Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for West Point (New York, United States) or search for West Point (New York, United States) in all documents.

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e.--N. Y. Times, August 27. Wm. Halsey, hailing from Ithaca, N. Y., was waited upon by a party of citizens at his hotel, in Scranton, Pa., and requested to leave town in three hours, or accept the alternative of riding out on a rail. He had given provocation beyond endurance, by endeavoring to induce parties to take the New York Day Book, and by uttering the rankest treason. He left precipitately.--N. Y. Times, August 27. William B. Taylor, the Postmaster of New York, received orders from Washington that no more copies of the Journal of Commerce, the News, the Freeman's Journal, or the Brooklyn Eagle, should be sent through the mails.--N. Y. Times, August 26. Egbert L. Viele, late Captain of the Engineer corps of the Seventh regiment, received his commission as Brigadier-General in the regular army. General Viele is a graduate of West Point, and served through the Mexican war, but of late years has been engaged in civil life as an engineer.--N. Y. Commercial, Aug. 26.
Ogden Doremus, the celebrated chemist of New York, has made an invention that promises remarkable results in the use of gunpowder. It is made into the form of a paste and is affixed to the Minie ball and becomes hard as rock, so that it can be thrown any distance and not break. The powder is made in the form of a cannon ball, and can be carried in any form that a cannon ball can be. It is also made impervious to water. Experiments have been made, and the matter satisfactorily tested at West Point. A great saving is made in the quantity of powder used, as none is wasted, and the whole is as cheap as common powder. This evening as a Government steamer was conveying prisoners from Lexington, Missouri, to Fort Leavenworth, she broke her rudder and was obliged to land, when the boat was seized by a body of secessionists, the prisoners liberated, and forty Federal soldiers captured.--Baltimore American, September 18. An immense Union war meeting was held in Faneuil Hall at Bos
e may deem suitable, to officer the companies that may, if approved, be commissioned by the President. L. Thomas, Adj.-Gen. The anniversary of Washington's Farewell Address was celebrated by Cassius M. Clay's Washington Guards. Professor Amasa McCoy, Secretary of the Guards, delivered an Oration on The London Times on the Rebellion and the War against the National Constitution. The Continental Guard, Forty-eighth regiment N. Y. S. V., under the command of Colonel James H. Perry, left Fort Hamilton this morning for the seat of war. The regiment numbers about one thousand men, well equipped and armed with Enfield rifles. The uniform is the United States regulation. A considerable number of the men were formerly members of the Seventy-first. About sixty recruits, not yet uniformed, were left in charge of the camp, near Fort Hamilton, under Lieutenant Wallace. Colonel Perry, the commandant of the regiment, is well-known as a West Point graduate. N. Y. Evening Post, Sept 17.
, November 1. An interesting correspondence between Gen. McClernand and the Confederate Gen. Polk, on the subject of a recent exchange of prisoners, was made public.--(Doc. 105.) Capt. H. L. Shields, of Bennington, Vt., was arrested, charged with having carried on treasonable correspondence with the rebels. He obstinately denied the charges made against him, and promised to bring sufficient evidence of their falsity. He was conveyed to Fort Lafayette. Capt. Shields graduated at West Point in 1841, served ten years in the regular army, and was twice brevetted for gallantry in the Mexican War.--N. Y. Times, October 28. President Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus for the District of Columbia. The judges and lawyers had made themselves so troublesome by their officious interference with military affairs that this had become necessary.--N. Y. Evening Post, October 24. The steamer Salvor, captured whilst attempting to run the blockade into Tampa Bay, Florida,
June 24. Earl Van Dorn, rebel General, at Jackson, Miss., issued an order assuming the command over the Department of Louisiana, and recommending that all persons living within eight miles of the Mississippi River remove their families and servants to the interior, as it was the intention to defend the Department to the last extremity. President Lincoln visited West-Point, New York.--Captain Jocknick of the Third New York cavalry, made a successful reconnaissance from Washington, N. C., to Tranter's Creek.--(Doc. 140.) Major-General J. C. Hindman, of the rebel army issued a proclamation to the people of Arkansas, calling upon them to assist him in preventing General Curtis from joining the Union fleet on the Mississippi.