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William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 6: Essex County. (search)
made by Rev. Dr. Elliot, of St. Louis, Mo., a knitting society was formed Oct. 3, 1861; and in twelve days fifty blankets and two hundred pairs of socks were sent by the ladies to the reverend gentlemen for the loyal soldiers of the West. North Andover Incorporated April 7, 1855. Population in 1860, 2,343; in 1865, 2,622. Valuation in 1860, $1,575,166; in 1865, $1,830,829. The selectmen in 1861 were James C. Carleton, Charles F. Johnson, Nathaniel Gage; in 1862, J. Osgood Loring, Ch The selectmen were requested to go on and recruit as fast as possible. July 5th, Voted, to pay the same bounty to each volunteer who shall enlist as a part of the quota of the town prior to March 5, 1865, under any call of the President. North Andover furnished two hundred and seventy-three men for the war, which was a surplus of fifteen over and above all demands. None were commissioned officers. The whole amount of money appropriated and expended by the town on account of the war, excl
Methuen 218 Middleborough 563 Middlefield 350 Middleton 220 Milford 648 Millbury 651 Milton 507 Monroe 274 Monson 310 Montague 275 Monterey 87 Montgomery 311 Mount Washington 88 N. Nahant 222 Nantucket 478 Natick 433 Needham 609 New Ashford 90 New Bedford 141 New Braintree 653 Newbury 223 Newburyport 225 New Marlborough 91 New Salem 277 Newton 435 Norton 145 Northampton 351 North Andover 229 Northbridge 656 North Bridgewater 564 Northborough 654 North Brookfield 658 North Chelsea 598 Northfield 278 North Reading 439 O. Oakham 659 Orange 280 Orleans 43 Otis 93 Oxford 660 P. Palmer 313 Paxton 661 Peabody (see South Danvers) 243 Pelham 352 Pembroke 566 Pepperell 440 Peru 95 Petersham 662 Phillipston 664 Pittsfield 96 Plainfield 354 Plymouth 568 Plympton 571 Prescott
fteen miles from the spot where he was born, except once, in the ever-memorable year 1819, when I was at Bradford Academy. In a sudden glow of adventurous rashness he undertook to go after me and bring me home for vacation; and he actually performed the whole journey of thirty miles with his horse and wagon, and slept at a tavern a whole night, a feat of bravery on which he has never since ceased to plume himself. I well remember that awful night in the tavern in the remote region of North Andover. We occupied a chamber in which were two beds. In the unsuspecting innocence of youth I undressed myself and got into bed as usual; but my brave and thoughtful uncle, merely divesting himself of his coat, put it under his pillow, and then threw himself on to the bed with his boots on his feet, and his two hands resting on the rim of his hat, which he had prudently placed on the apex of his stomach as he lay on his back. He wouldn't allow me to blow out the candle, but he lay there wit
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1863. (search)
vens. Second Lieutenant 70th New York Vols. (Infantry), January 2, 1862; first Lieutenant, May 5, 1862; died at Harrison's Landing, Va., August 12, 1862, of disease contracted in the service. Gorham Phillips Stevens was born at North Andover, Massachusetts, December 7, 1841. He was the son of William and Elizabeth Barnard (Phillips) Stevens; and the younger brother of Colonel William O. Stevens, whose biography appears earlier in this work. His name unites those of families prominent ishowed the utmost fortitude; and I know his last moments must have been peaceful and happy, and enjoying a full love of his Saviour. His remains reached Boston upon the 17th. They were followed to the grave upon the 21st, in the cemetery at North Andover, where they rest near his birthplace. The following testimony to his merits was given by Colonel William Dwight, Jr., his regimental commander:— Lieutenant Stevens was dear to me. I recognized him as one of the very best officers of
s in Massachusetts regiments. No attempt has been made to obtain the middle names of officers, as this would have required a great expenditure of time and labor. The same is true of details as to deaths, where these occurred since the close of the war. These were inserted only where they happened to be known Abbott, Charles Patterson. Corporal and Sergeant, 19th Mass. Infantry, Nov. 21, 1861. Second Lieutenant, Sept. 17, 1862. Discharged (disability), May 21, 1863. Died at North Andover, Mass., Aug. 6, 1879. Abbott, Edward Gardiner. See Mass. Field Officers. Abbott, Fletcher M. Second Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, July 8, 1861. First Lieutenant, June 13, 1862. Discharged (disability), Dec. 23, 1863. Abbott, Hubbard M. Second Lieutenant, 37th Mass. Infantry, Oct. 31, 1863. First Lieutenant, Sept. 23, 1864. Captain, May 24, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out, June 21, 1865, as First Lieutenant. Abbott, James G. First Lieutenant, 4th Mass. Infantry,
