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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 88 16 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 62 2 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 30 20 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 1, 1861., [Electronic resource] 12 0 Browse Search
L. P. Brockett, Women's work in the civil war: a record of heroism, patriotism and patience 9 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 15, 1861., [Electronic resource] 8 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 30, 1861., [Electronic resource] 8 0 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America, together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published: description of towns and cities. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 7 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 7 3 Browse Search
L. P. Brockett, The camp, the battlefield, and the hospital: or, lights and shadows of the great rebellion 6 0 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Recollections of Foote and the gun-boats. (search)
ed for the inspection of Secretary Welles and his able assistant, Captain Fox, plans of vessels drawing five feet. They were not acceptable to Captain Fox, who said: We want vessels much lighter than that. But you want them to carry a certain thickness of iron? I replied. The Osage (twin of the Neosho ). from a photograph. Yes, we want them to be proof against heavy shot — to be plated and heavily plated,--but they must be of much lighter draught. The Chickasaw (type of the Milwaukee, Winnebago, and Kickapoo ). from a photograph. After the interview I returned with the plans to my hotel, and commenced a revision of them; and in the course of a few days I presented the plans for the Osage and the Neosho. These vessels, according to my recollection, were about forty-five feet beam on deck, their sides slanting outward, and the tops of the gunwales rising only about six inches above the surface of the water, so as to leave very little space to be covered with the pla
This afternoon, between three and four o'clock, a body of three hundred rebel cavalry came down to the landing of the Ferry opposite Sandy Hook, Md., when two companies of Gordon's Second Massachusetts Regiment fired and the rebels retreated. It is known that two were killed and five wounded. The Confederates are still hovering on the outskirts of Harper's Ferry, watching the movements of the Federal troops.--National Intelligencer, August 21. The First Wisconsin Regiment returned to Milwaukee, from the seat of war, and was welcomed with the greatest enthusiasm. A collation was served and patriotic speeches were made by M. H. Carpenter, and Judge A. D. Smith.--Daily Wisconsin, August 19. A scouting party, composed of the Lincoln Cavalry, under Lieut. Gibson, while to-day in the neighborhood of Pohick Church, some twelve miles from Alexandria, Va., encountered a company of session cavalry. A slight skirmish ensued, during which private Irwin, belonging to Philadelphia, was
Poland, and Austria over Hungary. But, happily for the South, the issue is not now one of legislation, but of the sword — not one of the ballot, but of the bayonet. The more violent and ultra the measures introduced into the Lincoln Congress, the deeper the gulf between the Northern and Southern people for all future time. The Ninth German regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers, commanded by Colonel Solomon, who so greatly distinguished himself under General Sigel at Springfield, Mo., left Milwaukee to-day for Fort Leavenworth, well armed and equipped. A proclamation was issued to-day at Hatteras, N. C., by Marble Nash Taylor, loyal Provisional Governor of North-Carolina, congratulating the people of his State upon their deliverance from rebel thraldom by the invincible arms of the Republic. He calls upon all well-disposed persons to cooperate with this friendly army in restoring to their commonwealth the ancient and inalienable rights so recently lost. For this purpose, he ann
uthorities, in negotiating for an exchange of prisoners, will make the invaders account for at least a portion of the contrabands they have stolen, though in making up their relative value it should appear that one nigger was equal to two Yankees. The town of Newburg, Ind., was this day entered by a band of rebel guerrillas, under Capt. Johnson, and robbed of a large amount of property.--Evansville Journal, July 21. Large and enthusiastic meetings were held in Memphis, Tenn., Milwaukee, Wis., Danbury, Ct., and Troy, N. Y., for the purpose of promoting enlistments into the army, under the call of President Lincoln. In the British House of Commons a debate took place on the following motion submitted by Mr. Lindsay: That, in the opinion of this House, the States which have seceded from the Union of the republic of the United States have so long maintained themselves under a separate and established government, and have given such proof of their determination and a
aving left the south-west pass of the Mississippi on the seventeenth of the month.--The rebel steamer Memphis was captured by the United States gunboat Magnolia, she having run the blockade of Charleston, S. C., on the night of the twenty-seventh.--Simeon Draper, of New York, was appointed by the War Department a Special Commissioner to superintend the execution of the order respecting officers and privates absent from the army of United States. Large and enthusiastic meetings were held in Milwaukee, Wis., Bergen, N. J., and Cincinnati, O., to promote enlistments into the army under the call of President Lincoln, for additional troops Patriotic speeches were made and resolutions adopted, sustaining the Government in a more vigorous prosecution of the war, recommending the confiscation of the property of traitors everywhere, expressing unalterable opposition to compromise with rebels or traitors, and that they would sustain the Government in resisting hostile foreign intervention.
