Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3. You can also browse the collection for Farmville (Virginia, United States) or search for Farmville (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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and that he was bound for Danville by way of Farmville. Unless you have information more positive ted to cut the bridge over the Appomattox at Farmville, where, if Grant's surmise was correct, the Lynchburg is sixty miles from Amelia, and at Farmville the Appomattox must be recrossed. Lee was m trains passed on to cross the Appomattox at Farmville. But Grant had already directed Ord to cuu dictate. Ord has sent two regiments out to Farmville to destroy the bridge, and is entrenching tho Ord: Send Gibbon with his two divisions to Farmville to hold that crossing. The Sixth corps is awo divisions, and sent Barlow on the left to Farmville. Artillery could not accompany Barlow, for Nevertheless, he advanced to the vicinity of Farmville, and massed his corps on the high ground ove and cut off his hoped-for supplies. From Farmville, Grant said to Sheridan: The Second corps ane a letter to Lee. It was in these words: Farmville, April 7th, 1865. General: The results of t[46 more...]
. Neither would have persisted as Grant did at the Wilderness. Neither would have ventured as Grant did at Vicksburg. Neither would have combined strategical dispositions as Grant did during the last year of the war, or was capable of the accelerated and at the same time elaborate energy which inspired and accomplished the final assaults on Petersburg and the evolutions of the subsequent pursuit, the movements which brought about the battle of Sailors' creek and extricated the troops at Farmville and compelled the concentration which culminated at Appomattox court-house. No one of the three ever rose to the conception that superlative courage in war is an economy of life in the end. Lee, indeed, always lacked sustained audacity. He never, at least after Grant commanded in his front, succeeded in anything that required that trait. He thought more boldly than he acted. He was driven back in the Wilderness when he attacked in force; and in the policy which he so often essayed
n Road, October 7th, 1864188142499249610 Darbytown Road, October 13th, 1864115416317200 Hatcher's Run and Boydton Road, October 27th and 28th, 101334560854831,284 Fair Oaks, October 27th and 28th, 87426408175701,103 Hatcher's Run, February 5th, 6th, and 7th, 1865610724512477730 Din widdie Court-house, March 30th, 186512238 Five Forks, April 1st, 1865492252676394 Amelia Springs and Court-house, April 5th, 18651421623 Sailors' Creek and Rice's Station, April 6th, 1865101343446117647 Farmville and High Bridge, April 7th, 1865751201059192 Appomattox Court-house, April 9th, 1865142744641?8 Siege and Assaults on Petersburg from June 16th, 1864, to April 2nd, 18651403,07955011,7941213,75119,435 Cavalry Corps, from May 9th, 1864, to April 8th, 18652527070763591,6222,809 This embraces the casualties in various minor engagements, actions, &c., in connection with the operations of the army during the campaigns of 1864 and 1865, such as Black water, Jarrott's Station, Nottaway Br
tion of, i., 4, 14, 94; crossing of, 98. Rawlins, General John A., relations with Grant, II., 191; opposes Sherman's march to sea, III., 156, 157. Raymond, battle of, i., 234, 236. Read, General, Theodore, fight with rebel cavalry near Farmville, III., 568; death of, 568. Ream's station, cavalry fight at, II., 409; battle of, July 25, 1864, II. 527-531. Rebel army, disaffection and desertion in, III., 352; surrender of every man in, 639; complete overthrow of, in every quarter of;67; sent to Sheridan, 475-479; inaction of, 479-489; battle of Five Forks, 494; relieved from command, 494; merits and demerits of, 497. Washburne, General C. C., movement against Helena, i., 132. Washburne, Colonel, with General Read at Farmville, III., 568; death of, 568. Washburne, Elihu II., Congressman, suggests Grant's appointment as brigadier-general, i., 10; introduces bill to revive grade of lieutenant-general, 569. Washington, city of, situation of, II., 4, 14; relations