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urer and Receiver-General; Dwight Foster, of Worcester, Attorney-General; and Levi Reed, of Abingtoon Ritchie, of Boston; John W. Wetherell, of Worcester; and Henry Lee, Jr., of Brookline. Colonel arblehead, Newburyport, Salem, Groton, Lynn, Worcester, Greenfield, Northampton, Fall River, and Loous vote. On the same day, Mr. Parker, of Worcester, introduced in the House a new militia bill, vote. Jan. 21. In Senate.—Mr. Walker, of Worcester, introduced a resolution to inquire whether il of this Commonwealth. Mr. Boynton, of Worcester, thought the passage of the bill would indics ordered to be engrossed. Mr. Parker, of Worcester, moved to reconsider the vote by which the b character were introduced by Mr. Parker, of Worcester. They were supported by Mr. Davis, of Greenh, of Stockbridge. Hon. Charles Allen, of Worcester. Hon. George S. Boutwell, of Groton. HMr. Whiting, of Plymouth, and Mr. Walker, of Worcester, and advocated by Mr. Northend, of Essex, an
, of Groton, sergeant-major; Church Howe, of Worcester, quartermaster-sergeant; John Dupee, of Bostnce. Company G, Worcester Light Infantry, Worcester. Officers: Harrison W. Pratt, captain; Geory, and Dexter F. Parker, lieutenants,—all of Worcester. This company was originally organized inre rung, and salutes of artillery fired. At Worcester, an immense throng cheered them; at Springfihen of three companies, with headquarters in Worcester. They were in line, ready to proceed, at firge T. White, quartermaster-sergeant,—all of Worcester. Company A, City Guards, Worcester. OfficWorcester. Officers: Augustus R. B. Sprague, captain; Josiah Pickett, George C. Joslin, Orson Moulton, Elijah A. Haen, lieutenants. Company C, Emmet Guards, Worcester. Officers: Michael P. McConville, captain; Meil, and Maurice Melvin, lieutenants,—all of Worcester. Company D, Boston. Officers: Albert Doddervice had expired. This battalion was from Worcester, the heart of the Commonwealth. Company C w[4 more...
r sections of people in this struggle: First, the ordinary masses, mingling mere enthusiasm in the battle; Second, those that have commercial interests,—the just-converted hunkerism; Third, the people,—the cordwainers of Lynn and the farmers of Worcester,—people who have no leisure for technicalities; Fourth, the Abolitionists, who thank God that he has let them see salvation before they die. Europe, and some of you, may think it a war of opinion; but years hence, when the smoke of the conflicthen we are advised that Major Ladd obtained fifteen days' rations in New York for the whole command, and, shipped them on board the steamers Ariel and De Soto, on which the troops sailed. Major Charles Devens, major of the Rifle Battalion of Worcester, will be found, among others, a most intelligent person with whom to consult. Learn and report, if possible, what aid, if any, is needed in the commissary and quartermaster's departments and on the medical staff. I desire you particularly<
a home guard. On motion of Mr. Boynton, of Worcester, it was voted, that the joint special commitsecurities. In the House, Mr. Bullock, of Worcester, from the same committee, reported a bill to Mr. Rogers, of Suffolk, and Mr. Battles, of Worcester, and rejected. The bill to enable banks tbe printed. In the House.—Mr. Bullock, of Worcester, from the Joint Special Committee, reported considered; and on motion of Mr. Boynton, of Worcester, it was referred to the Committee on the Judenth Regiment was recruited in the county of Worcester, at Camp Lincoln, in the city of Worcester. Worcester. Major Charles Devens, Jr., who commanded the Second Battalion of Rifles in the three months servicet Regiment was recruited at Camp Lincoln, at Worcester. The men belonged to the central and westertchburg, colonel; Augustus B. R. Sprague, of Worcester, lieutenant-colonel; and Matthew J. McCafferty, of Worcester, as major. These gentlemen had held commissions in the volunteer militia, and wer[6 more...]