March 14. Major-General John Pope, from his headquarters, at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, issued an official notice to emigrants by the way of the Missouri River and across the upper plains to the Idaho mines, warning them of the dangers of that route from hostile Indians, and recommending them to communicate with General Sully before attempting to pass that way.--A Commission consisting of Captain George P. Edgar, A. D. C., Captain George I, Carney, A. Q. M., and M. Dudley Bean, of Norfolk, were appointed by Major-General Butler, for the purpose of caring for and supplying the needs of the poor white people in Norfolk, Elizabeth City, and Princess Anne counties, Va., who were a charge upon the United States, and employing such as were willing to work and were without employment, etc.--skirmishing occurred at Cheek's Cross-Roads, Tennessee, between Colonel Garrard's National cavalry and Colonel Giltner's rebel troops. The rebels were repulsed. President Lincoln issued an order ca
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 19: the repossession of Alabama by the Government. (search)
The gun-boat Cherokee got within range of the works at the beginning, and, at intervals throughout the siege, hurled a 100-pound shell into the fort. The squadron did good service, not only in shelling the works, but in driving the Confederate vessels so far to-ward the city, that their fire failed to reach the besiegers. The National vessels kept up a steady fire all day, and retired at night to anchorage at Great Point Clear. In these operations of the squadron, two of the gunboats (Milwaukee and Osage) were destroyed by torpedoes. When, on the 3d of April, the Nationals had built an earth-work and mounted large guns upon it within two hundred yards of the fort, the latter was completely and closely invested, and its doom was sealed. Yet the garrison fought bravely on, and the besiegers suffered greatly from the shells, for the lines were at short range from the fort. At length Canby determined to make a grand assault by a concentric fire from all his heavy guns, his field
and forwarding him until he made his escape into Canada. At Christiana, Lancaster Co., Pa., September 11, 1851. where a considerable number of negroes were compactly settled, Edward Gorsuch, a Maryland slaveholder, who attempted, with two or three accomplices, to seize his alleged slaves, four in number, was resisted by the alarmed, indignant blacks, and received a ball from a musket fired by one of them which proved fatal; and his son, who had accompanied him, was wounded. And in Milwaukee, Wis., Sherman M. Booth having been convicted in the U. S. District Court of aiding in the rescue of Joshua Glover, a fugitive from St. Louis, the Supreme Court of that State, on a habeas corpus sued out in his behalf, decided the Fugitive Slave Law unconstitutional and void, and set him at liberty. This decision was overruled, however, by the Supreme Court of the United States in a unanimous decision affirming the validity of the Fugitive Slave Law, and directing that, though a State Court
in Chicago Convention, 321. Blue Mills Landing, Mo., Union defeat at, 587. Bocock, Thos. S., of Va., 304-5. Bolivar Hights, captured by the Federals, 620. Booneville, Mo., Rebels defeated at, 574. Booth, Sherman M.. case of, at Milwaukee, 215. Border Ruffians, one of their resolutions, 235; further resolves. 236; 237; 238; numerous outrages by, 242 to 245; their manner of voting, 249; are taught piety by John Brown, 286; allusion to, 490. Boreman, Arthur J., chairman of 597. Meigs, Henry, vote on Missouri Compromise, 80. Memminger, Chas. G., of S. C., 34-1; 429. Mervine, Com. Wm., destroys the Judah, 601-2. Methodists, the, and Slavery, 120-21. Mexico, 148; 176; war with, 186-7; 188; 190. Milwaukee, Wisc., fugitive-slave case at, 215. Milton, John, of Fla., in Dem. Convention, 314. Milledgeville, Ga., Military Convention at, 337. miles, Wm. Porcher, of S. C., 337; 448. miles, Col. D. J., at Bull Run, 552. Milroy, Gen., (Union,)
re: At Shiloh, 16 killed, 74 wounded, Including the mortally wounded. and 3 missing; at Corinth (McKean's Division, A. of T.), 27 killed, 50 wounded, Including the mortally wounded. and 21 missing; and, at Vicksburg — assault of May 22d--14 killed, 79 wounded, Including the mortally wounded. and 4 missing. It fought under General A. J. Smith (16th A. C.) in the Red River campaign, the Tupelo Expedition, land in the closing battles of the war around Mobile. The 24th Infantry, or Milwaukee regiment, was engaged in considerable hot work. losing during its term of service 111 killed and mortally wounded out of a total enrollment of 1,077, or over ten per cent. Its principal losses occurred: At Stone's River, 19 killed, 57 wounded, Including the mortally wounded. and 98 missing; at Chickamauga — in Sheridan's Division--3 killed, 73 wounded, Including the mortally wounded. and 29 missing; at Missionary Ridge, 3 killed and 26 wounded; Including the mortally wounded. and
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