pioneer from Kentucky, etc. He died in Topeka, Kan., Nov. 13, 1899.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Internal improvements. (search)
land was construed not to mean coal or iron. By the same act a grant of 20 miles of land was made to the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Company for the construction of a road from the Missouri River to some point not farther west than the one hundredth meridian west longitude, to connect with the Union Pacific road. March 3, 1864, a grant of land was made to the State of Kansas to assist in constructing railroads within its borders, afterwards known as the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe; Leavenworth, Lawrence, and Galveston; and Missouri, Kansas, and Texas railroads. In May, 1864, similar grants were made to the States of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa, and others soon followed to Arkansas, Missouri, Alabama, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, and Kansas. The North Pacific Railroad Company was created July 1, 1864, with grants similar to those of the Union Pacific, excepting double the extent of land, through the Territories. July 27, 1866, grants were made to the Atlantic and P
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kearny, Stephen Watts 1794-1847 (search)
n. Philip Kearny. When the War of 1812-15 broke out young Kearny left his studies at Columbia College, entered the army as lieutenant of infantry, and distinguished himself in the battle of Queenston Heights. In April, 1813, he was made captain, and rose to brigadier-general in June, 1846. He was in command of the Army of the West at the beginning of the war with Mexico, and with that army marched to California, conquering New Mexico on the way. He established a provisional government at Santa Fe, pressed on to California, and was twice wounded in battle. For a few months in 1847 he was governor of California; joined the army in Mexico; in March, 1848, was governor, military and civil, of Vera Cruz, and in May of the same year was made governor of the city of Mexico. In August, 1848, he was brevetted major-general, and died in St. Louis, Mo., on Oct. 31, following. The Kearny-Stockton controversy. The differences between General Kearny and Commodore Stockton, after the occu
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mexico, War with (search)
rtunity was not long delayed. The Americans fell back to Buena Vista, within 11 miles of Saltillo, and encamped in a narrow defile, and there a severe battle was fought, Feb. 23, resulting in victory for the Americans. Gen. Stephen W. Kearny (q. v.) was placed in command of the Army of the West, with instructions to conquer New Mexico and California. He left Fort Leavenworth in June, 1846, and, after a journey of 900 miles over the great plains and among mountain ranges, he arrived at Santa Fe, Aug. 18, having met with no resistance. Appointing Charles Brent governor, he marched towards California, and was soon met by an express from Commodore Robert F. Stockton (q. v.), and Lieut.-Col. John C. Fremont (q. v.), informing him that the conquest of California had been achieved. Fremont and a party of explorers, sixty in number, joined by American settlers in the vicinity of San Francisco, had captured a Mexican force at Sonoma pass, June 15, 1846, with the garrison, nine cannon, a
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Mexico, (search)
r south as El Paso del Norte. The Spaniards regained possession of the country in 1698, and the province remained a part of Mexico until 1846, when its capital (Santa Fe) was captured by United States troops under Gen. Stephen W. Kearny (q. v.), who soon conquered the whole territory. In 1848 New Mexico A view of Santa Fe. wSanta Fe. was ceded to the United States by treaty; and by act of Congress, Sept. 9, 1850, a territorial government was organized there. The region south of the Gila was obtained by purchase in 1853, and was annexed to New Mexico by Congress, Aug. 4, 1854. The territory then contained the whole of Arizona and a portion of Colorado and Nevada. Attempts have been made to create New Mexico a State, but without success. Its capital is Santa Fe on the Santa Fe River, about 20 miles above its confluence with the Rio Grande, population in 1890, 153,593, in 1900, 195,310. Secretary Floyd sent Colonel Loring, of North Carolina, and Colonel Crittenden, of Kentucky, into
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Newberry, John strong 1822-1892 (search)
