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sue of the Patriot and Union, by Government authority. From Washington. Washington, August 7. --The Confederates are concentrating their forces at Gordonsville, with the intention of attacking Pope. Several Governors of the loyal States are here to-day in consultation with the President in relation to the new orders for drafting. Gov. Buckingham, of Conn., arrived this morning. Another trial of strength between projectiles and iron plates is about to take place on James river.--The 12 and 15 inch guns which Gen. McClellan is provided with will, it is thought, sink any craft, whether of iron or wood, that can float. Doctors' certificates of no avail. The Albany Evening Journal says: We are requested by the Surgeon General to state, "that doctors' certificates of disability will be of no earthly avail except for mere State service.--Under the order from the War Department, everybody within certain ages — without reference to his physical condition