Browsing named entities in Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States.. You can also browse the collection for Salt Lake City (Utah, United States) or search for Salt Lake City (Utah, United States) in all documents.

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Chapter 13: the Mormon rebellion. The rise of Mormonism. Joseph Smith. his career. Brigham Young. Nauvoo. Salt Lake City. Utah. quarrels with Federal officials. the Danites. Reformation of 1856. a Hideous fanaticism. Buchanan's appointments. revolt. Young's proclamation. Mormon oratory. a Mountain strongpathy, gratefully acknowledged at the time, was afterward basely misrepresented as a cruel and malignant persecution. Brigham Young arrived at the site of Salt Lake City with a small detachment, July 24, 1847; and, leaving a colony, returned to lead forward the main body from their winter-quarters near Council Bluffs, Iowa. the execution of the laws. Brigham is said to have received this news on the 24th of July, 1857, when celebrating the tenth anniversary of his arrival in Salt Lake City. Two thousand persons were present in a camp-meeting at Big Cottonwood Lake, and their leader fired all hearts by his denunciation of the Gentiles, and his re
ptain Van Vliet's report of his journey to Salt Lake City, which was his first authentic informationave it in condition to force the passes to Salt Lake City. This hope and intention he expressed in a railroad, if one was ever made through the Salt Lake region. As the army was bound to Salt Laof defense in the mountain-passes and near Salt Lake City. I The reader who desires to know in far, and made his way through California to Salt Lake City, where he arrived early in March. Whent camp on the 5th of April, and arrived at Salt Lake City on the 12th, after having been fully impre President arrived in camp June 2d, and in Salt Lake City on the 7th. They accepted the submission rrived without opposition, June 26th, near Salt Lake City. The commissioners suggested that a procl858. gentlemen: Your communication from Salt Lake City was received to-day. The accomplishment oy performed it. As the army approached Salt Lake City, Governor Cumming wrote to General Johnsto
dquarters of the Army of Utah, was situated at the north end of Cedar Valley, midway between Salt Lake City and Provo, about thirty-six miles distant from each. The valley was about eight miles wide tion selected for the camp was a commanding one, as the valley debouched in the direction of Salt Lake City by two routes, toward Provo by two, and also into Tintic Valley in the direction of Fillmoredetraction a powerful engine against opponents. Governor Cumming's first communication from Salt Lake City to General Johnston, written within three days after his arrival, while the Mormons were yethereunto set my hand, and caused ...... the seal of the Territory to be affixed. Done at Great Salt Lake City, L. s.: this twenty-seventh day of March, A. D. eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, and of t-lands of the valley, and thence with the main trunk south of the lake, and with a branch to Salt Lake City. General Johnston bore with some impatience the political arrangements that kept him in