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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 197 89 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: April 1, 1861., [Electronic resource] 32 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 30 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 19 3 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 16 2 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 16, 1860., [Electronic resource] 14 0 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 14 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 13 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 12 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 10 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing). You can also browse the collection for Covington (Kentucky, United States) or search for Covington (Kentucky, United States) in all documents.

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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Averill, William woods, 1832- (search)
he headwaters of the Roanoke River, where he destroved the station-house, rolling-stock, and Confederate supplies. Also, in the course of six hours his troops tore up the track, heated and ruined the rails, burned five bridges, and destroyed several culverts over the space of 15 miles. This raid aroused all the Confederates of the mountain region, and seven separate commands were arranged in a line extending from Staunton to Newport to intercept the raider. He dashed through this line at Covington in the face of some opposition, destroyed the bridges behind him, and one of his regiments, which had been cut off from the rest, swam the stream and joined the others, with the loss of four men drowned. Averill captured during the raid about 200 men. My command, he said in his report (Dec. 21, 1863), has marched, climbed, slid, and swam 340 miles since the 8th inst. He reported a loss of six men drowned, five wounded, and ninety missing. He performed gallant service under Hunter, Sige
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Census, United States (search)
kesbarre, Pa.51.72137,71814,003 Kansas City, Kan.51,41838,31613,102 Harrisburg, Pa.50,16739,38510,782 Portland, Me.50,14536,42513,720 Yonkers, N. Y.47,93132,03315,898 * Decrease. Cities with population exceeding 25,000.—Continued. City.population.increase since 19001890.1890. Norfolk, Va 46,62434,87111,753 Waterbury, Conn 45,85928,64617,213 Holyoke, Mass.45.71235.63710,075 Fort Wayne, Ind. 45,11535,3939,722 Youngstown, O.44,88533.22011,665 Houston, Tex44,63327,55717,076 Covington, Ky42,93837,3715,567 Akron, O.42,72827,60115,127 Dallas, Tex 42,63838,0674,571 Saginaw, Mich.42,34546 322*3,977 Lancaster, Pa41,45932,0119,448 Lincoln, Neb40,16955,154*14,985 Brockton, Mass.40,06327,29412,769 Binghamton, N. Y 39,64735.0054,642 Augusta, Ga39,41133,3006,141 Pawtucket, R. I.39,23127.63311,598 Altoona, Pa38,97330,3378,636 Wheeling. W. Va 38,87834,5224,356 Mobile, Ala38,46931,0767,393 Birmingham, Ala 38,41526,17812,237 Little Rock, Ark38,30725,87412,433 Springfiel
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cincinnati, Oh., city (search)
al Wright to resume the command of Nelson's shattered forces, but was called back to provide for the defence of Cincinnati. Half an hour after his arrival he issued a stirring proclamation (Sept. 1, 1862) as commander of that and the cities of Covington and Newport, on the Kentucky side of the river. He informed the inhabitants of the swift approach of the invaders in strong force, and called upon the citizens to act promptly and vigorously in preparing defences for the city. He ordered all . Wallace demanded the services of all ablebodied people. The response was wonderful. In a few hours he had an army of workers and fighters 40,000 strong. They streamed across the river on a pontoon bridge and swarmed upon the hills about Covington. Within three days after the issuing of the proclamation a line of intrenchments 10 miles in length, of semicircular form, was constructed. These were just completed when fully 15,000 of Smith's troops appeared. Astonished and alarmed, they
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Civil War in the United States. (search)
