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Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II.. You can also browse the collection for Port Hudson (Louisiana, United States) or search for Port Hudson (Louisiana, United States) in all documents.

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side: they erred only in underrating the potency of those intellectual, moral, and Providential forces, which in our age operate with accelerated power and activity in behalf of Liberty, Intelligence, and Civilization. So long as it seemed probable that our War would result more immediately in a Rebel triumph, I had no wish, no heart, to be one of its historians; and it was only when — following closely on the heels of the great Union successes of July, 1863, at Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Port Hudson, and Helena — I had seen the Rebellion resisted and defeated in this City of New York (where its ideas and vital aims were more generally cherished than even in South Carolina or Louisiana), that I confidently hoped for an immediate and palpable, rather than a remote and circuitous triumph of the Union, now and evermore blended inseparably with Emancipation — with the legal and National recognition of every man's right to himself. Thenceforward, with momentary intervals of anxiety, depre<
r, having remained at Baton Rouge until it was evacuated by our troops — who were concentrated to repel a threatened attack on New Orleans — returned up the river August 23. to reconnoiter Rebel batteries that were said to be in progress at Port Hudson. Ascending thence to coal at Bayou Sara, his boat's crew was there fired upon by guerrillas, whereupon some buildings were burned in retaliation; and, the firing being repeated a few days after-ward, the remaining structures were in like mannf her crew. Porter thereupon opened fire on the town, bombarding it for an hour, and setting a number of its houses on fire, when the Mayor surrendered. On her way down the river, the Essex had a smart engagement with the rising batteries at Port Hudson. Sept. 7. Gen. Butler's preparations having rendered the retaking of New Orleans hopeless, the meditated attack on it was abandoned, and the forces collected for that purpose transferred to other service. An incursion into the rich dis
onnoissances employed in obtaining information of the enemy. Grant had expected to remain some time at Grand Gulf, accumulating provisions and munitions, while lie sent a corps down the river to cooperate with Gen. Banks in the reduction of Port Hudson; but the information here obtained dictated a change in his plans — Banks not having yet invested Port hudson. Accordingly, his army was pushed forward May 7. on two parallel roads up the left bank of the Big Black: McPherson on that nea e, I regret to say, frequent. Having perfected the occupation and insured the retention of Vicksburg, Gen. Grant embarked July 10-11. an expedition, under Gen. F. J. Herron, to move down the river to the aid of Gen. Banks in the siege of Port Hudson; but our men were scarcely on board when tidings of Gardner's surrender caused the order to be countermanded, and Herron directed to proceed instead up the Yazoo. This involved a debarkation and reembarkation on vessels of lighter draft; whic
Sara, and crosses the Mississippi invests Port Hudson combined attack on its defenses repulsed was his duty to run the Rebel batteries at Port Hudson, in order to recover the command of the rivould spare him 20,000 men for a movement on Port Hudson — a proffer which was soon afterward, and mo move with all his available force against Port Hudson, where he could be in position either to deles next day, proceeded forthwith to invest Port Hudson from the north; while Gen. C. C. Augur, witn the south. Gen. Gardner, commanding at Port Hudson, sent Col. Miles to resist their junction bder for a general assault. That assault Port Hudson: Explanations I to Q — batteries. A, B, ly all his disposable force in the siege of Port Hudson, necessarily proffered opportunities which on to force the enemy to raise the siege of Port Hudson. He now has his choice, to lose New Orleaning been rendered disposable by the fall of Port Hudson, Taylor and his subordinates made haste to [10 more...]<
n his side; but why not seek directly a collision, which Fighting Joe would so readily have accorded? Why shun the convenient and inspiring neighborhood of Cedar Mountain and Bull Run for one more remote, and which invoked ominous recollections of South Mountain and the Antietam? Grant was beginning to be triumphant in Mississippi, and would soon be thundering at the gates of Vicksburg; Dick Taylor, chased almost out of Louisiana by Banks, could do little toward the rescue of threatened Port Hudson: why not spare Longstreet to needy, beseeching Jo. Johnston, enabling him to overwhelm Grant and then to crush out Banks, restoring the Confederate ascendency on the Mississippi, while simply holding on along the Rappahannock, trusting to the great advantages afforded to the defensive by the rugged topography of that region, and to the terrors inspired by the memories of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville? In fact, Lee's invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania at that juncture was justi