was appointed secretary of the Western Department of the United States Sanitary commission (q. v.). His district included the whole valley of the Mississippi. He served in this capacity until July, 1866, and during this period disbursed more than $800,000 in cash; placed supplies in the various hospitals to the value of over $5,000,000; and ministered to the necessities and comfort of more than 1,000,000 soldiers. In 1866-92 he was Professor of Geology and Paleontology in Columbia University, in which he established a museum of over 100,000 specimens, most of which he collected himself. His publications include Reports of explorations and surveys to ascertain the most practical and economical route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, made in 1853-56; Report upon the Colorado River of the West explored in 1857-58; Report of the exploring expedition from Santa Fe to the Junction of the Grand and Green rivers, etc. He died in New Haven, Conn., Dec. 7, 1892.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pike, Zebulon Montgomery 1779- (search)
cadet in the regiment of his father (a captain in the army of the Revolution) and brevet lieutenantcolonel United States army when twenty years of age. He was made captain in 1806, and was appointed to lead an expedition in search of the sources of the Mississippi River, which performed the required duties satisfactorily in eight months and twenty days of most fatiguing explorations. In 1806-7 he was engaged in a geographical exploration of Louisiana, when he was seized by the Spaniards, taken to Santa Fe, and, after a long examination and the seizure of his papers, was escorted to Natchitoches (July 1, 1807) and dismissed. The government rewarded him with a major's commission (May, 1808). Passing through the various grades, he was commissioned brigadier-general March 12, 1813. Early in Zebulon Montgomery Pike. that year he had been appointed adjutant and inspector-general of the army on the northern frontier. He was killed in an attack upon York, Upper Canada, April 27, 1813.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Roman Catholic Church. (search)
tes comes an increase of warlike perils, not only from commercial rivalry, but from that root of ambition and domination which grows in every heart, unless checked and subdued in time, and which in the past has been too often the source of violent injustice on the greatest scale. Apostolic delegation to the United States.—Sebastian Martinelli, Archbishop of Ephesus, Papal Delegate, Washington, D. C. Archbishops.—Baltimore, Md., James Gibbons, Cardinal, consecrated 1868; Boston, Mass., John J. Williams, 1866; Chicago, Ill., Patrick A. Feehan, 1865; Cincinnati, O., William H. Elder, 1857; Dubuque, Ia., John J. Keane, 1878: Milwaukee, Wis., Frederick Katzer, 1886; New Orleans, La., P. L. Chapelle, 1897; New York, N. Y., M. A. Corrigan, 1873; Portland, Ore., Alexander Christie, 1898; Philadelphia, Pa., Patrick J. Ryan, 1872; St. Louis, Mo., John J. Kain, 1875; St. Paul, Minn., John Ireland, 1875; San Francisco, Cal., Patrick W. Reardon, 1883; Santa Fe, New Mexico, Peter Bourgade, 18
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Santa Fe, (search)
It still exhibits many relics of bygone generations. The streets are crooked and narrow; many of the buildings are of adobe; and among its interesting features are the Church of San Miguel, erected about 1550, and rebuilt in 1710 after having been destroyed by the Indians; the governor's palace, a long, one-storied building with walls 5 feet thick, erected in 1598; and the Cathedral of San Francisco, built around a similarly named structure, whose records go back as far as 1622. In 1541 Santa Fe was a thrifty Indian pueblo, with a population of about 15,000. The Spaniards occupied the place about 1605, made slaves of the inhabitants, and began exploiting the rich veins of gold and silver in the town and vicinity. They continued in control till about 1680, when the Indians rose in revolt, drove out the Spaniards, and not only closed the mines but effaced all indications of their existence. In 1692 the Spaniards again acquired control of the town under Vargas, and maintained it
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Simpson, James Hervey 1813-1883 (search)
Simpson, James Hervey 1813-1883 Military officer; born in New Jersey, March 9, 1813; graduated at West Point in 1832, entering the artillery corps. He was aide to General Eustis in the Seminole War, and in 1838 became a lieutenant in the corps of topographical engineers. He was colonel of the 4th New Jersey Volunteers in the Pensacola campaign, and was afterwards chief engineer of the Department of Ohio. In March, 1865, he was brevetted brigadiergeneral, United States army. Having been on surveying expeditions in the West, he published a Journal of a military reconnoissance from Santa Fe to the Navajo country; A report on the Union Pacific Railroad and its branches; and Essay on Coronado's March in search of the seven cities of Cibola. He died in St. Paul, Minn., March 2, 1883.
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