s Roads, Miss. Restrictions on travel rescinded, and arrests for disloyalty forbidden except by direction of the judge-advocate at Washington.—9. Confederate cavalry attacked a Union force at Williamsburg, Va., and were repulsed.—10. Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania, issued an order calling on all able-bodied men in the State to organize immediately for its defence. Confederates attacked Union troops near Gauley, Va.; the latter burned all the government property and fled. Skirmish near Covington, Ky.—11. Maysville, Ky., taken by the Confederates. Bloomfield, Mo., captured by the Confederates, and recaptured by the Unionists the next day.—12. Eureka, Mo., captured by the Nationals.—13. Confederates attacked Harper's Ferry, and the next night the National cavalry escaped from that post, and it was surrendered on the 15th.—17. Cumberland Gap, Tenn., evacuated by the Union forces. Confederate soldiers captured at Glasgow, Ky.—18. A day of fasting and prayer held by the Conf
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Roebling, John Augustus 1806-1869 (search)
o the United States in 1829, and settled near Pittsburg, Pa. Later he began the manufacture of iron and steel wire, which he discovered could be used with efficacy in the building of bridges. In 1844-45 he directed the construction of a bridge over the Alleghany River at Pittsburg, in which were used the first suspension wire cables ever seen in the United States. After successfully building several other suspension bridges he moved his wire factory to Trenton, N. J. In 1851-55 he constructed the New York Central Railroad suspension bridge across the Niagara River. This work at the time was considered one of the wonders of the world, and was followed by the construction of other great bridges, including that between Cincinnati and Covington. In 1868 he was appointed chief engineer of the Brooklyn Bridge, his plans for which had been approved by a commission of eminent engineers. He was the author of Long and short span Railway bridges. He died in Brooklyn, N. Y., July 22, 1869.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Smith, Green Clay 1830-1895 (search)
Smith, Green Clay 1830-1895 Military officer; born in Richmond, Ky., July 2, 1830; was in the volunteer service during the Mexican War; graduated at Transylvania University in 1850; studied law and practised in Covington, Ky.; was a member of the State legislature in 1861; entered the Civil War as colonel of the 4th Kentucky Cavalry; promoted brigadier-general of volunteers in 1862; resigned in 1863; served in Congress in 1863-66; was a delegate to the Baltimore Convention in 1864; governor of Montana in 1866-68; ordained a minister in the Baptist Church in 1869, and then settled in Franklin, Ky.; was the candidate for the Presidency of the National Prohibition party in 1876; and became pastor of the Metropolitan Baptist Church, Washington, D. C., in 1890. He died in Washington, D. C., June 29, 1895.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
partment of the Northwest created of Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the Territories of Dakota and Nebraska; General Pope commanding......Sept. 6, 1862 General Lee issues a proclamation on entering Maryland......Sept. 8, 1862 Capture of Munfordville, Ky., by the Confederate forces under Bragg......Sept. 14-16, 1862 Harper's Ferry surrenders to Stonewall Jackson......Sept. 15, 1862 Battles of South Mountain, Md.......Sept. 15, 1862 Advance of Gen. Kirby Smith appears before Covington, Ky., but immediately retires............Sept. 15, 1862 Battle of Antietam......Sept. 16-17, 1862 Confederate army retreat across the Potomac on the night of......Sept. 18-19, 1862 Battle of Iuka, Miss.; General Rosecrans forces Confederate General Price to retreat......Sept. 19-20, 1862 Preliminary proclamation of President Lincoln announcing that in territory still in rebellion on Jan. 1, 1863, the slaves will be declared forever free......Sept. 22, 1862 Convention of governo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kansas, (search)
of the commissioners......Aug. 6, 1814 Two thousand five hundred Kentucky militia under Maj.-Gen. John Thomas reach New Orleans......Jan. 4, 1815 Town of Covington chartered by legislature......Feb. 7, 1815 Lexington and Maysville and Lexington and Louisville Turnpike Road Companies chartered......Feb. 4, 1817 Corner-ucky Common School Society organized at Frankfort......Jan. 28, 1834 Lieut.-Gov. James T. Morehead succeeds Governor Breathitt, who dies......Feb. 21, 1834 Covington incorporated as a city......Feb. 24, 1834 Amos Kendall, of Frankfort, Postmaster-General of United States......1835 Richard M. Johnson, of Kentucky, electe, near Lexington, purchased for the new Agricultural College of Kentucky......Jan. 15, 1866 Jesse Root Grant, father of General Grant, appointed postmaster at Covington......Feb. 25, 1866 Skaag's men, a band of over 100 armed and mounted outlaws, terrorize the colored population of Marion county......1866 Legislature rejec