city. And it has not been. The flight of the Rebel forces from all the points reached by our army in its advance was unexpected, and w.as misconstrued. So many passes, wherein a regiment and a battery might temporarily repel a corps, had been precipitately abandoned without a shot, as Kingston and Knoxville were, that it was fondly fancied that the Rebellion had collapsed — at least, in this quarter — that the recent and signal triumphs of the National arms at Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Port Hudson, &c., had taken the heart out of the remaining disunionists; that we had only thenceforth to advance and bloodlessly reclaim all that had been ruthlessly torn away. East Tennessee. It was a great mistake. Buckner was simply withdrawing the Rebel forces from East Tennessee to reenforce Bragg and enable him to overwhelm Rosecrans; and this facility of recovery should have aroused suspicion, and incited the quickest possible transfer of all but a brigade of Burnside's army to Chattanoo
issouri; where his band scattered, seeking and finding concealment with congenial spirits throughout the surrounding region. Perhaps 100 of them were overtaken and killed in the pursuit; but the greater number escaped, and were soon indistinguishable. Col. Woodson, with 600 Missourians, starting Aug. 21. from Pilot Knob, Mo., dashed into Pocahontas, Aug. 24. Ark., where he captured Gen M. Jeff. Thompson and some 50 others; returning unmolested. The surrender of Vicksburg and Port Hudson, with the retreat of Jo. Johnston from Jackson, having left Gen. Grant's army at leisure, Maj.-Gen. F. Steele was sent to Helena, July 31. to fit out and lead an expedition for the capture of little Rock. The force assigned him for this task numbered 6,000 men of all arms, including 500 cavalry, with 22 guns; but Gen. Davidson, with nearly 6,000 more men, mainly mounted, and 18 guns, soon joined him from Missouri; swelling his aggregate to 12,000 men and 40 guns. Steele soon moved ou
urg Dec. 28. respectively from the triumphs of Meade at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Grant in the fall of Vicksburg, July 4. and Banks in the surrender of Port Hudson. July 9. Our intermediate and subordinate reverses at Galveston, Jan. 1, 1863. and at Chancellorsville, May 3-5, 1863. also tended strongly to sicken ton the eve of a great, decisive battle, were received with a painful surprise by many sad, sinking hearts — when Grant was held at bay by Vicksburg and Banks by Port Hudson; while Rosecrans had for half a year stood still in Middle Tennessee. At this hour of national peril and depression, when the early appearance of Lee's victoryt Gettysburg — was now prosecuted under the heavy discouragement of the full tidings of Grant's triumph at Vicksburg; while the first news of Banks's capture of Port Hudson, of Holmes's bloody repulse at Helena, and of Gillmore's initial success on Morris island, now pouring in from day to day, proved a quick succession of wet blan
sieges, especially those of 1864-5. In docility, in unquestioning obedience to superiors, in local knowledge, in capacity to endure fatigue, in ability to brave exposure and resist climatic or miasmatic perils, they were equal if not superior to the average of our White troops; in intelligence and tenacity, they were inferior; and no wise General would have counted a corps of them equal, man for man, ill a great, protracted battle, to a like number of our Whites. Yet there were Black regiments above the average of Whites in merit; and their fighting at Fort Wagner, Port Hudson, Helena, Mobile, and some other points, was noticed by their commanders with well deserved commendation. To exalt them to the disparagement of our White soldiers would be as unwise as unjust; but those Whites who fought most bravely by their side will be the last to detract from the gratitude wherewith the Republic fitly honors all her sons who freely offered their lives for the salvation of their country.
ich Gen. Emory had rallied and posted in a projection of wood, with orders not to fire till the enemy should have passed them. As they staggered under this unexpected salute, a volley from the newly formed line in their front sent them pell-mell back across the fields to their original cover. And now our shattered front, closing in from right and left, was reformed and advanced over most of the ground it had lost; the 1st division of the 19th corps--still glorying in its achievements at Port Hudson and Pleasant Hill — instead of following the 8th corps in the flank movement, as had been intended, was brought back and used to piece out and brace up the center; where desperate fighting, with little advantage to either side, and heavy loss at least to ours, was maintained till 3 P. M. And now a shout from the far right, shut out from view by woods and hills, announced that the turning movement was effected — that our cavalry under Torbert, and Crook with his 8th corps (the Army of
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