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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 6: from Manassas to Leesburg. (search)
March and counter-march Longstreet and Prince Napoleon Leesburg the battle the Mississippians D. H. Hill Fort Johnston. During the first few days of wild hurrah, uncertainty, and drift which followed our victory at Manassas, the gunsred Captain Shields to send, I think, a sergeant and some fifteen or twenty men, of whom I was one, to take charge of Fort Johnston, a considerable, closed earth-work, on a commanding eminence about a mile out of town, which mounted two or three sipounds of yelling, human trap-ball would in turn execute the perilous flying leap over his head. The situation at Fort Johnston, from the view-point of rank, command, and subordination, was mixed and delicate enough already, though I had no real for several successive nights, a regular sewing bee over these powder bags, which, as fast as made, were taken up to Fort Johnston and filled in the magazine there. We had a lively, lovely time, making the bags, but I felt all the while as if I we
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 10: Second Manassas-SharpsburgFredericksburg (search)
husetts-Brandon captured a few prisoners and learned that the advance company was commanded by Abbott, who had been his chum at Harvard Law School when the war began. He lost his head completely. He refused to retire before Abbott. He fought him fiercely and was actually driving him back. In this he was violating orders and breaking our plan of battle. He was put under arrest and his subaltern brought the command out of town. Buck Denman,--our old friend Buck, of Leesburg and Fort Johnston fame,--a Mississippi bear hunter and a superb specimen of manhood, was color sergeant of the Twenty-first and a member of Brandon's company. He was tall and straight, broad-shouldered and deep-chested, had an eye like an eagle and a voice like a bull of Bashan, and was full of pluck and power as a panther. He was rough as a bear in manner, but withal a noble, tenderhearted fellow, and a splendid soldier. The enemy, finding the way now clear, were coming up the street, full company
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
1, 335 F Company, Junior, 44-45. Fairfax, John Walter, 272 Falligant, Robert, 275-78, 280-83, 339 Featherston, Winfield Scott, 64 Field, Charles Williams, 274 Fillmore, Millard, 32 Finegan, Joseph, 311 Firing on friends, 327-28, 333 Fiser, John C., 129 Five Forks, 110 Flags captured, 340-41. Flintlock muskets, 40 Flood, Edward, 184-85. Flournoy, Thomas Stanhope, 31 Foraging, 199-200, 210, 230-31, 233- 34, 264-65, 301 Fort Harrison, Va., 316-17. Fort Johnston, Va., 67-72, 130 Fort Lafayette, N. Y., 354 Fort Magruder, Va., 79, 81-82. Fort Sumter, S. C., 34-35. Four years with General Lee, 102-103, 106, 164-66, 287, 341, 350 Franco-Prussian War, 347 Fraser's Battery (Ga.), 154, 229-31, 270, 272, 275-78, 297-99, 302 Fraternization between enemies, 157, 162, 233, 313 Frazier's Farm, 96-97, 258 Fredericksburg, Va.: after the war, 133; bombardment of, 128-31; churches in, 139-40; civilian refugees from, 128-33; Lee's Hill near,