Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 2. You can also browse the collection for Goldsboro (North Carolina, United States) or search for Goldsboro (North Carolina, United States) in all documents.

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eld retreat of Johnston Sherman arrives at Goldsboro character and results of march through Caroding importance in any ulterior operations. Goldsboro is the first point north of Columbia where ae the coast at Wilmington and Newbern. Upon Goldsboro, therefore, Grant had directed the coop-erat is to take Wilmington, and then push out to Goldsboro, or as near it as he can go, and build up th is now preparing to advance from Newbern to Goldsboro. . . . He says that little or no assistance ry to dislodge Hardee in order to secure the Goldsboro road, and also to keep up the feint on Raleih, the army was within twenty-seven miles of Goldsboro, and only five from Bentonsville. The columreaching the road leading from Averysboro to Goldsboro. Mill creek, with a single bridge, was in hday, and resting ten days on the road. When Goldsboro was reached the army was in superb order, antween Sherman and Schofield was effected at Goldsboro; on the 24th, Sheridan set out from White Ho[22 more...]
ware that Sheridan at this time was himself heavily engaged. In the midst of this important battle, Grant was looking anxiously for news from North Carolina, and in the same dispatch to Sheridan, he said: I would like you to get information from the Weldon road. I understand the enemy have some infantry and a brigade of cavalry at Stony creek station; I think it possible, too, that Johnston may be brought up that road to attack us in rear. They will see now that Sherman has halted at Goldsboro, and may think they can leave Raleigh with a small force. There was a delay of several hours before the Fifth corps was ready, and Meade evidently shared the feeling in regard to Warren that was entertained by Sheridan and Grant. See vol. II., page 177. You know, he said to Humphreys, the difficulty of getting two brigades to advance simultaneously. Miles has done handsomely in relieving Warren, and I should be glad to see him take the enemy's line. But if this is dependent on a s
e Appomattox; and Pickett and Bushrod Johnson were heading their scattered troops for Amelia court-house, crossing the river wherever they could find a bridge or a ford. Grant encompassed the city with his right wing, and his left extended parallel with the fragments of Lee's command that had been left outside. The whole object and aim of the rebel leader now was to effect a junction with Johnston, whose forces were massed at Smithfield, in North Carolina, half-way between Raleigh and Goldsboro, and a little nearer than Sherman's troops to Petersburg. If Lee could possibly succeed in joining Johnston, he would still command a formidable army, and might hope even yet to give the national general serious trouble, or at least secure more favorable terms for the shattered Confederacy. The distance between the rebel armies was a hundred and fifty miles. To accomplish his purpose Lee must evade the columns of Grant, striking first for Burksville, at the junction of the Southside and
direct the operations in North Carolina so as to combine them with his own; for Sherman's army, though a hundred and fifty miles away, was now more than ever only a wing of Grant's command. The battle-field reached from Richmond to Raleigh and Goldsboro. If Lee goes beyond Danville, said Grant, you will have to take care of him with the force you have for a while. Should he do so, you will want to get on the railroad south of him, to hold it or destroy it, so that it will take him a long td, if a stand is made at Danville, will in a few days go there. If you can possibly do so, push on from where you are, and let us see if we cannot finish the job with Lee and Johnston's armies. Whether it will be better for you to strike for Goldsboro, or nearer to Danville, you will be better able to judge when you receive this. Rebel armies are now the only strategic points to strike at. On the 5th of April, Grant still marched with the army of the James. Shortly after midday he arriv
battle of Drury's Bluff, 253, 254; movement against Petersburg, 343; relieved from command by Butler, 344. Gold, high price of, in August, 1864, III., 12. Goldsboro, Sherman's objective point in Carolina campaign III., 374; meeting of Sherman and Schofield at, 421; march to, 427; Schofield in possession of, 434. Gordon, G214; retires to Nashville, 214; at battle of Nashville, 251, 257; ordered east from Tennessee, 364; in North Carolina, 379; captures Wilmington, 385; movement to Goldsboro, 433, 434. Seddon rebel Secretary of War, correspondence with Lee, II., 388, 389; letter on deficient supplies, 526. Sedgwick, General, John, in command of., 86. Tennesseeans, East, loyalty of, i., 536. Terry, General A. H., at Fort Fisher, 329, 335, 336, 345-347; promotion of, 347; before Wilmington, 381; at Goldsboro, 433. Texas, importance of, to rebels, i., 124. Thomas General George H. in command of army of Cumberland, i. 425; at battle of Chickamauga, 433; determina