. J. A. A. Nov. 5.—The Governor writes to A. H. Bullock, at Worcester, forwarding to him a check from A. D. and J. G. Smith & Co., Provrties should be placed upon it. The Republican Convention met at Worcester, on the first day of October, of which Hon. Henry L. Dawes was chvi Reed, of Abington; and for Attorney-General, Dwight Foster, of Worcester. Mr. Dickinson had been, in former years, a Whig; in later yearsnd by Mr. Usher, of Medford; and opposed by Mr. A. H. Bullock, of Worcester. Mr. Dana, of Cambridge, said he could not see his duty in any ond the nation was saved. The Democratic convention was held in Worcester, Sept. 18, and nominated Isaac Davis, of Worcester, for Governor;Worcester, for Governor; Edwin C. Bailey, of Boston, Lieutenant-Governor; Charles Thompson, of Charlestown, Secretary of State; Moses Bates, of Plymouth, Treasurer; and known as General Wilson's, and the Twenty-fifth, encamped at Worcester. The letter further stated that the Governor proposed to assign
te our sacred and beloved Union. That we resolve and determine to do, with the good help of God. The House then made choice of Hon. Alexander H. Bullock, of Worcester, Speaker of the House: he received every vote cast. William S. Robinson, of Malden, was elected clerk. On taking the chair, Mr. Bullock also referred to the exd by the Governor colonel of the Thirtieth Regiment. At this time, the Governor had offered the lieutenantcol-onelcy of the regiment to William S. Lincoln, of Worcester; but, from some cause, a change was made, and William W. Bullock, of Boston, received the appointment, and served with the regiment until ill health compelled hieft the State to join the Army of the Potomac, Aug. 14, 1862. The Thirty-fourth Regiment was recruited at Camp John E. Wool, on the Agricultural Fair Grounds in Worcester. It left the State for Washington, Aug. 15, 1862. The other ten companies were recruited in a few weeks, and assigned to duty. The Massachusetts regiments a
general camp of rendezvous was established in the city of Worcester, and named Camp Wool, in honor of the veteran, Major-Genehe towns to take hold systematically. To H. W. Pratt, Worcester,— Give Mr. Brewer the authority he requires. Let he is so taken up that he can but seldom go to the camp at Worcester. The senior officer in command of any camp ought to havee waiting here, I ask you, as a great favor, to repair to Worcester to-morrow, to inspect the condition of the Thirty-sixth Re Commonwealth. The Republican State Convention met in Worcester on the 10th of September. The call issued by the State Cty took part in the Convention. Hon. A. H. Bullock, of Worcester, was chosen president; and, on taking the chair, he made vi Reed, of Abington; AttorneyGen-eral, Dwight Foster, of Worcester. The Democratic party proper did not hold a conventiongiment was recruited at Camp John E. Wool, in the city of Worcester. On the eleventh day of November, the regiment was order
In the complete performance of her whole duty to the Union, she will neither falter nor fail. Stephen N. Gifford, of Duxbury, was re-elected clerk, having received every vote. The House organized by the choice of Alexander H. Bullock, of Worcester, for Speaker, who received every vote but three, which were cast for Caleb Cushing, of Newburyport. Mr. Bullock spoke at considerable length. In the course of his speech,> he was eloquent in his praise of the services of Massachusetts soldi severely wounded in both arms, and fell forward, grasping the colors in his hand. They are now in the State House, stained with his blood. Both arms were amputated. He was sent to hospital, and recovered, and is now living at his home in Worcester County. His case was one of marked bravery. After his discharge, and on his return home, he staid a while at the New-England Rooms with Colonel Howe. On the sixteenth day of April, the Adjutant-General received a letter from James W. Hale, 76, W
ers to return to Massachusetts, to be mustered out of service. It arrived at Worcester on the 18th, and was mustered out on the 27th of July, having served nearly tbern arrived home before the regiment, and were mustered out with the rest at Worcester. The Fifty-second Regiment was in the Department of the Gulf. It arrived pect of success, a regiment of veteran volunteers, having its headquarters at Worcester, and with Captains Wolcott and Harlow, lately of the Twenty-first Regiment, ae. On the 3d of September, the Democratic party held a State convention at Worcester, to which were invited not only delegates of the Democratic party, but those secure a permanent union of the States. The Republican Convention met at Worcester, on the 24th of September. James H. Duncan, of Haverhill, formerly a member oy. Speeches were also made by Alfred Macy, of Nantucket; A. H. Bullock, of Worcester; Richard H. Dana, Jr., of Cambridge; Henry Wilson, United-States Senator; and
at Readville, commanded by Brigadier-General R. H. Peirce, to which recruits for old regiments were sent; Camp Wool, at Worcester, in charge of Colonel William F. Bartlett, Fifty-seventh Regiment, was specially used for recruiting and organizing thaever the hue of the hands by which it was upheld. The House was organized by the choice of Alexander H. Bullock, of Worcester, for Speaker, and William S. Robinson, of Malden, for clerk. Each gentleman received every vote cast. Mr. Bullock, onealth, to which our sick and wounded soldiers might be transferred. A hospital has been established during the year at Worcester, and was named in honor of the distinguished Surgeon-General of the Commonwealth, the United-States Dale General Hospi Readville, and left the State March 20. The Fifty-seventh, Colonel William F. Bartlett, was organized at Camp Wool, Worcester, and was sent forward April 18. The Fifty-eighth, nine companies, was recruited at Readville, and was sent to the fr