Major, Surgeon, 1st Conn. Infantry, Apr. 18, 1861; mustered, Apr. 23, 1861. Mustered out, July 31, 1861. Major, Surgeon, U. S. Volunteers, Sept. 21, 1861. See U. S. Army. Stevens, Gorham Phillips. Residence at Boston, Mass., at time of enlistment. Second Lieutenant, 70th N. Y. Infantry, Jan. 1, 1862. First Lieutenant, May 5, 1862. Died at Harrison's Landing, Va., Aug. 12, 1862. Stevens, Isaac Ingalls. See General Officers. Stevens, William Oliver. Residence at North Andover, Mass., at time of enlistment. Captain, 72d N. Y. Infantry, May 30, 1861. Major, July 23, 1861. Colonel, Sept. 8, 1862. Died, May 4, 1863, of wounds received in action at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. Stiles, Daniel Fraser. Born in Massachusetts. Quartermaster Sergeant and Commissary, 1st D. C. Infantry, Aug. 6, 1861, to Nov. 30, 1862. Second Lieutenant, Dec. 1, 1862. Transferred to 2d D. C. Infantry, Feb. 28, 1865. First Lieutenant, Mar. 21, 1865. Mustered out, Sept. 12, 1
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, XIV. Massachusetts women in the civil war. (search)
attapoisett. Medfield. Mendon. Middleborough. Middlefield. Middlesex Village. Middleton. Milford. Millbury. Mill River Village. Milton. Milton Hill. Montague. Myricks. Nahant. Nantucket. Natick. Needham. Neponset. New Bedford. New Braintree. New Marlborough. New Salem. Newburyport. Newton. Newton Corner. Newton Lower Falls. Newton Upper Falls. Newtonville. North Abington. North Adams. Northampton. North Andover. North Attleborough. North Billerica. Northborough. Northbridge. North Bridgewater. North Brookfield. North Cambridge. North Chelsea. North Easton. North Leominster. North Leverett. North Marshfield. North Rehoboth. North Scituate. North Sharon. North Woburn. North Wrentham. Orange. Orleans. Osterville. Oxford. Paxton. Pembroke. Pepperell. Petersham. Phillipston. Pigeon Cove. Pocasset. Princeton. Prov
Rev. James K. Ewer , Company 3, Third Mass. Cav., Roster of the Third Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment in the war for the Union, Company D. (search)
James A. Blodgedt, Maiden, 18, s; clerk.. Dec. 11, 1863. Died Sept. 24, 1864, Salisbury, N. C. Christian H. H. Bommizyu, Somerville, 26, m; sailor. Sept. 17, 1862. Disch. May 20, 1865. George H. Bosworth, Troy, N. Y., en. Rehoboth, 23, s; machinist. March 4, 1864. Absent, sick, Sept. 28, 1865, M. O. Regt. Charles P. Branch, Boston, 17. Jan. 2 1864. M. O. Sept. 28, 1865. Jacob Brannon. Boston, 42, s; sailor. Sept. 10, 1862. Disch, May 20, 1865. Charles M. Bridges, North Andover, 30, s; printer. Feb. 29, 1864. Died Sept. 24, 1864, Natchez, Miss. Charles Brigham. Marlboro, 21, s; farmer. Jan. 4, 1864. Wounded Sept. 19, 1861. m. 0. Sept. 28, 1865. Nathaniel Brown, East Boston, 43, m; caulker. Aug. 20, 1862. Trans. to Co. I, 3rd Regt. V. R.C., April 30, 1864. Disch. July 14, 1865 as Corp. William E. Brown. South Boston, 28, m; carpenter. Aug. 14, 1862. Disch. for promotion, Aug. 14, 1863. 1st Lieut. 1st Regt.. Louisiana Cav Killed in action, Sab
Rev. James K. Ewer , Company 3, Third Mass. Cav., Roster of the Third Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment in the war for the Union, Company E (search)
Baton Rouge, La. John S. Goldsberg, Plymouth, 18, m; laborer. Aug. 22, 1862. Disch. disa. Sept. 29, 1863. Samuel Goliver, Boston, 36, s; mariner. Sept. 8, 1862. Deserted Nov. 16, 1862, New York city. Walter Gordon, Boston, 20, m; hostler. Aug. 12, 1862. Disch. May 21, 1865. Richard Gouger, East Boston, 28, m; moulder. Dec. 11, 1863. Trans. to Navy, July 15, 1864. John Hagerty, Boston, 35, s; laborer. Aug. 16, 1862. Disch. May 20, 1865. Unof. George H. Hardy, North Andover, 27, m; teamster. Aug. 20, 1862. Disch. May 21. 1865. Unof. Thomas Haslan, Boston, 35, m. laborer. Aug. 17, 1862. Disch. May 31, 1865. Fred P. Hasley, Charlestown, 19, s; driver. Dec. 7, 1863. Disch. June 9, 1865. William F. Hayes, Boston, 30, m; painter. Aug. 22, 1862. Disch. May 20, 1865. Unof. Edward Heffernan, Sandwich, 24, s; glass-blower. Aug. 18, 1862. Killed in action, Sept. 22, 1864, Fisher's Hill, Va. Francis T. Hilliard, Lynn, 32, m.; shoemaker; Sept
, 1795, m. (she of Charlestown) Benjamin Cutter, 2d, W. Camb. 11 June, 1815—see Cutter (par. 54)—(d. 15 Oct. 1819, a. 24, Fiske); Mary, bap. 28 Aug. 1803 [m. W. W. Pratt of Shrewsbury, and d. 2 Feb. 1845, a. 41—Ward's Hist. Shrewsbury, 396]. William the father res. in Charlestown End-see Wyman, p. 7—and d. 9 July, 1820, a. 66 (67). His w. Hannah d. 15 Oct. 1818, a. 62 (Fiske), 57 (g. s.). 14. John, s. of John (12), m. Susanna Cutter—Cutter (par. 37) —at Menot. 5 Apr. 1798 [rem. to North Andover, and d. 25 Nov. 1833. His wife d. 20 June, 1833. Had ten chil.—see Wyman, p. 13; Cutter Book, 236.] 15. Joseph, s. of John (12), m. Elizabeth Butterfield, W. Camb., 12 Feb. 1809, d. (18) 28 May, 1811, a. 28 (g. s.), and Sibbel Sanderson of Watertown (5 Dec. 1811). He d. 10 Dec. 1819, a. 38 (g. s.). His wid. Sibbel m. William Horn of Watertown, at W. Camb. 13 Oct. 1825. Joseph had a child, d. 21 May, 1811, W. Camb., and another, d. 8 Jan. 1814, a. 4. 16. William, s. Of J