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Inman, Henry 1801-1899

Painter; born in Utica, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1801; was a pupil of John Wesley Jarvis, the portrait-painter, to whom he was apprenticed for seven years. He painted landscapes and historical pictures, but portraits were his chief subjects, and he introduced lithography into the United States. In 1844 he went to [52] England, where, becoming the guest of Wordsworth, the poet, he painted his portrait. He also painted the portraits of other distinguished men while in England. He had begun painting an historical picture for the national Capitol, representing Daniel Boone in the wilds of Kentucky, at the time of his death, in New York City, Jan. 17, 1846.

Author; born in New York, July 30, 1837; educated at the Brooklyn public schools and Athenian Academy, and is the author of The old Santa Fe trail; Great Salt Lake trail, tales of the trail; The ranch on the Oxhide; Pioneer from Kentucky, etc. He died in Topeka, Kan., Nov. 13, 1899.

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