Chapter 31:
- Approach of the end -- consternation of rebels -- desertions from Lee's army -- discord in Richmond -- arming of slaves -- attempts at compromise-preparations to evacuate Richmond -- renewed efforts of Grant -- Sherman to march northward -- relations of Sherman and Grant -- comprehensive strategy of Grant -- Schofield transferred to North Carolina -- dissatisfaction with Thomas -- Canby ordered to move into Alabama -- Schofield to cooperate with Sherman -- Stoneman ordered into East Tennessee -- position of Sherman in January -- moves to Pocotaligo -- Grover brought from the Shenandoah to Savannah -- strength of Sherman's army-strength of his enemy -- difficulties and dangers of Sherman's new campaign -- Sherman starts -- dispositions of Grant in his support -- General control of Grant -- cavalry movement ordered from West Tennessee to support Canby -- first news from Sherman -- Schofield arrives in North Carolina -- capture of Wilmington -- Sheridan ordered to move West of Richmond -- anxiety of President and Secretary of War -- advance of Sherman -- characteristics of Grant -- operations West of Mississippi-instructions to Canby -- strategical principles of Grant -- delays of Thomas -- situation in Richmond -- distraction and desperation of rebels -- preparations to abandon Richmond -- preposterous suggestions of Breckenridge and Beauregard -- Beauregard relieved by Johnston -- desertions from rebel army -- Lee's attempt to negotiate with Grant -- correspondence between Lee and Grant, and between Grant and the government -- subordination of Grant -- Lee's overtures repelled -- Lee's statement of rebel condition -- news from Sheridan -- Grant's prescience of Lee's movements -- Gradual envelopment of both Lee and Johnston's commands -- dissatisfaction with Canby -- first dispatches from Sherman-further delay of Thomas -- Sheridan arrives at White House -- Sheridan's raid -- last defeat of Early -- skilful strategy of Sheridan -- enormous loss inflicted on enemy -- approaching consummation of Grant's plans-preparations for final blow -- Sheridan to co—operate with army of Potomac -- junction of Sherman and Schofield -- Sherman's northward march -- difficulties at outset -- advances directly North -- enters Columbia-conflagration caused by Hampton's orders -- Sherman's troops extinguish flames -- fall of Charleston -- Sherman pursues Beauregard as far as Winnsboro -- turns eastward -- arrives at Cheraw -- great captures of ordnance -- arrives at Fayetteville -- receives supplies from Wilmington— [351] communicates with Grant -- Hardee crosses Sherman's front to join Beauregard -- Sherman starts for Goldsboro -- Johnston supersedes Beauregard -- battle of Averysboro -- retreat of rebels -- battle of Bentonsville -- attack by Johnston -- repulse of Slocum -- arrival of Howard -- position of Johnston -- attack by Mower -- opportunity of Sherman -- he prefers to wait arrival of Schofield -- retreat of Johnston --